Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 9, 2021
6th Sunday of Easter, Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Hello my Jesus hidden in the tabernacle in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I adore You my Lord and my God. I praise and thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Lord. It was beautiful to experience the procession and crowning of our Blessed Mother statue. Happy Mother’s Day, Blessed Mother of all and my Mother. Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother in Heaven, also. Thank You, Lord for giving me such a beautiful and loving earthly mother. Please give her my love, Jesus. Lord, please comfort and console (name withheld) and the children after losing their family pet. They are very sad. Lord, please bring all those who are away from the Church, home. I pray for those who are far from You, also that they will come to experience the love of God and experience Your mercy. Jesus, my Redeemer I pray especially for those who are enemies of Your Church. Help them to see the error of their ways and to throw themselves at the foot of Your holy cross. Lord, please grant many graces for courage for all Your children. Please guard, guide and inspire our shepherds to defend the faith and the Holy Gospel. Help the laity to do the same, Lord. It is becoming all too clear the time You spoke about to me is at our doors. Give us the courageous love and zeal for You that we will joyfully lay down our lives for the Faith if called upon to do so. Lord, help us as we work to preserve the faith so that we may pass this on to our grandchildren. Help the Church in China, Lord where it is against the law for children and teens under the age of 18 to go to Mass, Church services, and to assemble to learn about You. Our poor brothers and sisters in China. How alone they must feel. Oh, Lord, You felt alone, also. You felt abandoned by Your Apostles and friends. Lord, comfort the suffering Church in China and all who suffer persecution throughout the world. Let them know they are loved and not forgotten. May our prayers be presented by Our Lady to God the Father for our beloved brothers and sisters. My heart is very heavy for them, Jesus. I can’t begin to imagine how heavy this yoke is for them. Lord, grant them freedom from oppression and tyranny. I pray for this for the entire world as the evils of communism continue to spread everywhere. Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us.
“My child, My child I thank you for your heartfelt concern for your brothers and sisters who suffer persecution. I will help My people and their faith will survive. These beautiful, faithful children of Mine walk My passion with Me. They sit with Me in My hour of need in Gethsemane. Remain faithful, My children to the truth, to the Gospel. Teach your children all that you know and love. My Holy Spirit is with you. Many of you will seemingly die without the Sacraments, but I will send My angels to comfort and to anoint you with healing oil. This is oil from Heaven that will help on your journey through death to life in My heavenly Kingdom. They will not anoint you in the place of priestly anointing, for that is reserved for My holy priest sons. They will anoint you with the oil of gladness and healing to prepare you for Heaven, to heal the many wounds caused by persecution and oppression and to grant you peace so that you will be strong in spirit to forgive those who persecute you. My beautiful suffering children, I see every wound, each sacrifice, every burden and each tear that silently falls on your cheeks. I have not abandoned you. I am with you. We suffer together. One day, the earth will be renewed and you will all worship the One True, Triune God in freedom and in truth. There will be no fear. I will renew you and I will renew the face of the earth. But first the purification will continue. There is much evil and corruption in the world to a much greater degree now than ever before. In areas where there is much persecution, religious oppression and human rights violations, you already know this purification time. Some have known and experienced this for decades. Others have rarely experienced this, but they will. You must know that by not standing up for your brothers and sisters who are oppressed, for those who are vulnerable and for those whom I love even as the world despises them, you will also experience this oppression. It is not My Will children. I Will only that which is good. However, by not standing firm for justice, for mercy, for life, the oppression spreads and will reach every country that has not taken a stand out of righteousness. The wrath of God will not be stopped as it will come by the hands of your enemies, those who battle Holy Mother Church and all of her children. My little ones, again I say to you, this is not My Will. It is your will. You have looked the other way while My innocent ones have been torn from their mothers’ wombs. You have remained silent in the face of My adversary and yours, giving him more fuel and ammunition for evil. There is no longer a time when one can stand idly by or sit on the fence so to speak. That time has long since passed. What you must do now, is to pray, pray, pray. You will see the way forward My children. Through prayer, I will guide you. Bring everything to Me, My children. Surrender every burden, every problem and each decision. Let us examine them together and you will gain clarity and direction. Trust in Me, My children. Trust in Me, all you lands who are persecuted for love of Me. I am with you and you will not face tomorrow alone. I love you, My beautiful lambs! I am your shepherd and I will not abandon My sheep.”
Praise You, Lord! Thank You, Jesus. Help us to remain faithful to You, Lord and to Your plan for our lives. Lord, is there anything else You want to tell me?
“Yes, My child. Remember those who are persecuted. Fast for them and offer prayer to assist them in their trials. They are very strong people because of their love for Me. They are My precious Children of Light. They risk their lives many times a day to follow Me. Pray for their persecutors, too. Pray for their conversion. Pray for them to have mercy on their fellow countrymen. My children, you realize it is the father of lies who is behind all persecution of humanity. Be merciful to those who serve evil and return their evil for good. Love will conquer, My children. I am love and all love is Me. When you pray for their conversion, you are showing mercy. When all who serve evil convert, there will be no more persecution.
Yes, My child, I know many will not convert, but you must pray and fast anyway. When the day comes, the final day of no turning back, those who continue to serve evil, will be crushed and banished into hell. This grieves Me, My child for all are Mine and I do not want to lose even one soul. However, free will is My gift and therefore use your free will wisely. Use it to choose good, to choose God, to choose love, mercy and peace. Pray, My children, pray. I ask for your recommitment to morning and evening prayer. This is the minimum you should pray. Read holy scripture and go to Mass as often as possible. Offer this for those who are unable to go to Holy Mass. Offer your intentions for souls who are oppressed, either by tyrannical regimes, or by evil people who have bound them in the chains of slavery and human trafficking.”
“My children, now many of you are free to live your lives, to go to work, school, and many activities. You have seen some of your liberties abridged. This is just the beginning, My children. You have acquiesced and allowed this to occur, signaling those who want to rule, that you will willingly allow them to further oppress you. This is antithetical to the Gospel. This is antithetical to the teachings of My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. I died to redeem you and to give you the ultimate freedom to follow Me, to serve your brothers and sisters and to pick up your cross and follow Me. My children I did not go along with error. I spoke the truth. I lived the truth and did so in the open with nothing to hide. I did this as an example to you. Follow Me, My children. Do not fear those who can hurt the body, but not the soul. Be not afraid for I am with you. Choose God. Choose life. Choose love. Choose mercy, kindness and peace. When you do this, follow the Gospel, you will inspire others. You will be a witness for Me, for Christ. Do not be afraid. You are never alone, My children.”
“The times in which you are living were known by the Father even before He created the world. Each soul, each life was known to Him before you came into being. He willed your lives into being out of great fatherly and divine love. You were each placed in this moment of history for a reason, a purpose, a plan. When you live Christian lives, following the Gospel of life and love, you fulfill this plan of My Father. Therefore, do not fear, do not second guess My Father’s Will for your lives. He is the Creator of all that was, is and is to come for He is God. No one is like God, My children. Evil people want to emulate certain traits or characteristics of God, but they play at being demons, not God. If they really wanted to imitate God, they would strive for holiness. No, they really are trying to imitate satan, not God. This is the height of evil, My children and you must resist evil with good, with love, with mercy and truth. Pray for the enemies of humanity. Pray for their conversion. Fast for those who are persecuted and for those who war against My Church. In the end, love will triumph. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Have hope, My little children. I know everything. I see everything. I will not leave you without shepherds. You may not have one nearby or see them every week, but I will send shepherds to you, My persecuted bride. Trust in Me. Love and truth will prevail.”
“That is all for now, My child. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My little lamb.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen! Amen! I love You, Jesus.
“And I love you.”
Source: ➥