Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my sweet adorable Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. I love You, my Lord and my God! Thank You for the many blessings given to us. Thank You for my family and friends. Bless each one, Lord. Jesus, I pray for all who do not know or have not yet experienced the love of God. Help hard hearts to become pliable, Holy Spirit. Rain down the fire of Your love. Help all souls to be open to all You will reveal when the great day of mercy, the Illumination of Consciences comes.
Praise Your Holy Name, Jesus. Thank You for redeeming me. Help me to follow You more faithfully and to be united to Your Divine Will. Forgive me, Lord for the times I have sinned and have been uncharitable to others. Lord, there are many times I make a comment or say something I’m thinking without giving enough information and it sounds critical or sounds as if I am dismissing a compliment because I am still so unrefined. Refine me, Lord in the fire of Your love. Renew my Spirit and open my heart to Your love more and more each day. Give me so much love that I never even utter a word that is absent or lacking in love. Lord, this is impossible for me, but it is very possible for You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. All glory, honor and praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.
“My child, My little one, I am always with You and I draw you even closer to My Sacred Heart when you feel alone and isolated. I know these times are difficult for you and for many, many children of Mine. I am giving you a supply from the heavenly treasure in proportion to exactly what you need each day. Ask Me for these graces. Do not feel that it is self-centered to ask Me for graces. You need them, My child and I shower you with them. You have only to ask. There are many graces available to souls that go unused. Be open to them. Be well disposed to them. I give whatever is needed, My children. You have only to ask. My daughter, I know you are tired. Get more rest in the evening, and also know that you will be acquainted with this fatigue now due to all that is being asked of you. Bring each burden to Me, My little lamb and I will help you carry this load. Offer your weariness for the good of souls. My Children of Light feel weakness in their spirits. Those who are praying faithfully carry the load for those who do not pray. Thank You to all of My children who are praying and offering their prayers for unbelievers for conversion. Continue to pray and also offer sacrifices and acts of penance for those in error. Much prayer and many acts of penance are needed for souls. For what is coming will snatch many souls away from Me. Evil abounds, My little children. My pure ones feel this, deep in their hearts and they are troubled by this. My small, innocent ones, many of My young children do not understand the battle raging (unseen to the worldly) in the air and all around them but they sense it. I tell them now to be courageous to stand firm on Jesus, the Rock. I will prevail and am even prevailing now. My angels and saints pray for all who are in the Church Militant, that is the souls alive at this time who are doing battle for God through their prayers, Sacraments and holy lives. Do not be afraid. Fortify yourselves with the Word of God, that is Holy Scripture. Seek the Sacraments and receive them as often as possible so that your souls and your minds will be united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I come to dwell in each one when you receive Me in Holy Communion. I am with you.”
“Pray for your shepherds. Encourage them. They are also living through an unprecedented time in history and they are trying to be good, obedient holy priest sons. Many of them are unsure what to do because they are being told to do something contrary to what they believe they should. Be respectful of your pastors when they demonstrate holy obedience, even when it goes against what could be done, My children. Be merciful to them. To My holy priest sons I say, you do not have to go against your conscience and to what has been taught traditionally for centuries when it conflicts with your conscience, even when your superior tells you. I give you free will and I expect you to defend the faith and your flock. Even My Bishops are not infallible, My sons so be aware of this. They are when united to the Pope and when teaching regarding faith and morals (as the magisterium) but the decisions they make outside of this are often based on their logic or on information given to them by those who cannot be trusted. My children many times they act out of innocence due to concern for their flocks and to do what is best. I know their hearts. Many of them have pure motives. Not all, but many. Pay for them to be enlightened by My Holy Spirit. Pray for them to withstand the trials. Persecution will refine My Church and My holy priest sons. Prepare your souls, My sons so that you can focus on helping others. Remain at peace and focus on Me, your Savior. Always keep your eyes on Me and not on the storm around you.”
“My little lamb, you are experiencing the calm before the next storm. Enjoy this small reprieve and rest as much as possible, for soon you will have little time for rest. Finalize your preparations, My child and you will be more at ease. Remember that I am with you. There is nothing to fear. I am bringing My children together under cover of My Most Holy Mother Mary’s mantle. Seek refuge in Her Immaculate Heart and that of My Sacred Heart. We will protect you from evil. Use the exorcised blessed salt blessed by the hands of My holy priest sons. Do the same with water they have blessed. Have this in your homes, as well as blessed candles. All these things I have told you before and you know from many of My holy prophets of old and of these times. If you have not prepared your homes with these sacramentals, do so now, My children. I have given you all the information you need and you already know to immerse yourselves in prayer and Sacred Scripture. If you are doing these things, be confident and trust in what I have told you.”
“Protect your family by praying the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. If your family members will not pray with you, pray anyway. Your payers and your holiness will be a great example to them and when I open their hearts and minds to all they need to know, they will turn to you. You will be able to instruct them and prepare them to receive the Sacraments and to be united to My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Be loving and merciful when they approach you. I do not need to tell you how fragile they will feel after their consciences are awakened to the truth knowing what I will reveal to them (and to all). Be kind and merciful, My children and always accept souls who come to you in need. I turn no one away and you are to imitate Me, your Jesus who came into the world to die for your sins and to bridge the great chasm between God and mankind as a result of the fall from grace and the multitude of sins heaped upon the first sin. I am the Pure One. I am the Holy One. I am the Lord, and I turn no one away who approaches Me for forgiveness and love. You must also accept one another and do not judge. When one repents and seeks forgiveness, embrace them, guide them and assist them in getting to a priest who will grant them absolution and if they have not already been baptized, My priest sons will do this as well. Be love. Be mercy. Be My faithful Children of Light who re illuminating this present darkness. The Light of My Holy Spirit will continue to shine in and through you, My children. Give My light to others. All will be well, My children. In the midst of suffering and difficulty remember this; All will be well.”
“My daughter, continue the plans you have made for your home, but do not waste any time in doing so. Ask My help and it will be given. I am with you. I bless you and My son in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, in My love and in the strength of the firm foundation I have laid for you. Be unshakable in your resolve, My children. I will not abandon you. Be a source of strength and encouragement to others. I am with you, even until the end of the age.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise Your Holy Name. Amen and Alleluia. I love You my Adorable Jesus. I love You in the Most Holy Trinity and in the Most Hoy Eucharist. Thank You for this blessed time in Your Eucharistic Presence!
Source: ➥