Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Dearest Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in, adore, honor and praise You my Lord, God and King. I love You, Jesus. Thank You for Confession, Holy Mass and Communion. Praise You for Your Church, Lord. Thank You for all You have done and that You continue to do for us, Your people. Lord, (name withheld) is so very ill. You know everything and know this, Jesus. Lord, I ask that You heal her. Gather her and hold her close to Your Sacred Heart. I love You, my Jesus. Please help her, Lord. Blessed Mother, please pray for her. All you saints and holy angels, please pray for her healing. Lord, there are many intentions in my heart, for my family, my friends, the holy priests in need of You, Lord, those who are gravely ill, so many who are away from the Holy Catholic Church and for those who do not know You or who reject You; give each one the graces they need. Only You know exactly what each soul needs to come to the knowledge and love of God, or to be healed spiritually, emotionally or physically. I love each one, Jesus and I know You love them much more because Your love is perfect and infinite, as is Your mercy. Thank You, love and mercy! Thank You God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit—Three in One. I entrust all to You, my Lord, my God, my Redeemer and my Friend. Lord, You give us the Living Water that always quenches our thirst. Give this living water even to those who have fallen away or do not love You. Reawaken their souls to seek You until they find You, the Water of Life. You, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Give of Yourself, again, Lord so that those who do not believe will believe, those who do not trust will trust and those who do not love will find You, the Love. You, my Adorable Jesus, are the Pearl of great price but so many don’t know that You are directly in front of them. You are not buried, Jesus as the treasure in the field, but are in plain sight. Only those who do not believe have scales over the eyes of their hearts. Remove these scales, Jesus so they will see and believe. Help them, Jesus. Without You there is no hope, but with You is all hope. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My child. Thank you for your yearning for souls. Thank you for your prayers for souls. Because of your prayers and the prayers of many of My faithful ones, souls will be saved. Entrust all to Me, My little one. Entrust all to Me.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus. You, Lord put this yearning in my heart for souls. It is nothing on My own. You are to be praised, because I could not love if it wasn’t Your love put in my heart by You through the prayers of Your Holy Mother Mary. Jesus, please guide every step we take. Lead us by the Light of Your Holy Spirit. Enlighten us, Jesus. I pray for wisdom of Your Holy Spirit, Jesus.
“My child, I am guiding you. You will know which step to take and when. Keep your eyes on Me, My child. Always focus your gaze on Me. Recall the lesson I taught you about the Kingdom? Live as if you were living there now so to love and be love?”
Yes, Jesus. I remember. It is not easy, though.
“My child, it will become easy when you keep your eyes on Me. The time grows short and the upheaval will begin soon. Prepare spiritually and physically, but do not try to predict the time. Only follow Me. I will direct you. My child, My child trust in Me. The suffering you have experienced has served to prepare you. You will be able to help others who will be suffering greatly when they come to you. Be aware, My child of souls who are wounded and in need of much love and forgiveness. You have learned to love even through and especially through pain. Offer this to Me, My little lamb. In each trial identify with your Jesus. I walk with you just as I walk with each and every child. You are Mine and I am yours. Together we will face what comes. Together, we will help others to face what is to come. Are you misjudged? I was misjudged. Are you criticized for loving your enemies? I was criticized and accused of being evil because I loved sinners. Do not be concerned. You are learning to be detached from your accusers, while still loving and forgiving. You are not perfected in this yet. I know. But you are growing closer to Me and that is what matters. Continue to strive to love. Ask My Holy Apostle, John to help you. His love for Me was pure and holy. His love most closely resembled My Holy Mother’s love, though he was imperfect. Ask him for graces to love as he loved. Ask your Mother and Mine for these graces. You are growing in love, My child.”
Lord, if I am (which I believe if You say) My growth is painfully slow.
“My child, the growth that comes through trials feels that way, but in fact this growth is ‘quicker’ than would occur without the trials I allow. The time will come when My grace will be given for exponential growth, but that would not be possible for you without the steps you have made and are already making. This is because I need your ‘yes’, your cooperation in this regard and you are giving your ‘yes’ in spite of some very difficult trials. My child, draw close to My Sacred Heart where you will find peace. I love you. I am not providing direct answers, I realize My (name withheld). Walk in faith and by trusting in Me. Guidance will come when it is needed. Live in the present moment and be as trusting as a little lamb. The image I gave you during Mass, served as a lesson in this. I am the Good Shepherd. I carry you, My daughter. Trust in Me.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You. I trust You, my Jesus, my Shepherd.
“And I love you. Go in My peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My love.”
Amen. Alleluia, Lord!
Source: ➥