Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 11, 2021
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, Adoration Chapel

Hello, my adorable Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Praise You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion. I adore You, my Lord, God and King. Thank You for so many blessings, Lord. May Your holy name be praised by every person on the earth. Blessed be the name of Jesus, true God and true Man. Lord, I pray for Your holy priest sons, especially those who are being persecuted throughout the world. I pray also for all Christians who are persecuted, especially for our Chinese brothers and sisters. For all who are ill, especially for (names withheld) and all who suffer from Alzheimer’s, cancer, renal disease, diabetes and liver problems. Lord, I also pray for those who have either left the Church or are outside of the Church. Please give them graces to desire to return to the Church or to enter into the Faith. Lord, Jesus, I trust in You. Lord I hope in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My daughter, I want My children to continue to pray and to hope. Some have acquiesced for they believe all hope is lost. This is a temptation, My children. You must not fall into this dangerous trap. I am God and I can do all things. Trust in Me. Hope in Me. Do you not realize that the worst possible circumstance can turn around immediately if I but say the word? The evil one is gaining momentum, it is true. What is needed when evil surrounds you? Grace, My children. Where can grace be found? It is found in the Sacraments of the Most Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith. In the Church, My children. This is why I tell you to return to the Sacraments and to access them frequently. It is not enough for only My priest sons to say Holy Mass, and for them to be the only one present. Yes, this is good, but it is not what is best. The reason I tell you this is because the more people who participate in the Holy Mass and worthily receive Me in the Most Holy Eucharist, the more grace is received into the hearts of My people who are operating in the world. When they go into their environments, My grace goes with them and like a perfume My fragrance is spread to souls.”
“Be very holy My children and in this way the world will be transformed. Immerse yourself in prayer and the reading of Holy Scripture, My children for graces will be given as well. My children, pray for your priests. Love your priests. Pray for all religions, My children. These men and women have given their lives to Me and to My Church. If they do not seem to be holy, pray for them and offer sacrifices for them out of love. Be holy examples. Many priests of ages gone by became more holy by the holy examples of their flock. My children it is a time in the world of persecution. My Church is in Her agony just as I experienced My agony in the garden. Do not abandon My Church in Her agony, for to do so is to abandon Me. Do you think that God is unaware of what is occurring? I saw this time before Me during My passion. I saw each soul. My children, I died for everyone, even those who are living evil lives and those who are betraying you and your nation. I died for them, also. I knew that even though I would die to free man from sin and the punishment due for sin, that many would choose hell. This was the cause of My greatest agony, the souls who would be lost due to their choice for evil. I did not turn from the path to Calvary, though. I accepted the Will of My Father in Heaven. Rather than doing what I ‘wanted’ in a moment, I fulfilled God’s perfect Will to save mankind. I drank from the cup of My bitter passion and death and I did so out of love for you. My Mother also united Her Will to the Will of the Father. This is why, dear children, do not abandon the Church in Her agony but embrace whatever God Wills, while continuing on the road, the path to holiness. Pray for your homeland. Pray for your nation and for all souls to convert to God. My children, you must not give in or give up. Pray for graces for heroic faith, hope and love. Have confidence in Me, My children.”
Lord, there is an expression, ‘Work as if everything depended on you. Pray as if everything depended on God.’ This seems appropriate now because as we rely on You, trust in You and pray, pray, pray, You inspire us to act in the right way and in the way that will bear fruit. When we act and follow through on the inspirations of Your Holy Spirit, we demonstrate our faith and reliance on You through our actions. (holy actions)
“Yes, My child it is true. You have said it well!”
“Be a light to others, My Children of Light. Be merciful and kind. Speak the truth which should overflow from your hearts filled with love for God and for your brothers and sisters. Be generous with your love, your time and your material blessings. For as I have blessed you, you are to bless others. Do not be attached to material things, My children. You will have many more treasures in Heaven and you will not be able to bring the material things with you when you pass from your earthly life into the life of Heaven (or hell for that matter). Be generous and be gracious. Live the Gospel. You will win many souls for the Kingdom by your love, your genuine kindness and your mercy. If you fall short in any of these, ask Me to increase your love. Ask Me to teach you to love. Open your hearts to the love, My children. Love will never pass away and this you will bring (with you) to Heaven. My children, the reason there is so much darkness and sin in the world is because there is not enough love. And so, I tell you again and I invite you to be love. Be a reflection of God. Be love. Be mercy. Be peace. Do not be mistaken, even though you have peace, because of the Prince of Peace, there will be times that you may be accused of causing division. Yes, My children, My faithful followers are often accused of being divisive. If you are accused of this, then rejoice for I too was accused of bringing division. But, it is not you who are being divisive. It is Me, the Truth. Souls who reject the Truth, are the root of this division which they claim is the fault of the one who is living the Gospel. This My children is what causes division, a rebellious spirit that does not like the Truth. Remember though that the Truth will set one free. Why then, you may ask would the Truth be the reason for division if it sets souls free? You may already have realized it is because falsehood and lies create division. Disobedience and rebellion against God’s law causes division. If every soul in the world decided for Truth, love and mercy, there would be no division. So, take up your cross and follow Me. It is time to embrace your crosses, My children and to do so with hope in the resurrection. Love one another, My children no matter the external circumstances. When the Son of Man returns in Glory I will be glad to find faith in your hearts and hope in the Lord. Keep faith alive in your hearts, My children and instruct your children and grandchildren in the Faith. Then, you will have no regrets.”
“My little lamb, you are correct in your realization of the events of the day. Do not be afraid, you are prepared for what is to come and what you do not have, I will provide. Be of good cheer. Be at peace. All will be well. You know what to do when the situation changes, My child. I will direct you. I will guide you, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). Be at peace. Do all that remains to prepare. It would be good to establish the other garden you have discussed. Prepare all that you can in your home. There is a little time, but not much. My daughter, you were sensing it is time to move forward. (financial) Continue to pray about this and I will direct you. The time draws near. Be at peace. All will be well. My daughter, I have heard your prayers. Thank you for praying for others. This is what I’d like all My children to do. Be intercessory prayer warriors. Be peace. Be love. Be mercy. My child, I bless you in My Father’s name in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and in My love.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia!
Source: ➥