Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, February 12, 2022

A Great Storm Will Hit the Church of My Jesus, but Those Who Love the Truth Will Be Victorious

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Pedro Regis in Anguera, Bahia, Brazil


Dear children, take courage! I am your Mother and I will always be with you. Do not be discouraged. I will pray to my Jesus for you.

You are heading for a painful future. A great storm will hit the Church of My Jesus, but those who love the truth will be victorious.

I ask you to keep the flame of your faith burning. Do not allow anything or anyone to keep you away from My Son Jesus. Do not forget: God comes first in everything.

Do not stay away from prayer. When you stay away, you become the target of God's enemy. Change your life. Repent and approach the confessional to receive the Lord's forgiveness. Feed yourself with the Precious Food of the Eucharist. Your victory is in the Eucharist.

If you should fall, do not despair. Give Me your hands and I will lead you to Him who is your only Way, Truth and Life. Go forward in defense of the truth.

This is the message I give you today in the name of the Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing Me to gather you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be in peace.


Source: ➥