Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Oh my Jesus, hidden in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar I adore You! I love You, Jesus! Lord, thank You for the opportunity to be in Your presence in this place. Thank You for the freedoms we have to attend Mass, to receive the Holy Sacrament and to adore You. Lord, the world seems to be on a dangerous precipice. Many cities are filled with violence and hatred. Where we live things appear to be very calm, Jesus. It’s been eye opening to see just how quickly things can escalate, and yet I’ve felt for several years that things are not as they seem. Lord, I realize in order to have peace, hearts must be transformed by Your grace. Change hearts, Lord and bring about real conversion. May all people know and love You, my Savior, my God. Bring peace to our hearts, Lord. True peace which comes only from You. Lord, please protect the little children, the elderly and all who are vulnerable. Help us, Jesus to do Your Will, to love one another as You have loved us and to love and serve You above all! Heal those who are ill, Lord especially those who are terminally ill. Console them. Comfort them and give rest to the ones who care for them. I pray especially for (name withheld) who has been caring for her mother for years. She does so while working and she is so tired. Lord, I want to help her but she doesn’t feel that others can care for her mother in the way she can. She is also concerned because her mother suffers so and she is unable to display kindness to others due to the great pain she is experiencing. Help them both, Jesus. Be with all people who will die today or tonight, especially those who are unprepared for death. Lord, forgive me of my sins. Help me to grow in holiness. I pray for graces to love heroically, Lord. I have so far do go on the road to holiness. You must pick me up and carry me, Jesus. I am going so slowly and am unable to go at the pace that is needed especially knowing the hour is so late. Please, Lord. I am a weak soul and I do not do all You ask of me and I give in to my inclinations for comfort and self-centeredness. When will I ever be the person you created me to be, Jesus? I don’t know, but I fear it will not happen unless You rescue me from myself. Lord, please give me a more loving heart and every grace needed to do Your Will, Jesus instead of my will. I love You, Lord. I want to love You so much more.
“My child, my child. I forgive you. I love you and I am walking with you. I go at your pace, My little one. If the time called for an abundance of grace to flood your soul in an instance, I would do this. As it is, for now you must continue to walk the path in front of you. Be assured that I am with you. You do not walk this road alone. Continue to advance, even if it is a struggle, My child for there is merit in the struggle. When the times grow even darker and the time of persecution at its height, you will have every grace needed, I assure you. Until then do as I have asked and pray, pray, pray. Ask your Guardian Angel to help you in your spiritual walk. Remember to request the holy ones in Heaven to pray for you, especially your patron Saint Elizabeth and all the saints I have given to you and your family as special intercessors. They will not only pray for you but they are also given My permission to guide you.”
“All of My Children of Light are especially united to Heaven in these days. Pray much and seek the prayers of those who have already gained Heaven. They know what it is to toil on earth and they have overcome. They also know, due to their vantage point in Heaven what is occurring on Earth. They know just how to pray for you, My children but too many souls on earth forget to ask for their prayers. You have free will My children and this means Heaven respects your will. You must ask for prayers and ask for guidance for if you do not want this intercession and guidance, all of Heaven is unable to help you. My Children of Light, it is not that Heaven is incapable, but it is the respect for God’s creation and design. He created people to have free will, because of His deep love and respect for mankind. Every day, ask for assistance from your Guardian Angel and the saints in Heaven. In this way, many graces will be showered upon you. This is especially needed in these times, My little children. Pray much for souls who are far from Me. Pray for their conversion. Pray, My children, pray. The hour is growing late and a time will come when it will be too late for conversion of the hardened heart. Offer sacrifices/penance for the people who do not love God. I desire many souls to come to know and love Me. I desire their conversion so they will return to the family of God and be with Me in My Heavenly Kingdom. I do not want to lose even one soul to the fires of hell. I know many of you, my beloved children, are concerned for family members. Pray the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet for their souls. Offer your Communions for them. Have Masses said for their conversion. Much grace will be showered upon them. It will be of great benefit to their souls especially during the Illumination of Consciences. I hear every prayer and each sigh of your heart for your loved ones. Do not be discouraged, but trust in your Jesus. I am all love. I am all mercy. I am the Savior of the World. Trust in Me, but pray, pray, pray.”
“My little one, you are very weary. You know well the time is short. You know there is much to accomplish to prepare, but My little lamb you must rely more on Me. I will assist you I send angels to assist you. Remember that when you feel overwhelmed it is because you are not relying on Me as much as you ought. You cannot do everything alone, My child. There is too much to do with little time remaining. I will send souls to help you, My little lamb. Trust in Me. All will be well. I will cover any gaps you have, My child and you will have all that is needed for those I send you. I will multiply necessities, also. Be assured of My words, My child. I am your loving Father. I care for all of My children. Do what you can and leave everything else to Me. I will do the heavy lifting.”
(Personal conversation omitted)
If this is Your Holy Will, it will happen by Your grace. It if is not Your Will, You will provide in another way. All belongs to You, Lord. The home and property you have given us, we give back to You to use as You will. Thank You for all the blessings and the love You give us, Jesus. Thank You for the mission entrusted to our family. Help us to prepare for those who will come during the Time of Great Trials so they are as comfortable as possible, as welcomed as we can make them feel, and as loved as humanly possible. Lord, please fill in the gaps for all of our deficiencies. We can’t live one day without Your assistance and Your grace. Thank You for Your love, Lord.
“My daughter, thank you for coming here today to keep Me company. Thank you to My son (name withheld) also. I know you long to be outdoors enjoying these last days of summer weather. It means very much to Me when My children wait with Me. This is the hour of great mercy still, My child but soon it will be the Time of Great Trials, suffering and intense purification. The time you have spent in Adoration and prayer will strengthen you, My children. This time is never wasted. Graces come down from Heaven on the world where My children adore Me in My Eucharistic Kingdom. Be encouraged children. Through the tumultuous times, My Holy Spirit will strengthen you. Continue walking with Me. Continue to seek guidance and assistance from My Most Holy Mother Mary. She never fails to intercede for Her children before the throne of God. She brings your prayers with Her and infuses them with grace before presenting them to God the Father. Give Her your thanks and your love. She is the most loving and pure Mother and I share Her with you because of My love for you and for Her sake. I want to make Her known and loved. She brought Me into the world through her ‘yes’. Imitate Her, My children.”
“My child, I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in the peace and grace of God. Be mercy, be love, be joy, be peace to all a world in darkness. Be the salt and the light, My little children. All will be well. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥