Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my beloved Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. It is good to be with You, my Lord and my God. Thank You for Confession yesterday and for Holy Mass this morning. Thank You that (name withheld) was able to be there and for the gradual increase in stamina he is experiencing. I am grateful for the progress, Lord even if it is slow to him. I trust You for his complete healing, Jesus. Thank You that (names withheld) prayed for him after Holy Mass. It was heart warming when (name withheld) offered to pray over him. Thank You for spirit-filled, Godly friends, Lord. (Personal conversation omitted.)
Thank You for the time with my daughter and sister yesterday. Lord I am grateful for the simple things, time spent with family and friends, especially since our freedom was very restricted last year and also because we don’t know how quickly things will change again. Also, we don’t know the day or the hour You may call us home to Heaven. Lord, please heal my friend (name withheld) and her husband (name withheld). Jesus, (names withheld) died as you know. I pray for the repose of his soul and the souls of (name withheld). Jesus, I think his mother died, too so I pray for her soul. I don’t know this for sure, but You know Jesus. Lord, comfort him and his family. Take all of the deceased family members of (name withheld) to Heaven if they are not already there. May (name withheld) be in the presence of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and the angels and saints this day. Lord, I pray also for the deceased members of the (names withheld) families, also Jesus, and for the holy souls in Purgatory. Jesus, there are many prayer requests and I offer each one to You. Heal all who are sick with this engineered virus and be with each person who feels alienated and alone. Comfort them with Your love, Jesus. I know You are close to those who suffer. Help them to know You are near. Lord, You suffered so much during Your passion and death out of love for us. Thank You, Lord for the gift of salvation, won for us by Your victory over sin and death (our sin). Praise and thank You for Your thoughtful and benevolent gifts of the Sacraments You gave to the Church. Glory to You, Lord! The world would not have survived this long except by Your grace. Raise up holy saints in these times, Lord to counteract so much evil. You have said in Your sacred word that where sin exists, grace abounds all the more, so please pour graces upon us, Your little children, to love heroically and to become Your closest followers and friends.
“Thank You, My child for being here with Me today. So many people forget to visit Me, where I await My children with much love, in the tabernacles of the world. Still, I wait patiently for My little, wounded children to visit in order to give them My peace and My love in a special way. My child, I grant you My peace and many graces when you come to Me in My Eucharistic presence. Bring all your cares, burdens and prayers to Me in Adoration and I will direct you and each one of My children. Take advantage of this time, My little Children of Light. Do not presume you will always have the opportunity. My daughter, it would be good for you to come more often, even for brief visits. This will allow Me more time to form you. My daughter, you are wondering about the plans I have for you in the coming weeks and are discerning the opportunities. I remind you that it is your decision now that (name withheld) has given you his approval and encouragement.”
Lord, there are a couple of weekends in a row with spiritual events/activities and I don’t want to overcommit or to be taking in too much. I’m still not completely rested, or back to my full energy. Perhaps I won’t be though. If I knew what You wanted or thought, it would help. You know what is best, Lord.
“My child, think about this and pray. I will guide you. You are already beginning to see what the consequences of overextending yourself do to your health. Reflect on this and you will discern the best direction for you.”
Thank You, Jesus! Lord, please heal all relationships especially with loved ones who have experienced wounds from broken relationships and in people wounded by someone in the Church. Protect our good and holy shepherds and give graces for conversion to any who misuse the gifts of their priestly or religious vocations. Heal Your Church, Lord.
“My child, My child, the Church is undergoing the agony and passion. The Church is the body of Christ, My little lamb, and so she will go the way of Christ, the way of the cross. My child, take heart. Just as I experienced the passion and death, I also experienced the resurrection. My Church will also. The time of suffering will become a time of seeming death to some. In the world, it will appear that My Holy Church has been blown out like a candle, but it will never be dead, My child. It will be hidden. It will be as some would say ‘underground’ but it will be very much alive. The members of My body, the Church will be smaller in number but much holier due to the purification. The hearts of My Children of Light will burn brightly with the flame of a purified love, and in time the Church will grow and grow until the flame becomes a roaring fire that cannot be contained. It will then be by the Power of My Holy Spirit, a blaze that sets the entire world on fire with the Power of My love. This fire will bring about the total renewal of the world, by the Power of My Spirit. My Mother’s Heart will triumph just as She revealed at Fatima and in other times throughout history. My child, rejoice in the great and wonderful plans God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit have in store for My children and all of creation. Endure the present times by becoming people of deep prayer and great faith. Live the Gospel message. Love others as I have loved you. What did I withhold from you, My Children?”
Nothing, My Lord. You gave everything so that we would have life.
“Yes, My child. Do likewise. Do not be concerned for what you do or do not have. If someone presents to you in need, give what you can to alleviate their suffering. Trust in Me to provide all that you need. I am God. I can create something out of nothing. I will provide for you. You have only to trust Me to provide and it will be provided. There are those who do not have this level of faith, yet My little lamb. They will grow into this, but you must demonstrate love and generosity. Give them what they need, My child and do so out of love, cheerfully knowing full well that your Father in Heaven will either replace what you have given or will give you something even better. I am referring to what is needed, versus what you may want. Do you understand, My daughter?”
Yes, Lord, I think so.
“My child, remember that when one of My children shows love to another, it gives them a glimpse of the goodness, the kindness of God. It is very important to show love to others, especially those who are going through difficulties. One can endure much when there is compassion, mercy and love surrounding them. I am counting on you, My children to be love to others, to show mercy, to show love and to be generous with your gifts to those in need. I am not only referring to material needs, My Children of Light, but acts of kindness. Souls benefit from many small acts of kindness and mercy. Do not wait to be asked, My children. Look around you. Who is ill, suffering, lonely in your midst? Who do you know who is grieving from the loss of a family member or friend? There are many people, especially now. Do something, anything for them. Send a card with a word of encouragement, make a meal or a cake for them. Do something, My children. Call them on the telephone. Do an act of mercy, My children. Souls are hurting like never before, and the little ones and My beloved teens are hurting from what is being done to them by evil institutions who want to take their God given identities from them and reduce them to feeling like unimportant, faceless, emotionless robots. This is not My Will for humanity. This is the adversary’s plan to dehumanize My children. Do not go along with this. My people, use the good sense I have given you and do not succumb to fear. Fear is the absence of trust. Use the reason and the intellect which God has given you. This is not the way I want My children to be treated. I want My little ones to be free to grow, to play, to enjoy life; to have hope in the future and to see one another and smile. Do not cover their faces, My poor lost ones. Do you not see what you are doing to them? You are not protecting them or yourselves. You are creating an environment of fear, of mistrust, of anger and one devoid of care and love. Enough, I say. Enough! Use the intelligence and reason that separates you from the animals. It is time for you to see the truth of the current situation. You are being led down a path of death and destruction. Do not go down this path. My children of this world, of this age, there is much evil and corruption all around you. Do not go along with these plans for they are not the plans of God. Resist with confidence and purpose. Do not resort to measures of violence. Be at peace but do not continue to go along My children. Change your course, for you and your children. This is vital for the health of your souls. Pray, My children. Pray the most holy rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Your beautiful, God-given rights come from Heaven. I taught you all about them in Scripture. Read the holy Word, My children. Read salvation history for you have forgotten this. It is your story. It is the story of God’s love for His people. You are part of this story; this love story. Read and remember, My children. Open your hearts to Me. Speak with Me. Ask for My direction and I will help you to make the necessary changes for your families. Pray together with your family. Follow Me, My children and all will be well. Come, let us begin.”
Thank You, Lord for Your words of life and love. Praise You, Jesus for being active in our lives. Thank You for being involved and not just a God who looks down on Your people as a bystander. I love You, Lord. May Your Holy Name be praised forever!
“Thank you, My little one for your visit and for writing My words.”
Thank You for Your boundless love for us, Lord.
“You are welcome. All are welcome to My love. Go now in peace, My little lamb. I bless You in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I will be with you, My child. Go in peace and be love to others.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia!
Source: ➥