Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Adoration Chapel, Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Hello, my dearest Jesus. It is so good to be here with You in this most blessed chapel containing the Blessed Sacrament where You are present Body, Blood, Soul and in Your Divinity. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Jesus. Happy feast day of Your Baptism, Lord. Thank You for adopting us and for making us sons and daughters of the Living God. What a blessing and an honor. Lord, please heal all who are ill and console their caregivers as well. Be with those who will die this day, especially those who are unprepared for their death. Lord, I pray especially for (name omitted) and his Dad who died. Comfort and console him, Lord. Eternal rest grant unto him oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul rest in peace. Lord, thank You for bringing holy friends into my life. Thank You for my family. Lord, lead all souls to You through Your Holy Mother Mary. Bring those who are away from the Church, home. Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My little one. Pay for those who do not know My love and who reject My love. Pray that their minds and hearts be open to the Good News. Pray that they will be detached from worldly desires so they will have room in their hearts for Me.”
“My little lamb, do not feel that you are alone, for I am with you. Sometimes you think you are isolated and this is not true. This is a temptation. Listen to Me. I am with you. Reflect on this especially when you have periods of temptation to doubt and when you are rejected by others. I do not reject you, My child. I Myself was rejected. I know what this is, for I experienced it. The world does not understand you. It is this way for all My children walking the road to holiness. The world did not understand Me nor My disciples. Count yourself in good company, My daughter. You are not isolated, but instead in a family who knows and loves you. My little lamb the time grows shorter. I say this because it is true. It is shorter from a spiritual perspective and also in the metaphysical. The physical world aligns with the spiritual. When the fall of man occurred, the world physically changed. When the flood waters came to drown sin, the physical world changed. When they receded, the world changed. This is why the atmosphere was different for Noah after the flood. The world continues to change as it moans and groans for My Second Coming. After the Purification, it will change dramatically. During the Era of Peace, the world will be renewed and it will be beautiful. This is God’s Will. My child, I remain in control just as I was from all time, for I am the Eternal One. I am all powerful. My plans are proceeding, so do not be concerned. Encourage others to be prepared, but not fearful. All will be well.”
“You may go, My child. We will talk soon. Be at peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go forth in peace. Be mercy, be love, be joy. Give My love to others. Radiate My love and My peace.”
Thank You, Lord. Amen!
Source: ➥