Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament I praise, love, adore and worship You, my Lord, God and King. My adorable Jesus, thank You for Mass and Holy Communion this morning. Thank You, that (name withheld) was asked to serve and that he immediately left the pew and followed Father. Lord, thank You for enabling me to go to Confession during the week and Holy Mass on the anniversary of my Mother’s birth into Heaven. Praise You, Lord. I bring to You all intentions in my heart, for my family and friends, for the sick and the dying, for peace in our hearts, in our families, our towns, states, country and in the world. Protect the President, Lord and thank You for allowing us the victories for life, Jesus that have come about because of our leaders, the pro-life movement and our prayers. Help us Lord to become a nation who protects and values lives regardless of who they are and in what stage of the development or dying process. You are the Author of Life, Lord God.
Bless (name withheld), Lord and help him to recover from the attack he had Saturday morning. Please protect him from these episodes, Jesus. Thank You that he seems better today. Restore his health, Lord. Jesus, please heal (name withheld) of the migraines he experiences on an almost daily basis. Help him, Lord. Lead him to You, Jesus. Lord, may all who do not know You, do not love You come to know and love You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Lord, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My daughter. Please write My words, though I understand your reluctance to do so today.”
Lord, I am sorry I was reluctant today. I just wanted to sit with You, pray, and read about You.
“Yes, My little lamb. I know and I understand. There are so many souls in need of My words in this day. Many do not listen to Me. Many more do not pray.”
I am sorry, Lord. I will listen to You, my Jesus. I love You.
“Thank you, My child. I know that at times this is a burden to You. You would rather enjoy My presence than go to the extra work of writing all that I say to you.”
Lord, forgive me. I do not think it is a burden, but sometimes it would be nice just to be with You. Still, I know this is for souls and I have come to understand that You want to speak to Your children, especially those who have not experienced Your love fully or who do not know how to pray.
“Yes, My little lamb. There are many souls who do not really know Me. Even those who pray often do not really know Me as one knows one’s friends. I appreciate and hold dearly the prayers of the many devotions of My Church. The prayers of the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are given directly from the Heart of My Mother (Rosary) and Me (Divine Mercy Chaplet). These are very powerful prayers of love and mercy. All prayers given through My Church are good and effective. Still, I want My children to also speak from their hearts to Me. Converse with Me as they do with their friends. I am an even better confidante as I never betray My friends or divulge a sensitive topic. I respect My children and take to heart what they confide in Me. I am mercy, love and trust, so all My children should know they can trust Me with their burdens and concerns. Speak with Me on your drives to work, school, and as you do errands. Speak with Me while you tend to your daily duties. Speak with Me when you take walks, for I walk with you. I am with you always, My Children of Light. You are never alone. Your Guardian Angel is also with you and is a very good and true friend to you. When you feel lonely, remember you are not alone, and speak to Me. Tell Me of your feelings of loneliness that I may reassure you of My love. Tell Me of your feelings of sadness that I may console you and gift you with My peace. Are you joyful? Share this with Me as well. Have you succeeded in a difficult task or accomplished a milestone in your life or career? Share this with Me. I can assure you I was at work alongside you, My child and I share in your joy. Give Me each day, regardless of whether it seems easy or difficult and I will bless other souls by your offering. Nothing is ever wasted in the family of God, My children; not pain, grief, sadness, loneliness, dejection, tears, joy, love, happiness, or anticipation when offered out of love to Me. I can and will use everything, My little ones because we are one. Unite all to Me and offer your trials for lost souls. You will be amazed in Heaven one day at the many souls who converted because of your love. I will also lighten your burdens as a result of carrying them for Me when you do it in love and for love’s sake. My children, live the Gospel. In order to know how to live the Gospel, you must familiarize yourselves with it. Read My Holy Word. It will renew your heart and mind when read with a well-disposed soul. Journey with Me. All will be well.”
Thank You, Lord.
“My daughter, you are wondering about the recent request to obtain food and supplies.”
Yes, Lord. I am, but I am also growing weary.
“Yes, My child. Many of My children echo these sentiments. My daughter, earthquakes increase in the world. You have noticed the number of earthquakes increasing over the years, have you not?”
Yes, Lord. This is true.
“My daughter, there are countless souls who have done nothing to prepare for the Time of Great Trials. They do not have supplies, food and water for 3 days, let alone 3 years. These children of Mine will be destitute and beholding to their neighbors who also have not prepared. I advise all My children to store food and water in order to help their families and their neighbors who will not be prepared. If My own disciples do not prepare, who will? My children, even your government encourages people to have enough food, water and supplies to last 3 days at a minimum. Would I, who created you out of one, expect to be less caring than your government?”
Of course not, Lord. You are more loving and caring than any government and all good governments put together. Praise You and thank You, Lord!
“My child, there are many people in the streets now, due to their homes being destroyed by earthquakes and floods. Their neighbors, who were more fortunate and did not lose their homes, could have been equipped to welcome those who lost everything, had they been prepared. I suggest My people do the best they can and have additional food and water for those in need. It is doing your Christian duty, My children to feed the hungry, clothe the naked. These corporal works of mercy will hold people together even in the midst of great societal collapse. My children, when you act with love, share what you have and trust in Me, you will see miracles of faith and conversion of souls. Be prepared, My children. Do not be fearful. Only trust in God, but act so that you will be able to care for those in need when the time comes. My child, My child, what My son, (name withheld) told you about the Apostasy is true. You know this and it did not come as a surprise, but you asked for confirmation, My little lamb and it was given to you. You already know what is needed and that I wanted you to know about what is to come.”
Yes, Lord. Sadly, I remember.
“My Children of Light, I remind you to prepare spiritually by drawing close to My Sacred Heart in prayer and by your love. Frequent the Sacraments, Holy Communion and Reconciliation. Read My Word, and live the Gospel (with mercy and love). Do all that you can to help one another. Be aware of those who cross your path and be generous with them, loving and kind. Encourage one another. Be My holy little apostles, My messengers of love. Be at peace and know that I see all that you do, and I know your thoughts and your hearts. Be merciful and charitable in your thoughts, words and actions. Be prepared for I am counting on you to love and to serve all of My children. My (name withheld), My (name withheld), I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and do My Will. I am with you and provide every assistance. Thank you for your love, My friends.”
Oh, Jesus. Thank You for Your love, our Savior, Lord and God. Thank You for Your benevolent friendship, Jesus. I love You!
“And I love you, My little one.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥