Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The storm is about to hit this dastardly Humanity, devoid of common sense!

Message from God the Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


The season is now, I will manifest My glory to the world!

Come, children of Jerusalem, your reward is near, your God of Love will take you on His arms and fill you with Himself.

This winter will pass, the New Spring will come with its new fruits, ...I will take possession of My world with My children, I will green all that Satan has withered: ...lush trees, meadows, ...gushing waters, ...much love and happiness for the Lord's chosen ones who will enter to enjoy the new world prepared to receive those who in their earthly life have walked in obedience to God's Commandments and to the Holy Gospel.

We have come to the passage, the old history will die with all its errors, sin will be erased, the new Humanity will dwell with God and will be divine in Him.

Beloved children, the storm is about to fall on this wicked Humanity, devoid of common sense, inattentive to the calls of its Creator "but" attentive to the Lie that drags them away into the cursed Hell.

The Way, the Truth and the Life is in God, O men, there is no salvation without Him. He is your Creator, your only Good, only fools deny so much grace!

I will show to the world My Power as the One and Only True God, the only Creator and I will take possession of all that belongs to Me. The Holy Altar will return to Me, My children will glorify Me forever.

Peace to you children of My Sacred Heart, peace to you who have been attentive to My sorrow and have consoled Me by giving Me your own life for the salvation of your brethren. You who have fasted from the things of the pagan world and raised a hermitage of prayer, you who have waited with patient love for My return among you, you will be the blessed of your Lord.

Here I am my beloved children, the time has come to be read in all its parts, no man will fail to understand but for many it will be too late! Amen!


Source: ➥