Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Message from Jesus

Hello, my Savior and my Lord! It is so good to be here with You. Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion today. Thank You for making it possible for me to go to Confession yesterday. Please bless our good and faithful priests, Lord. Thank You for their vocations. Please send us many more priests and sisters. We need them, Jesus. Lord, praise You for the beautiful conference last weekend. Thank You for the priests who were there and for the beautiful shrine and retreat grounds. What a great grace to be with other faith-filled people and to meet others who want to know more about our Blessed Mother! Lord, Jesus please pour out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Praise You, merciful Lord, loving Father and Holy Spirit. Praises to the Most Holy and Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Lord, You often remind me to bring all burdens and concerns to the foot of Your holy cross. Jesus, I bring many concerns to You today. I leave them here with You to be bound in Your saving work of redemption. I ask You to mend every relationship in my family in need of mercy and forgiveness. Bind every wound and soothe hurt feelings. Pour Your precious blood over my children and grandchildren, our siblings, their children and grandchildren and shower graces for healing and conversion on those who have left the Church. Lord, heal the wounds of those who have felt abandoned, rejected or misunderstood. Jesus, bring all people to the water of Baptism. Send the winds of conversion to sweep across our nation. May the scales of indifference and hatred fall from eyes and hearts, Jesus so that we become once again a nation under God and for God. Heal our land, Lord and begin in individual hearts, in families, in the Church, and in every community. Carry us, Holy Spirit. Blessed Mother, our Mother, Mother of God, Spouse of the Holy Spirit teach me in Your school of love. Show me the best way to love Jesus. Give me Your virtues, Your graces, Your heart and Your Will perfectly united to the Will of God. I love You, Most Holy Mother Mary. Help me to love You more and more. Hide me under Your mantle, Blessed Lady and send me the Flame of Love in Your heart so that I may also be inflamed with the fire of love, the Holy Spirit, the lover of souls. Thank You for Your patience, Your love, Your mercy, Mother of Mercy and for interceding for me on countless occasions in my life. My Mother, my Queen, pray for me.
My Lord and my God, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, trust in You and I adore You. Jesus, bless and convert all who do not believe in You especially those who do not know You or who have run far from Your love because they have been wounded deeply and have not begun to heal. Your mercy is infinite. Have mercy on mankind, Lord and bring all to salvation through Baptism and friendship with You. Save us, Savior of the world for by Your cross and resurrection, You have set us free.
“My child, My child it is good that you are here with Me. Your heart is heavy and you are in need of My peace. I give My peace, daughter. I hear your cries, your pleas for humanity. You long for the day when all will know and love Me. My little lamb, this weekend has been challenging for your family. This is because there is a stirring and a movement of the Holy Spirit. I am beginning another new chapter in your journey and My adversary does all he can to resist. He causes many temptations, confusion and tensions in individual hearts in order to disturb your peace, the peace in your family and to sow seeds of disunity. You must resist him even more by calling upon My name. I speak these words to each one in your family but particularly to you and My son, (name withheld). You are called to a singular purpose, a mission and many souls will look to you for security and peace so you must first have this from Me. If you do not remain anchored in My peace you will not be able to convey this to others. Be steady, My children. Stand on the firm foundation of your faith in Me, your trust in Me. Ask Me for clarity and I will bring the light of truth to every situation. Do not allow others to disturb your peace. Remain firm, loving and consistent, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). There is no need to become angry, for anger does not resolve conflict. Always stop and pray together. Invite Me into the situations, the circumstances of your lives and I will work many miracles. Graces for healing will be given when you ask and when you seek My Will in each and every problem. Yes, I know this sounds simple, My children and yet in the moment when there is much pressure and strain, especially when there is little time to think, this is not easy. I understand this. It is very important to stop and pray in times like this. I will give you peace, wisdom and clarity and you will be filled with My Holy Spirit. In this way, the enemy of peace will be resisted and overcome. Love, mercy and peace will rule the day. This is how you are to live through these difficult times. My children, I am teaching you this because tensions and conflict is rising in families and in hearts. The darkness has covered the earth and the enemies of love roam freely about inflicting pain and wounding hearts. Your ancestors did not contend with so much darkness to the degree that this generation experiences. You must come to Me with every problem and each time conflict presents itself. Do not forget this, My children. I want you to become so accustomed to this practice that you do so quickly and frequently. I want this to become the normal way you approach every problem and difficulty, first in prayer, waiting upon Me to bring clarity and to give you direction. Then, your actions will be holy and will be most efficacious because they will be united to My Will. My Children of Light this is the way to handle difficult situations. Pray first and bring every problem to Me. I will direct you.”
Thank You, Lord for this reminder. I don’t know why I forgot to come to You, Jesus. It seemed like a ‘surprise attack’ and a relentless one at that. Give me Your clarity, Your temperament, Your resolve and above all Your love, Jesus. Blessed Mother, help me to be more like You who loves perfectly.
“My little lamb, continue on the path I have set before you. My Mother will show you. She will teach you. Trust in Her. She was the first disciple and the perfect disciple. She is Queen of all disciples. Her heart is united to My heart. Ask St. Joseph to guide you, also. This is his year (dedicated to him) and he is watching over and protecting My Children of Light. I am pleased that you stopped by his shrine to pray and honor him. You all received graces specific to each need and took these home to your families. This pleased Me and of course displeased My adversary. St. Joseph, terror of demons, causes them to flee, but they also become angry and lash out. Do not be concerned about this, only be aware as one who observes the weather. All will be well, My little one. All will be well. This is simply another storm that will pass over and will serve as a source of preparation for other storms to come. Remain calm and pray together as I have asked. When you do, you become stronger and are more aware of and able to resist the evil minions who prowl throughout the world. They are rampant now, My children, fueled by the many souls who cooperate with evil. You must remain apart from strife and conflict by remaining at peace. You will find peace and strength by following the course of prayer that I have given you. Guard this prayer time, My children. It is the most important part of every morning and evening. This is not just another devotion, My children, but this is part of the armor needed for battle. Pray, frequent the Sacraments (Eucharist and Confession) and be love and mercy to others. Read My Word (Scripture) each morning and evening. All I have instructed you to pray has a purpose, My children. It is like this—each prayer, scripture reading, Rosary and Chaplet are different tools or weapons in your arsenal and you must be steeped in prayer when you rise, during the day and before you go to sleep each night. You see how smooth each day goes when this course is followed and how difficult the days are when it is not. Do not be concerned, My children. I know you are not perfect. I tell you this out of love, for your growth in the spiritual life and for your future mission. This will begin soon, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld), and so reaffirm your commitment to prayer so that I can prepare you.
Be at peace, My children. All will be well. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace. I love you and I am with you.
Amen, Lord. Thank You! I love You!
Source: ➥