Messages from Diverse Sources
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Holy Mary, Mother and Queen of the Cenacle Rosary
Message to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia

This morning while I was praying my morning prayers, our Blessed Mother and our Lord Jesus came, smiling and happy.
Smiling, they said, “You see, today we have come to you since yesterday you could not attend the Cenacle Rosary in the Church. So, we have come to see you and to cheer you up!”
Usually, each Friday, I attend Holy Mass, and afterwards, we pray the Cenacle Rosary in our Church. However, yesterday I could not go anywhere because of the severe wet weather.
Blessed Mother said, “I tell you how happy we are, me and my Son Jesus when you pray the Cenacle Rosary in a group or at home.”
“You have no idea how powerful is the Cenacle Rosary. If only people would understand, they would never run away from it, but they would join the group. My children, help me with your prayers so that I can tie the devil. Right now, he is very aggressive, and he is destroying all parts of the world and humanity. He is causing division in the governments, in families, and is scattering my poor children all over the world. I cry for them. Look at the refugees; nobody really has compassion for them.”
Then the Blessed Mother talked about people in the world not wanting to help the refugees and the poor. She said, “Their hearts are becoming like a rock, no compassion. The poor refugees are dying of hunger and starvation, and nobody wants them. They close the doors to them. How sad it is for my Son Jesus to watch all that.”
“Encourage my children to pray the Holy Rosary so that the victory will come soon to the world. Tell everyone that I am ever so present in the Cenacle Rosary, and I am guiding you. Encourage one another to pray.”
“These are the times that people need to pray very much for victory to come.”
Blessed Mother Mary was radiant with holiness; so much light was emanating from her. She wore a beautiful dress, all in pure white, with a silvery glow. Just below each shoulder attached to her dress was a layer of the same white flowing fabric, narrow in width, falling gently to the ground, and wider at the bottom.
On each of the two layers of fabric, just below her shoulders, I could see two silvery shiny ornaments, like the brightest stars, and they were emanating so much golden light. I watched as the light continued to pour out and move in many directions around our Lady, completely surrounding her. She was all aglow in so much light.
These two ornaments, emanating the golden light, represent graces given. They are graces pouring out to show us how powerful is the Cenacle Rosary.
I kept looking at Blessed Mother, so in awe of her beauty. Around her neck, held by a beautiful chain, I could see a most beautiful ornamental plaque with a silver border. It was quite large, rectangular in shape, like a necklace with a nameplate, and on it were inscribed the words:
‘Holy Mary, Mother and Queen of the Cenacle Rosary, pray for us.’
For a long time, I remained admiring the words on the plaque. Blessed Mother wanted me to see them.
Thank you, Blessed Mother, and pray for us.
Source: ➥