Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Hello, dear Jesus present in the Tabernacle. I praise, adore, honor and give glory to You, my Lord God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion, Lord. (private dialog omitted) Thank You also for the time with (names withheld). Bless and protect our entire family and fill us with Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy. Lord, there is so much discord in the world and society. Please send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth. May Your Will be done on earth as in Heaven, Lord Jesus. Heal all wounds especially those within families. I pray for (names withheld) and the repose of the souls of (names withheld) and all who have died recently, Lord. For those who will die today, draw close to them Lord and grant them graces for a peaceful and merciful death. Comfort and console their loved ones. Thank You, Jesus for loving us, Your people. Help me to love You more and more. Lord, is there anything You wish to say to me?
“My child, there is much to say, but I will only say what can be said in a limited amount of time. My child, My child this was a joyful but difficult weekend. You spent time celebrating but away from your home where you felt you had much to do to prepare. (Name withheld) and you and even (name withheld) sacrificed to be with (name withheld) and you were a light to others for the time you spent talking, listening and serving. My child, the note changed the following day. I am aware of all that occurred. I will heal this situation. Do not be concerned. When time passes it will be understood it is not so important as others think. If the truth was revealed later, it would not have been any easier. The reactions are due to fear. Trust in Me and all will go well. Be gracious and merciful. Pray for healing but be joyful in all things. Be open to your grandchildren always for they are the innocent ones and they deserve your love. My son, (name withheld) is open and honest, but he intends no harm. He is much like My Peter, somewhat impetuous but has a good heart. My (name withheld), you are also loyal and a good friend. Ask St. Joseph to cover any shortcomings you may have and ask him to help you. St. Joseph knows and knew how to keep silent out of respect for others and his strong, loving presence and active listening was a support to the Most Blessed and Holy of all women, My Immaculate Mother Mary. Holy men are the protectors of purity. Speak of holy matters and build up others with your words and otherwise be a silent and calming presence. In this way, your silence will speak volumes. Pray for your family, My son. All will be well. There is no relationship that I cannot heal. Be of good cheer and trust in your Jesus.”
Thank You, Lord. Praise You for Your concern and Your care of our hearts and souls and for every matter that burdens our hearts. Lighten my husband’s burdens and help him to move past this quickly. Bless (names withheld) and all of our children and grandchildren. Lord, help (name withheld) and guide her in her decisions.
(Personal dialogue omitted)
“My child, you are welcome. I will discuss more with you later. We did not have much time today and you must go home now to prepare your meal. I love you. All will be well. Focus more this week on prayer, My children. All is resolved through prayer.”
Amen, Lord! Alleluia!
“I bless you, My children in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and believe that I have the plan, My Will is perfect and My plan is for the salvation of souls. Advance the Kingdom, Children of Light. Live the Gospel. Pray, fast, offer penance, be merciful. Live the Holy Mass, My children. I love you.”
Thank You again, Lord. I love You!
Source: ➥