Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 27, 2021
5th Sunday after Pentecost

Hello, my Lord Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles in the world where Your Eucharistic presence resides. I love You, believe in You, adore You and hope in You. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion and for the many blessings You bestow on our family and friends. Thank You for so much love experienced through others. Thank You for sustaining us through many trials which even though they are nothing compared to the trials You experienced and those of the Apostles and the early Church, they are still many to us. Thank You for Your great love, mercy and the graces You give us. We need You, Lord. Please do not allow anyone to withhold the Sacraments from Your flock again, Lord. Father, You know we cannot live without Jesus, and You did not desire to leave us like orphans, so You sent Your only Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ at the appointed time in history. You could not leave us without the Good Shepherd any longer and so You sent Your Son, our High Priest, Shepherd and King to Your people to pay the price for sin (that we owed) on our behalf. The spotless lamb slain for our redemption.
Father, just as You could no longer allow us to be sheep without a shepherd, please do not allow us to be without the Bread from Heaven, the Sacrifice of Love, our Daily Bread, the Eucharist. I felt my soul dying within me without the Holy Eucharist. You know I am not exaggerating when I say this, Father. The more sensitive ones, the pure of heart, like (name withheld) were very aware of the void experienced without Jesus in the Eucharist. I felt as if darkness clothed me, like a cloak and it was heavy Lord. Please, do not allow a complete shutdown of our churches again, Lord.
Blessed Mother, Your prayers are very effective. Please pray for us. Ask Your Son and the Father in Heaven to intervene in whatever the next ‘wave’ will be. Please also pray for those who have received the Covid 19 injections. They are dangerous, Blessed Mother as You know and many people have been injured and many have died. This may just be the beginning, so please pray for us.
Lord, please open hearts and minds so this madness stops. Many good people are dying. The mandates, at least must end. Please, Lord I know You can make it so, even if evil wills it. I know that Your Will is perfect, goodness, and all love and truth. Remove the film from the eyes of all good people. I pray for all of our children and grandchildren and especially for those outside the Church and for those who have not been baptized. Bring them to the waters of Baptism. (All our family members and friends, as well.) Lord, thank You for our meeting with (name withheld) last evening. Thank You for her vocation. Bless and protect her, Jesus. Bless and protect all priests, bishops and religious.
Lord, I was thinking about Your resurrection and the glorious way You appeared to Your friends. Your wounded body from the scourging was completely healed and only the wounds on Your hands and feet from the nails, and Your side from the lance, and the wounds from the crown of thorns were visible but radiant with pure light. I think this light was within You who is the Light of the World and Your radiance beamed from these open but healed wounds. You were clothed in the splendor of heavenly garments so much finer than any fabric available on earth. You were truly the visible God-Man, our King and Lord of Lords. Jesus, I wish I could have seen Your glorious resurrection, but even though none of us alive now are witness to this incredible event, I believe. Our family and many friends believe. We believe in You and all You have taught and handed down through the Apostles. Father forgive the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and all people who have heard but do not believe. Forgive us all for the times we sin even though we believe. Forgive us, Lord. Forgive, restore us to the family of God and cure the unbelief in those who do not believe. Lord, I pray the prayer of St. Thomas, ‘I believe, Lord help my unbelief.’
“My child, My child, I hear your prayers, your desires and requests. Thank You for pouring your heart out to Me, My daughter. Oh, how I love My dear little children and how I desire that all will accept the redemption I give. It is truly there for everyone who will accept. It is freely given out of love to every creature, every soul. It must be accepted, though My children as all gifts given. If they remain unopened and unused they do not benefit the recipient. You have hard the cliché, love isn’t love until it is given away. I tell you also that love must be received, it must be embraced and accepted freely. Love is given and received or it will not change the heart of the receiver and the giver’s love burns within the heart of the lover when his beloved rejects the love. Open your hearts, My poor, lonely children, to the love. Open your mind to the God who loves you. Open your eyes and stand watch for the bridegroom comes when you least expect. Stand watch with open hearts, alert minds, like a sentinel or a night watchman. My children, so many of you grow weary of waiting. Keep your lanterns full of oil and ready for the dark night that is surely coming and is close at hand. Pray, My children, pray. Many of you have lost the fervor you used to have and some are even becoming complacent. How long must you wait? As long as your Lord decides, My children. Only I know the number of souls to be saved now and the number that will be saved during the Illumination of Conscience. I know each and every single soul, My children. It is not your job to know this or the hour, or when the Time of Great Trials will be in full measure. It is only for My children to pray as I ask and to receive the Sacraments. There are many more children I want to be confirmed before the Illumination, when the multitudes will receive the Holy Spirit, many for the first time. I will withhold nothing from My people and this is why there will be a multitude of conversions.”
“You, My faithful children must be prepared before the Illumination in order to come to the assistance of My holy priest sons who will be inundated with the crowds in need of Baptism and First Holy Communion. So, be prepared My children. Receive the Sacraments and remain in a state of grace. You will be of great assistance to My holy priest sons. There will be many, many needs, My children. You will also be prepared to console those in great sorrow for their sins. Encourage them that I am merciful and they must believe and trust in My mercy. They will be filled with remorse. Be good brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers to them so they will be reassured and more confident in My love. You cannot imagine the depth of sorrow many of My children will feel. Be a balm to their open wounds of remorse and contrition. Do not focus on their stories and give them any reason to feel more guilt. Only listen and love them. Recall the times I rescued you from your sins and from your ignorance of the Gospel. Remember the many kind people and teachers I have sent to teach you, and to be loving examples. Be this mercy and love for them. Do not judge or you may wound fragile hearts. Say, ‘My Jesus forgave a host of sins I committed and He will forgive you also. Rejoice that He is like an ocean of mercy only larger than an ocean. His mercy will take you in and forgive every sin until you are like a newborn baby, as pure and white as snow. If you are afraid, come take His Holy Mother Mary’s hand. She will lead you to Him and He never turns His Blessed Holy Mother Mary away. She is the most beautiful, loving mother. She is the Queen Mother and our Lord never refuses Her. She will lead you to Her Son, Jesus and He will not refuse you, out of His great love for His Mother. You see, there is nothing to do but come to Jesus!’ This is what you are to tell those who are afraid on account of their terrible sins. Truly, I have forgiven even worse sinners, I assure you, My child.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. You are so beautiful, merciful, kind, loving and good. You are perfect love and truth, My Lord, God and King.
Lord, God please end the violence of abortion, euthanasia and all violence against love. Lord, please stop those who are evil, who plot and plan to harm Your innocent ones. Jesus, there are so many collaborators, too numerous for us to know, but You know Jesus and You can heal mankind. Please help us, Lord. It is hard to hear/see thousands of people dying due to their fear and due to peer pressure and vaccine mandates. I know many people die from other reasons, Lord but this is a diabolical plan to rid the earth of humanity and to reduce the population. Oh, Lord I realize this sounds crazy to some, but this has been the evil one’s plan from the beginning. We have only to read history and we know this. In every age, at least that I am aware, there have been devastating wars, oppressors, tyrants and genocide. Now it is on a full scale and the target is everyone who is not in the elite group. Even those people will become targets at some point. No one will be exempt from the destruction of the evil one, except those You protect, Lord. Jesus, in Your mercy, open the eyes of the blind and help them to see what is really occurring Lord so that Your children are prepared in the way You want us to be.
“Yes, My child. Eyes are beginning to open, although they respond slowly. My children are slow to obey and I would like them to respond completely and to remain constant. Pray, My children for all of Heaven stands at the ready to help you. My child, this is all for today. Come visit soon, My child. I would like to visit with you more frequently now. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥