Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Continue to be close to Me, support Me with your Prayer Cenacles in these last times and I assure you, you will not regret it
Message to Valeria Copponi in Rome, Italy

My daughter, do you no longer remember what I asked you the first time I spoke to you?
I want to remind you, my daughter, I need your sufferings, the world is changing and my children would be damned if someone, of good will, did not help me by offering My Son, his sufferings for the salvation of the weaker brothers and sisters who disobey the Word of God.
I am sorry for all that you are suffering, but I beg you, do not abandon me, you are a great help to me, I need you, continue, therefore, on the road you started to travel so many years ago.
I can't assure you that from today your life will change and you won't have to suffer anymore, but I assure you, that in suffering, I will be closer to you and I will support you.
I would need more souls to help me with prayer, but you see too how difficult this is in these times. Continue to be close to Me, support Me with your Prayer Cenacles in these last times and I assure you, you will not regret it.
Today I am praying to you, stay close to me, I am your Mother, how could you live without my love? From today on, pray and fast, offer up your sufferings for the salvation of your loved ones and of all your non-believing brothers.
I love you very much, I will never abandon you, in these last times I will be even closer to you, I will pray to the Almighty to shorten your sufferings. The times will be fulfilled and we will finally enjoy God's love together.
Believe in Me, I will not leave you at the mercy of the devil. I bless you, I will continue to defend you in temptation.
Mary Mother Most Pure.
Source: ➥