Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my dearest Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I adore You, my Lord and my God. Praise You for Your presence in all Tabernacles and Adoration Chapels in the world. I believe in You, hope in You and love You, my God and my King. Thank You for Confession yesterday, Jesus! I was very glad to see a long line of people for Confession. Praise You, Lord! Thank You for Mass and Holy Communion this morning, Jesus. Lord, thank You for the beautiful as well as some sad meetings with so many people this week. It was good to be with many I hadn’t seen in such a long time. Thank You for the renewing of acquaintances and friendships. Bless all I encountered, Lord. Bless also their families. May the souls of those who died this week rest in Your arms and be brought to their eternal resting place in Your Kingdom. I pray for the souls in Purgatory, Lord that You will expedite their time spent there and grant them quick purgation so they may behold the face of God. I pray for my children who are suffering due to their loss, the separation caused by so much illness and dysfunction, as well as the one they suffer due to the death. They suffer for what was (joy and sorrow) and what was not as well as what could have been. Comfort and console their beautiful hearts that do not hold grudges, but contain much suffering and sadness as well as disappointment. Lord, they need You. Fill all gaps in their souls from the pain, discord and from the times they felt so misunderstood. Forgive me, Lord for not being able to help them more and for the times I could have but did not know what to do. Forgive me for any omissions of charity, Jesus. Lord, I know You love them so very much and my love is only a small portion of how You love. Pour graces into their souls. Graces for compassion, courage, perseverance, fortitude, holiness, heroic love, and for peace. Grant graces for continued conversion until they walk completely in the Light of Your love. I praise You and thank You for the work You do in their souls now and I await in joyful hope the return of those I love who are away from Your Church. Bring them all into the Light of Faith, Lord. Protect our children, grandchildren, relatives, friends and all in the world from darkness and sin. Bring all souls into Your Church, Your Family, Your Kingdom. Heal all wounds, Lord Jesus as only You can do. Many people are hurting, my Jesus. Heal their pain. Grant them love, Lord. All are in need of more love, more Jesus. Allow us, Your Children of Light to be bearers of the Light. Help us to carry You to others, just as our beautiful Mother Mary carried You in Her womb for nine months, and in Her arms, and later only in Her heart. Allow us to carry You into this world of darkness and the shadow of death. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, My child, you have many burdens on your heart. I, too bear these burdens since we walk together and because you give them to Me. So, you see, I understand and I also carry them for you with love and great tenderness. Believe Me when I say this. Thank you, My child for your presence, your love, your mercy to those with whom I arranged for you to meet. You feel you did not say all that you could have, My little lamb, but you do not fully realize, yet that your loving presence, your concern and your attention given to those who felt unnoticed, was all that was needed. Your acknowledgement of even those you did not know or remember showed them dignity. The look in your eyes as they spoke gave them hope as your eyes shined with love. You do not see this in yourself, My little one, but they do; others do and this is what I want you to know, when My children are filled with love for Me, and are united to Me especially via Communion with Me (reception of the Eucharist) I am in you. I fill you with My presence and every encounter becomes an encounter with Christ, with Me. This is why one does not always have to be speaking about Me to be preaching a lesson on love. Being love is in itself a strong sermon and in some ways, it is a much stronger one indeed. You prayed before each event, that I would use you, that I would love through you and that you would be an instrument of My love filling the needs of each person, that only I know. Did you not, My child?”
Yes, Lord. I did pray this and then I went about getting ready and going and promptly forgot these words. Thank You that You did not forget them, Jesus!
“You are welcome, child. I take the prayers of My children very seriously. You gave permission to be used by God and therefore I did so in the hearts of each person. I arrange others to do the same and therefore you experience a giving and a receiving of graces upon encountering other holy souls. There are unendless graces that flow from Heaven to My followers on Earth and out to and from faithful and holy souls. Ask Heaven for these graces, My children. Many do not ask for graces and there are graces in abundance for you especially in these urgent times. Souls are in need of graces and are in dire need for the gifts of faith, hope and love.”
“Look around you, My children who love and follow Me. How many souls are around you in desperate need of the love of God, but who are far from Me. Show them love. Show them mercy. Do not judge their troubled, struggling hearts. Overlook their sins, for these are for My review. Do not judge people for their mistakes. The consequences are difficult enough and provide much cause for misery and suffering, so be a source of love and comfort. Ask Me what you can do for your loved ones, your neighbors and those who perhaps are far from you, but who are in great need, either spiritually, emotionally or physically. What small act of love can you do for them to show them someone cares about them? Ask Me and I will direct you. My people, there is so much need and so little time. When one is in need physically either through illness, financial need, or due to their age (young or elderly), tending to their physical needs is a way to show great love, respect, dignity and above all, love for God. When you show love and mercy to others, you not only give love to them, but also to Me. I fill you with even more love and they learn about the love of God and return your love. So, you see, you are also receiving love from them and from Me, when you give your love away. There is no way to lose, My children. This is also building the Kingdom of God. Do not be concerned if the recipient of your love does not return love. In this case, I will give you even more love and grace for making this sacrifice with no expectations of reciprocal love. There is no limit to My love. Let there be no limits to yours. My children, be like Me, your Jesus who gives and gives not counting the cost. You must become like Me, My children, My friends. Only look to Heaven for help and strength and even a sign of love for Me will bring graces from Heaven. Everything needed will be provided, only pray and ask, My children. Have faith and trust in God who created Heaven and Earth and all living creatures. I will provide for you. Do not fear, but trust.”
Thank You, Lord! Father God, You are the perfect Father. You provide for all our needs. You love us so much that You gave us Your only Son, Jesus Christ to save us from sin and destruction, to save us from evil. Thank You, Father that You care intimately for each person, each child. Thank You for being involved in our lives. I pray for those who are ungrateful, out of ignorance or thoughtless presumption. I pray for those who reject You, Father for in their hearts, in the deep recesses of their hearts they know You who created them out of love and for love. I ask for forgiveness for the times I was careless and did not return praise and thanks to You. You are the giver of all that is good, Lord. I thank You. I praise You. I love You!
“My child, My little child. I love you and I accept your gratitude, little one. These lessons of love I give you and have given over many months and seasons seem simple. There are some who would say they are too simple. I assure you, they are not too simple, or My children would have mastered them centuries ago, and yet few are the people who master My Gospel of love. Children of the Living God remember, you must put these lessons of love, that I have given to you since My Church was founded up through these days, into practice. Begin showing and giving love and mercy now for many souls are in need of what only you can give. I have chosen you all for these days, for this mission of love. These simple lessons of love are not so simple for many of you to enact, for it means giving of yourselves. It means sharing with those in need. It means sacrificing your own comfort for someone else. I ask and I invite you to do this now. You will not think it so easy later when the world is in greater turmoil and you experience the Time of Great Trials. You must be generous with love now, My children, for it will be even more difficult later. It is much more challenging to share with others when your stores are also depleted. Do so now while you have much to share and it will be easier later to share your last bite of food. I am preparing you, My little children. Please do as I ask. It is for the good of souls and for the good of your own soul.”
“My child, I will direct you regarding the previous messages, given before you knew to send to (name withheld). I am aware of My son’s (name withheld) request. I will direct you. Continue to seek My Will in all things.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child. Go in My love and mercy.”
Thank You, Jesus. Amen. Alleluia!
Source: ➥