Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Lord Jesus is moving through the World
Message to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia

When I first came into the church, our Lord Jesus said to me, “Offer Me all the souls that are yearning and waiting for help. Offer Me the world. The world needs My help and My Mercy.”
“Do you know that now I pass very often throughout the world; that is why I ask you to pray for the world. People suffer now because they are very much controlled because of the injections; they suffer both mentally and spiritually from all of this. When people ask Me, I come, and I never refuse. Oh, how sad I Am when I see the poor people and the refugees dying. They need help. How it saddens Me to see all of that; it shouldn’t be like that.”
“Do you know that half of the world’s population is now undernourished and hungry, and many are dying of starvation?”
“How selfish are the governments in the world when they turn their backs on all of this, pretending to care, but they do not want to know. There are so many rich people that have too much, and they are very selfish. They are only for themselves; they are greedy. Their hearts are very hard and cold towards the poor people; they have no feelings and no compassion.”
“One day, all of them will come before Me and will give an account for all they did not do. It will be a very harsh judgement. That is why now I pass through the world very often, to give strength to my poor children.”
“Valentina, remember Esther in the Bible and how she pleaded with the King for her people. Esther pleaded from her heart with the King. She pleaded for her people, and she saved her people from not being killed. Since she pleaded so sincerely, so simply, and so beautifully, God could not refuse her plea, and He granted her anything she asked. Now is the same, as history repeats itself.”
“Now I need many Esther’s in the world to plead with Me, to plead sincerely so that their prayers can reach Heaven. When their prayer is so sincere, I cannot refuse it.”
“Most of all, Valentina, the people in the world, they need repentance. That is why, when you go to people, encourage them and speak to them of repentance and conversion, so that they can come closer to Me. “
Today, Lord Jesus was wearing a wine-burgundy coloured tunic, enhanced with beautiful golden embroidery, to remind us that He is King and that we will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King on Sunday. I watched as He came from the Holy Altar and passed very quickly along all the aisles in the church and blessed all the people present, and took away their anxiety and any negativity that was present in the church. Oh, how beautiful is our Lord.
As I was dictating this message to my friend, we were sitting together, when suddenly I saw glowing swirls of golden light coming towards us, to where we were seated. The golden light came and swirled between us, and with it came a most beautiful and rich fragrance.
Suddenly the air around us was overwhelmed with a sweetness; a beautiful floral scent, and a fragrance of incense, like the most exquisite perfume imaginable, made from all the most beautiful flowers in the world. It was so strong and powerful. The heavenly fragrance settled between the two of us and just above the book in which the message was being written. It lasted for quite a long time.
Lord Jesus, we praise You, and we thank You for your Holy Presence.
Source: ➥