Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my dearest Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. All love, adoration, thanksgiving and praises to You, our Lord, God and King. Thank You for the opportunity to receive You in the Most Holy Eucharist at Mass this morning.
(Personal dialogue omitted.)
Lord, so many people are ill at this time, all over the world. Please heal them. Be with all those who have lost loved ones (names withheld), and countless others. Take the souls of the faithful departed (names withheld) through Your mercy into Heaven and grant them eternal rest. I pray for all the souls in Purgatory, Lord that they pass quickly into Heaven. Lord, be with all people who are lonely, hurting, rejected, abused, isolated, suffering, in prison and who are ill. Give them consolation and peace. Lord, You are with the poor and suffering in a very special way. Help them to feel Your presence and fill them with peace and love. Thank You, my Lord and my God Creator of Heaven and Earth. Bless our shepherds with wisdom, mercy, courage and fortitude. Protect them from spiritual and physical harm. Save souls who are living in darkness. Help me to bring the light of Your love where You send me, Jesus. Help me to do Your Will.
“My child, My child I am close to the poor and suffering indeed. I know each one’s sorrow and pain. I am well acquainted with suffering as is My Most Holy Mother Mary. Speak with your Guardian Angels, My children who are suffering. Be open to the consolations they bring you. Remember, I was in the company of angels during My agony and was ministered to by them. Always be aware of the presence of your Guardian Angel who was assigned by God from before you were born. They are with you during your earthly pilgrimage and they are always ready to help when you are in need. Be open to their assistance, My children.”
“My little lamb, it is good that the prayer group has resumed meeting. The city, state and world are in need of much prayer. When you do not meet to pray it is as if you are retreating and the enemy gains the ground you occupied. It is also the same as when Joshua’s arms grew weary and he lowered them. When you pray in a group, you are lifting your arms, hearts and minds in prayer to God and fortifying the walls of the city. My children, as many as can, please gather for prayer. Prayer will resolve every problem. It will open you to many graces and you will grow closer to God. Prayer is like the gentle rainfall needed for your souls. Do not abandon your prayer life. When you are suffering deeply and feel unable to pray; offer your suffering to Me. That is a deep prayer and efficacious one, as well. Suffering accepted well can even be beneficial to souls who have left the faith.”
Thank You, Jesus for so many blessings, so much love and for our families and our friends. Thank You for Your love and Your mercy. Help us to live Your love during these most difficult times. It feels as if there is so much sorrow that our hearts are being pierced and squeezed with pressure. My heart aches with sorrow and yet I am also relieved for my friends to be removed from these trials, Lord. I do have concern for some who may not have been well prepared for their deaths, especially during the times when even our priests were not allowed by hospitals to visit the sick and bury the dead. What a disgrace for the governments of the world who would not allow souls their final consolation and were deprived of the Sacraments. Lord, please help all souls in need of a priest in their suffering, their pain and their last days. Intervene in a miraculous way, dear Lord. Please don’t allow Your children to be deprived of the Sacraments especially before their deaths. Help us, Lord. Deliver us from evil.
“My little one, more prayer is needed to bring My light to the world. Be aware that I am working even when it is not evident or does not appear to be so. Prepare the way of the Lord, My children, plant the seeds and water them with prayer, fasting and love. While the seed is germinating I am at work in souls to give them new life. This work is like a seed germinating. You do not know if the seed will begin to sprout until you see it above the soil. You do not know whether it is taking root until you see the plant maturing. Trust in Me, My children. Do your part and allow Me to do the rest.”
Lord, I am so tired due to not getting enough sleep, the mourning/grieving and working. There is much work to be done around our home that has been neglected, but I am too tired to even think about it. Help me to do Your Will even when I don’t feel like doing anything. Help me to pray as You have asked. I have neglected My prayer time lately, Lord and for this I am very sorry.
“My child, My child you are exhausted with grief, concern for your friends, and because of driving yourself too much. Do things in proper balance, My daughter. When it comes to ministering to others, I will provide you the needed graces so you will not be weighed down but uplifted. Spending more time in prayer is also needed, for you receive the needed grace to accomplish the tasks. My child, I understand what it is to pray when one is exhausted. Still you must pray. Rest and pray, My child and then you will be stronger and have the energy to do the work I give you. Do what you can and allow Me to do the rest. All will be well. You cannot assume responsibility for righting the evil in the world, My child. You can only do your part, the part I give you to do and then after doing your part, be at peace, My child. Be grateful in all circumstances, even the most difficult times, for I am with you. Does hearing and knowing this not give you cause for joy?”
Oh, yes it does, Lord. I do have joy in knowing this. I have peace and comfort. I just can’t always ‘feel’ it Jesus because I am either too tired or too concerned. I realize I am also too busy with so much work that sometimes I focus on all that I am unable to do vs. what I am doing for You. Jesus, I need to surrender the enormous amount of work from My job, to You. It is not humanly possible to do everything expected of Me. Help me, Lord. Either bring some assistance or send Your holy angels to help. Show me what it is I can do and should do, Lord. Help me to prioritize the endless requests and needs. Jesus, I trust in You!
“My little lamb, I will show you the way. I will help you, My child. Be at peace. I know and I understand. I will not abandon you.”
Thank You, Lord.
“My children need to be called again to conversion. Prepare yourselves, My children for now you have been given a temporary period of relaxed controls. This will not last for long. Pray, My little children. Pray to end this reign of tyranny that blankets the world in so much darkness. Evil wants to destroy humanity and much headway has been made recently. This is a grave sin, My child, to force people to do what is against their will and to compromise their health with such poison. You do not even know what is in the injections you willingly take, but one day you will be shocked to know this and it will be cause for much remorse. It will be especially difficult for those who blindly followed the government recommendations and encouraged others to do so as well. The lives of those you influenced for evil are your responsibility when they become ill. You will not be able to ‘wash your hands’ of this, My misguided children. Do not coerce or badger others to take injections developed by such evil means and for evil intentions. You are like lambs led to the slaughter and you are also enlisting others to join in this path to destruction. Stop following people with an evil agenda. Stop encouraging others to do the same. Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially for those who are unaware of the propaganda and who are so easily led astray. Pray, pray, pray My children.”
“I bless you, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace, joy, mercy and love.”
Thank You, Lord!
Source: ➥