Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, adore, honor, love and praise You, my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Mass is so beautiful, Lord. It is Heaven on earth. Praise You, Lord that we now have access to the Sacraments. I pray that somehow You will make a way for Your people to receive even if another lockdown occurs. Lord, I pray for all who are ill; especially for (names withheld and all who are suffering during this time. Lord, I heard a staggering statistic and I don’t know if it is accurate but the numbers of people suffering from mental illness have dramatically increased and the number of suicides. Lord, I’m sure this is due to the isolation people feel due to the virus. Many people feel there is no hope and the joys they experienced due to going to Church, birthday parties and just being with family and friends has diminished. Lord, You are the source of all joy and love. Lord, You spread love through Your people.
Jesus, help those who are alone, isolated and lonely to experience, now more than ever, Your presence in their lives no matter their circumstances. May all who have not experienced Your love, have an encounter with You. Your heart is so adorable, so merciful and kind, so beautiful. Help all Your children to learn this about You, Jesus. May all come to know, love and follow You, my sweet Savior. Give all of us the graces we need, especially graces for conversion and the graces to love heroically. Lord, I give You my life, my family, my heart and all of the actions I take this day. May everything be done within Your Sacred Heart, Lord. Take me into Your heart, Lord and never let me go. I want to dwell in You, Lord. I give You my will and ask that You please give me Yours. May I always walk in lockstep with You, Jesus. Lord, please bring conversion through repentance to all in our nation. Help us to be the land of people who love and serve You. May we once more be one nation under God. Purify our hearts, Lord. Help us to love one another as You have commanded us to do. Help us to forgive. Jesus, I trust in You!
“My (name withheld) I thank you for your presence here. I give many graces to those who come to adore Me. My child, My Sacred Heart burns for love of My children. My heart is the fire of love burning as in the burning bush Moses saw. My love purifies, it brings all things to light, it burns but does not consume and its flames never are and never will be extinguished. Those who return My love are so changed as to have a new life; a new life in the love. I do not need perfect people. So many children refuse to come to Me, putting it off for ‘someday’ because they feel unworthy. They think, ‘One day, I will decide for God, after I make changes.’ This usually means, after they give up some sinful pattern or some sinful companions. They do not realize this is a very dangerous position because they are choosing a life of sin over God. It is also more difficult to will to change after willfully continuing in sin. You see, My children one must make a choice for God, for Me, right away. Choose Me. Come to Me and say, ‘Lord, I know I sin and am a sinner. Nevertheless, I want to change but cannot do this without your help. Lord, I need Your Divine assistance. Please forgive my sins, even if they are many, and take me as Your child. Renew my heart.’ In this way, I will help you to transform your life. Sometimes it will be an overnight transformation. In most cases, it will be bit by bit. I am gentle. I know what each soul needs and I know everything about them. I know which ones require slow, but steady progress and which souls need immediate and complete transformation. If a soul will be coming to meet Me soon because I know their death is imminent, I will transform them immediately. If a soul would fall into worse sin afterwards and a slower process is needed, I will work very patiently and bring them along the way gently. Every soul is unique and I know what is best for each one. Therefore, do not be concerned or have fears about approaching God, My children. I love each one and I long to have you return to Me. I love you so much that I want you to live forever with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“Do not fear rejection for I never reject My children, no matter how dark their souls have become. The only thing required is a desire to follow Me and a desire to repent, to turn your back on sin and to will to love Me. Even if this desire is not very strong, ask and I will give you this desire. Remember, My little ones who are far from Me, that emotions are not reliable. They frequently change. Be authentic and seek Me and you will find a good, loving and merciful God awaits you with open arms. I am a loving and perfect Father. If you did not have an earthly father or if you did not have a good father, think of all you wish your father was for you. For example, was he harsh and uncaring? I am the opposite, gentle and full of love and concern for you. Was he absent? I am always present with you. This is true even if you are not aware of My presence. Was he abusive? I am respectful, kind and meek. Was he argumentative? I never argue and I am completely just and completely merciful. Whatever the shortcomings of your earthly father, think of what you wish he could be and see that I am all of these good traits and good virtues and I am all love. Come to Me and I will show you what a good Father I am. I will provide every good thing if you decide for Me. Open your hearts to the love. Open your hearts to the light. I will fill you with My love and you will be a new creation. All will be well. Only return to Me while there is time, My wayward children. Otherwise you may lose your soul to the adversary. He makes many promises and tempts the multitudes to follow him and when he has used you for his purposes, he will chew you and spit you out. You will fall into the fiery furnace to burn in hell. Do not wait when something as vital as your soul is at stake. You do not know how much time you will have. Spend it well, My children. Walk with Me into the light of truth. I will show you the way.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your great love and mercy. Lord, many holy priests are being silenced or persecuted from within the Church. Lord, please protect them. Have mercy on us, Lord. We need our good and holy priests who give us the truth of the Gospel. They don’t water things down, but give us clear and concise information that is formative, not just informative. They help us along the spiritual life and they have met such a need when our churches were closed to us. Oh Jesus, we need our good shepherds. Have mercy on us, Lord. Protect them for their sakes and for ours.
“My little lamb, continue to pray for your shepherds. Pray for My holy priest sons. This is the time of the purification. You are clearly able to see just how much sin has entered My Church. The faithful ones can now identify those who are for Me and those who work against Me. My good and faithful priest sons who are courageously proclaiming the Gospel and leading My people, will suffer during this current Age of Disobedience. I know all and I see all. My suffering sons are being drawn ever more closely to My Pure, Sacred Heart. They are being true sons of the Father. They give glory to God when they suffer for Me and My Kingdom. I do not want this for them. The ones who are either choosing evil, or who are being cowards are doing so of their free will. I respect man’s free will, for I created free will out of love for mankind. All will be judged accordingly. The holy priest sons are precious to Me. They are precious to the entire world and the saints in Heaven intercede for them in a special way. Pray for them to remain strong in the Lord, to have courage and to be aware of My presence in their lives. They are closer to Me when they bear this suffering, than ever before. Be ready to defend My priests and to take them into your homes when necessary. Encourage them, love them, pray for them.”
“The trials will grow, My little lamb. They will grow in intensity. Yet, I have assured you that I am with you. I will never abandon you or any of My children. I will not leave you orphaned, even if the churches close their doors again. I will make a way for you and for My children but you will go through hardships. These are brought on by the evil one and because the degree of sin in the world is like never before. I am infinitely merciful. My smallest and most pure children cry out to Heaven begging for love, begging for help, begging for an end to this suffering. I am also infinitely just and My justice will put an end to the atrocious sin of abortion and child trafficking, slavery to sin, murder, and all types of sins against the sanctity of life, marriage and the dignity of the children, all of whom are created by God. My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph and My remnant will be brought safely in the ark of Her heart to the time of peace, unity and the era of My love will reign. Be at peace, My children. Pray, pray, pray. Do penance for your sins and for those who reject God. Avail yourselves of the Sacraments as frequently as possible even if it requires travel to do so. My children, you have experienced what it is like to be deprived of the Sacraments. Do not take this time for granted. Be grateful to the Lord and to My Most Holy Mother for Her intercession. Pray the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet 2-3 times per day. The people far from God need your prayers. Your prayers also console My heart that is so rejected by My lost children.”
“My little lamb, thank you for writing My words today. I realize they were strong words, but I have given you the grace to do this. I will always be with you. I supply exactly what is needed, My child. Go now in peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I love you. Be at peace. All will be well.”
Amen, Lord. I love You!
Source: ➥