Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You, believe in You, hope in You and praise You, my Lord, God and King.
It is good to be here with You, Jesus. Thank You for the work You are doing in my loved ones’ lives. Please heal the emotional and spiritual wounds, and the physical illnesses and disabilities. There are so many with family problems, especially in our country. Heal families, Lord. Open hearts to the love, Lord that You have for Your children. Jesus, please give us graces for mercy, peace, joy and love. Jesus, I have some burdens that I bring to You and lay them at the foot of the cross and give them to You in this Most Blessed Sacrament. Help me, Lord. I trust in You and yet I still become stressed at the workload in front of me and the little time available to do it. Help me, Jesus to accomplish all that is needed. I want to please You, Lord. I know if I really trusted, I wouldn’t be so stressed.
“My child, My child. Do not fear. Relax and trust in Me. I will help you. Reach out to others and let them know your needs. All will be well. My child, you are correct about the number of families in need of healing. The number of people affected by broken marriages is a great scourge on the nation. It is difficult for you to fathom the consequences from this that will be far reaching for years and years to come. There are many souls far from God in this age and the result from the failure to spread the Gospel in your nation is the root of countless problems. A revival of Christianity is needed. Your land is now a mission field. The majority of people believe there is a God but they do not know Me. They do not follow My Son, Jesus Christ. Your land and its people are quickly becoming a pagan nation. My children, I am calling you to a greater focus on evangelizing. You must think of yourselves now as missionaries and bring the love and the truth to them. I am the love. I am truth. This is what My people are seeking, love and truth. If souls are not converted you are facing dangerous times. You live in the days prophesied when truth is called falsehood and false doctrines are called truth. Cling fast to the traditions My Son and Holy Spirit established on earth that are contained in the Holy Catholic Apostolic Faith. Learn what My Son’s Church teaches. Guard this truth as the pearl of a great price. Above all, love your fellow man. You must love as I love. Call on the Most Holy Mother of God, Mary for Her assistance. She will lead you and will teach you in Her school of love. She was the perfect disciple on earth. She opened Her heart completely to the love of God and She received My love fully. There was nothing blocking My love in Her for She was pure and without the stain of sin. She walked with Me closely since the moment of Her conception, just as Adam and Eve did before the fall. She lived each day of Her life to please Me, to know Me, to love and serve Me. She did so perfectly. She is your spiritual mother and you would do well to try to model your life after Hers. This will require much grace, but My Son has already obtained every grace needed by mankind through His passion and death. Follow My Son. Do as He told you and with the help of the Blessed Mother, you can obtain a life of holiness, which is a special closeness with the Trinity. I am here for you, My children. I love you and I await your turning to Me. Do not view Me as a rebellious little child views his parents, as strict disciplinarians. The same child, when he learns to behave grows to love his parents. He believes they misunderstood him when he was naughty, but once he grows and learns from his parents how to respect others, he realizes his parents are no longer so strict. The truth is that they do not need to be when the child behaves. The focus is no longer on the child’s bad behavior but on the love of the family. They begin to share good times together and have a peaceful home life. The child begins to think his parents now love him when actually he was loved all along. The changes that took place in the child’s heart allowed him to be open to his parent’s love. In this way, My children, you must open your hearts to the love of the Father. I have not changed. It is you who must change, but when you do, you will know peace; My peace. You will know My love and My mercy. It will be as though your entire life has changed even though perhaps outwardly, nothing seems to have changed, and yet to you everything will be as new. This will be due to My powerful, transforming love. Open your hearts to the love My children. Open your hearts to Me. Give Me your sins, your fears, your burdens, your pain, grief, anxiety. Give it all to Me and ask for My healing. I will envelop you in the great love of God. I will forgive your sins and they will be no more. Take advantage of the Sacraments available to you in My Son’s Church. There is enough grace for every soul and still many more graces available that go ‘unclaimed.’ Ask those who have gone before you, your brothers and sisters in Heaven to pray for you. There is a host of pure souls in Heaven awaiting your request for assistance. Ask for their prayers. Read the Word of God given to you in Sacred Scripture and come to know the One who loves you. Speak with Me. You are not alone.”
Thank You, Father for Your holy words of life and love. Praise You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit!
Jesus speaks, “My child, My little one. Do not worry or be anxious. Call on Me in your time of need and I will help you. I will provide. Be at peace. Be joyful about what is to come, for all will lead to the Time of the Great Renewal, the New Springtime spoken of by My son, your Pope John Paul II. Focus on this time, My little lamb. The time leading up to it is, and will be most difficult, it is true, however I will provide you, your family members and all who follow Me, all the graces necessary to do what is needed. I ask you above all to remain faithful to Me. In this way, I will be at liberty to protect you. You have much to do, it is true and much more than you realize now. This should be of no consequence to you as long as you are following Me. What difference does it make?”
This is true, Lord. I appreciate the reminder. My life and each day I rise to serve You, belongs to You, Lord. So, it doesn’t really matter what I am doing or am called to do as long as I am living for You, that is my joy.
“Yes, My little lamb. Allow Me to carry you. All will be well. Continue to give Me your cares.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
(Personal conversation omitted.)
Jesus, I pray also for the physical and emotional stamina it will require from (name withheld) and me. Help us, Lord. Come to our assistance. We are weak, Lord and in need of You, our Savior to carry us. Help us, Jesus with finding the best location for the special day You are preparing for us. Thank You, Lord. I love You.
“And I love you, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Abide in My peace.”
Thank You, my Jesus. Praise Your holy name!
Source: ➥