Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Feast of the Holy Family, 3rd Day of the Octave of Christmas

Hello my Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You, my Lord, God and King. Thank You for enabling us to visit with You today, Lord even though we are speaking to You ‘from behind closed doors’. It is a blessing to be with You, Jesus. Thank You for the open church even in the midst of so many government ‘shut downs’. I am so grateful, Lord for this time. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion today. Happy holy feast day, Lord to You and to Our Lady and St. Joseph. Thank You for the blessing of being with (names withheld) at Mass. It was such a treat being together. I look forward to the day when (name withheld) will be with us, also. Lord, please bless our travels tomorrow. Keep us safe enroute there and home. Protect all who are travelling, Lord.
“My child, I thank you and My son for remaining here with Me. I am still here for you, though you cannot see Me. Many will not come today, My child. Though I am not exposed in the monstrance, still I give many graces to those who adore Me in My Eucharistic presence.”
Thank You, Lord. You are so very generous and merciful!
“My child, I do not want My children dwelling on darkness, but rather focused on the light. However, in this present age there is much, much darkness from sin. Sin corrupts every corner of the earth and nothing and no one is exempt. In the past, one could escape a sinful city seeking refuge in a small town or a rural community. Now, however sin has penetrated all areas and there is nowhere one can go to escape it. Corrupt people, billed with evil intentions have taken over even the farming communities. Nature has been impacted from the land to the oceans and there is much pollution, chemical pollution in the eco system. Animals surviving off nature are consequently impacted as well, and so are people. It is a domino effect, as you say, My little one. What you heard about the abortion industry is true, My little lamb. It is difficult for you to believe that evil people would sell components of My holy pre-born babies, My daughter but it is so. There is even a market for My blessed pre-born little martyrs in the food industry. You are aware of the use of My babies in the manufacturing of vaccines and medicines, so it should not be surprising that they are also being used in cosmetics and food. There are few industries where babies who were victims of abortion are not being used.”
Lord, this is disgusting, disgraceful and horrendous! I would never have believed this if I’d heard this ten years ago.
“You wouldn’t have, My daughter. God the Father’s wrath cannot be restrained much longer, My child. A great purification has begun, a purging. It must be so, to rid the earth of the thickness of this perverse and sinful generation. I am not referring to all peoples in the world, but am referring to those who are steeped in sin and who will not repent even after I reveal Myself to their souls during the Illumination of Conscience. When they refuse My mercy, they will submit themselves to My justice. This is not My desire. I prefer repentance, conversion and a life of beatitude in union with God and the family of God. I stand with open arms awaiting the return of My prodigal children. I send graces for conversion, graces for love and forgiveness. Some hearts are like iron or steel and they do not allow love to penetrate. They reject My love and the love of their brothers and sisters. There is nothing more I can do, My little lamb, with hearts as hard as stone and as cold as ice. My children have free will and they are free to choose Me or My adversary. It is simple, My child.” (Jesus sounds very sad and his heart is heavy.)
My adorable Jesus, they do not know any better. If they only knew how beautiful, how loving, how warm and tender Your heart is, they would love You. It is impossible to know You and not to love You, Jesus. Your presence brings the warmest, brightest sunshine and thaws every cold heart. Your name puts a smile on the face of the saddest person and brings new purpose and meaning to lives. You heal the sick, give sight to the blind and breathe life into souls who are dead to Heaven. Oh, Jesus there are so many people who love You. We simply have not evangelized as we should have, Lord. I have disappointed You and have lacked charity, Lord. If all of the believers evangelized more, these souls would not be lost, Jesus. Forgive them, Lord for what I and others like me have not provided to them. We did not bring them the Good News, Jesus and if we did, we did not do so lovingly. Forgive me Lord for the many times I have been judgmental or have not spoken about You due to thoughtlessness. Lord, forgive me for not making it my highest priority to speak of You. How many times I have kept You for myself and have not shared Your love and Your light with others.
“My child, My child I forgive you. While I agree that My Church could do much more to share the Gospel to a world in darkness, there are still many who do know Me and reject Me. This was true from the beginning, My little one. It was true when I walked the earth and it is so now. In these days, it is even more often that My children know about Me or friends who follow Me, and yet, they do not want to disrupt their lives of comfort, self-centeredness, sin and greed to follow the Savior. They are not willing to rid themselves of sins, and so they continue to choose evil over good, slothfulness over good works, sin over holiness, hatred instead of love, themselves instead of the family of God. My child, My child, I once told you God delays chastisements and the purification so more souls can choose life freely. They will also convert during times of difficulty and sacrifice. There will be more conversions even still with the coming of My Holy Spirit to enlighten souls (Illumination). However, the longer God waits, the closer the time comes to a tipping of the scales of justice. This tipping is fast approaching. At that point in the history of the world, My child there will be no turning back. All will be put in motion then, My child and events will unfold rapidly. This time is upon you, My little lamb. Do not fear. There is nothing to fear for those who love and follow Me. Take refuge in My Mother’s Immaculate Heart. You will be safe from the storm that will be raging all around you. My child, My little one this time must come, or you could not dwell on this earth any longer. It would not be fit for My Children of Light, and so I must purify the world and purge it from evil. Afterwards, souls will enter into the Era of Peace and the Great Renewal of the earth. My people will repopulate the earth with souls that will retain their innocence. A great people of God will dwell in the land I renew and there will be peace and unity. All will worship the One, True, Triune God, the Creator. You will be of One Faith, One Baptism and One Creed. This will be a fitting place for children of the King. I will be present to My people and all will know Me and will praise My holy name. Therefore, do not fear but look forward to the time of renewal. Then you will be My Children of the Renewal. Until then, you must bear My light and My love to others. Be generous. Give to those in need. Share with others and be willing to open even your homes when needed. All will be well, My children. All will be well. Until then, you must pray. Pray more than you have already been praying for many souls are at stake.”
Jesus, I want to pray also for those who are ill and for those who are dying. Please bring them salvation, especially for those who are unprepared for death. Protect them from all temptation, especially at the hour of their death. Jesus, heal those who are suffering from mental illness and depression this time of year. Many souls are very sad, Lord because they have lost loved ones and friends. Help them to know that You are there for them and that You never abandon Your children. Be with My husband and children while I am away, Jesus. Protect them and give them peace. I love You, Lord. Please heal (names withheld). Help them to get well quickly. I pray for all who are ill in my family. You know who they are, Jesus. Help us all to get to Heaven one day where we will be united through the love of God. Help us to withstand the coming Time of Great Trials that I sense is fast upon the world. Give us many needed graces for the work and the mission You have in store for us. Praise You, Lord Jesus. Praise Your holy name!
“My child, My child I am with you always. Continue to pray for your brothers and sisters who do not know and love Me. Help those in need and remember the Holy Family was also in need. They (Mary and Joseph) were in need of food and lodging and there was no one willing to take them in. Allow Me room in your heart so that I may dwell within you. You will make more room in your hearts, My children when you resolve to love others as you love yourselves. My child, it is time for you to go for there is much for you to do today. Thank you for your visit. Thank you for writing My words. I will be with you on your journey and I will protect you and your grandson, My (name withheld). All will be united in My Divine Will. Remain in Me as I remain in you, My child. Be aware of My presence. I love you, My little one.”
And I love You, my Savior., my Jesus, my Lord.
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace to love and serve one another.”
Amen! Alleluia.
Source: ➥