Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Adoration Chapel
Feast of St. Lucy and 3rd Sunday of Advent

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in, hope in and trust in You, my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion today, Lord. Thank You for yesterday’s beautiful Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The Mass and procession was wonderful! I hope our Blessed Mother enjoyed our small attempt to thank Her and show Her our love. Lord, I love being here with You in the silence of this beautiful church. Praise and thank You that we are still able to come to adore You in this way. Thank You, Lord that the churches are still open here. Lord, please heal those who are ill. Help them to get well, and to be closer to You as a result. I pray for all of my family members who are outside of the Church. Help them to desire to know You and to come to know the fullness of the truth. Give them graces for faith, hope and love. Lord, help us to serve You with pure hearts. Help me to love my brothers and sisters more deeply because of my love for You. Jesus, it is difficult to love those who are so radically different in their thinking; especially those who align themselves with people who are plotting evil and injustice. There are many who desire power over Your people and when people who are supposed to be holy, align themselves with the powerful people of the world, it is so very disappointing. Lord, convert all those who are working for evil. Work miracles in their hearts for conversion. Free them from any and all demonic spirits who blind them from the truth. Free those who are walking in darkness from all demonic manifestations. Send these evil spirits to the foot of the cross and bind them, Jesus. Replace the emptiness in the hearts of these people with an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit and with all needed graces. Create in Your people, clean hearts, Oh Lord. Put a steadfast spirit in us. Jesus, give us the gift of perseverance, so we do not grow weary. I already feel weary, Lord but I want to be refined, purified and renewed by the fire of Your love. In You, Lord is hope. In You is strength. In You there is joy and love, light and life, peace and consolation, mercy and truth. Renew my spirit, Lord and give me all that is needed for the journey so that Your light will shine through me and Your love will pass through my heat to others.
“My child, I will give you all that is needed for the mission, the rescue mission when the time comes. The world makes you weary, My little lamb. It makes all of My children weary. Therefore, at times you must withdraw from the world. It is necessary to draw closer to Me in prayer, where I renew your spirit and fill you with peace. Rest in Me, My child. I will calm you and quiet your anxious heart. Give each burden and concern to Me. Allow Me to resolve any conflict or problem occurring in your life. There are many conflicts in the world because there are competing priorities and motives. Pray, My children. Pray for souls who do not know Me and who have not experienced My love. Tell the world about Me, My Children of Light. If you do not do this, I ask you, ‘who will?’. I am counting on you, My little ones. Yes, you are little and this is just what I need. I use those who are small, humble, little. It has always been this way. No matter whether you are wealthy or poor, intelligent or simple, strong physically or weak, full of health and vigor or ill and lacking energy, old or young. I use those who have the hearts of children. I use the simple and pure of heart. So, become like a child. Become simple, humble and pure. Begin by going to Confession and receiving Me in the Eucharist so that we will be united in love and purity of intention.”
“My child, My child you cannot understand why people in leadership positions in the Church have aligned themselves with those who choose evil. Sin after sin after sin blinds one to the truth. Some of My sons have chosen sin and are too prideful to confess their own sins, while at the same time they hear the confessions of My children. They do not think they need the Sacrament of Reconciliation, but I tell you many of them carry heavy burdens of personal sin. They are like the Pharisees in Scripture who were hypocrites. Pray for their souls. Pray for their vision to clear through the bright light of faith and truth. My Church has been defiled due to the worship of pagan idols. It must be purified and consecrated again. Without this purification, the process given to My Church, I will purify it Myself. I did so when I walked the earth and the temple had been defiled. I turned over the money changer’s booths and I eradicated all that defiled. My child, there have always been Judases in My Church. There will continue to be until My second coming. My child, pray for the souls of your shepherds. Have Masses offered for them. Fast for their conversion. You must utilize every form of prayer for them. The hold on some of My priest sons is very tight. Your prayers will help loosen the grip of satan on some of their hearts. You may think they will not listen to you if you try to assist them. I tell you, they may not, but I hear your prayers. No soul is a hopeless case. All of My children are precious to Me. I await the return of even one soul and all of Heaven celebrates. Some souls will return to My embrace, because of your prayers, My children. I tell you this to encourage you and to urge you on. Do not give up on them. I do not give up on any of My children. Follow Me and do as I do. My children, because of this act of paganism not only allowed but endorsed, the Church will endure a more difficult cleansing. Divine justice and love demand it. Be prepared, My children. Do not be surprised by anything you face. Remember, when one suffers for Christ, when one is persecuted, blessed are you. Your reward will be given in Heaven, My children. Do not despair and do not lose hope. I am your hope. Follow Me. All will be well. Together, we will have the victory. My Mother’s army, Her children, will triumph over evil.”
“That is all, My little lamb. Go in My peace. Be love to all and be merciful, My children. Love as your Jesus loves. Oh, how I love you, My children. I am with you. Do not be afraid.”
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace and in joy.”
Thanks be to God. Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥