Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dear Jesus. It is wonderful to be in Your holy presence! I love and adore You my Lord. Thank You for the opportunity to be here, Jesus. I am grateful and do not take this time for granted knowing that any day could bring a decision for another ‘lock down’ due to the COVID scare. Lord, I ask that You heal all who suffer from this virus and from all illnesses. Please comfort the family members who have lost loved ones because of this illness and all other illnesses, accidents, etc. I know it is very serious for many people. It’s just that it doesn’t warrant closing our churches or closing the Adoration chapels. In urgent and critical times, we need greater access to our Adoration chapels and to Holy Mass, not less access. Lord, Jesus heal our land and the hearts of our citizens. There is so much corruption and propaganda. There is much evil. There are also many people who love and follow You and who want to do what is good, just and righteous. Help us, Jesus against the evil enemy who prowls throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Vanquish the tempter, Lord. May Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart triumph soon, Jesus. Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion and for Confession, Lord. What a blessing it is to have access to the Sacraments. I pray the Bishops in the U.S. will stand up for their people (Your people) and keep Your Church open so we can continue to receive You in Holy Communion and worship You. Lord, we need You. We need to go to Mass and to Confession. Jesus, I am depending on You to help us. Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I trust in You!
“My child, My child, it is good that you are here in this place. I appreciate My children visiting Me in Adoration. To adore God is a holy act. I shower graces upon those who seek Me in Adoration and who receive Me in Communion with clean hearts. I long to be united with My Children of Light. My little one, I do not Will My churches be closed. It is My Will that all will come to know and love Me and that many, many will come to believe in My saving power through My Mercy, My love. I do not wish to lose a single soul to the enemy of love. My child, we have had many discussions about free will. Free will is a great gift from God the Father. It is man’s free will that is causing (the exercise of free will for evil purposes) most of the problems in your society. It is the thirst for power, the hunger to oppress others to leverage even more power and remove opposition, the prideful nature in man that is causing and is at the root of evil. It is the love of money and the corruption that results from idolatry that feeds the appetite for evil. My child, My child, I do not interfere with free will even when used for evil purposes. If I did so, it would contradict what I created and the gift I have given to each person. My child, do not feel that this situation is therefore hopeless. I also do not interfere with the free will of those who choose good and who choose to stand against this evil. To do so is in fact Christ-like. I too stood against the evil of My day when I walked the Earth. I spoke out against sin and corruption to the point of giving up My life to save mankind from the death caused by sin. Be like Me and speak out with truth and with the power of love, of My love that compels the righteous souls to speak the truth in love. I am with you, My children. Unite with My most holy and blessed Mother. Unite yourselves to My Holy Will. Then, all that you do and say will be in accordance with My Will and with all in Heaven. My children, remember the saints who intercede for you. Remember the angels. Ask for their prayers and for their intercession. They await your request for assistance.”
“My little lamb, you will see changes in the world. You are seeing them now but more will occur. Do you recall when I told you the world was plunged into darkness, so much that it was worse than in the days of Noah? At first, though you believed Me, it was difficult for you to imagine. Though you knew My words were true, the full scope of evil was unknown to you.”
Yes, I remember, Lord. It was easy to believe You (even if I didn’t know fully) just because of the numbers of tiny babies killed through abortions. I really didn’t know as much as I do now and even this is probably a very minimal view at that!
“Yes, this is so, My child. What you have come to know reveals the surface of what is occurring in the darkness. I am bringing much to light, My child. There are souls who cooperate with Me and who are exposing sinister plans made in darkness. This evil runs deep, My little one, and it is even worse than it seems.”
Lord, even if it was no worse, it is still horrible. The evil ones cooperating in sin and death are unashamed and are even proud of their ‘accomplishments.’ They have no shame, Lord.
“Yes, My child. This is true. This is why you must continue to pray for their conversion. Ask others to pray for this intention as well.”
Lord, I will tell others to storm Heaven for conversion of lost souls and those who do not know the love of God.
“My little lamb, I urge you and all My children to continue to frequent the Sacraments. Unite yourselves to Me in Holy Communion and through Confession where I heal souls. Fortify yourselves with prayer and reading of Scripture. Sow seeds of light and life and water these seeds with kindness and mercy. I work through you, My children. I love you and I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child and forgive your enemies and those who persecute you. Love them and pray for them, My child. All will be well. I am with you.”
Amen, Lord.
Source: ➥