Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Feast of Corpus Christi, Adoration Chapel


Dearest Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I love You! It is so good to be here with You today on this wonderful Feast of Corpus Christi. Thank You for the beautiful Mass and for Father’s homily. Thank You for Holy Communion. Lord, I’m very glad that (name withheld) had server training yesterday and that he had the opportunity to serve Mass last evening. Thank You, Lord. Jesus thank You for giving me the chance to learn about (name withheld). What a holy little boy! Praise You Lord for his sweet soul. He is a true inspiration. Jesus, I wonder how many other souls there are like (name withheld) in the world now. You keep them hidden from the world until the perfect time. Please bless them all (whoever they are) abundantly and I hope they pray for all of us who toil on the earth in this valley of tears. Jesus, there is also joy, because of knowing and loving You. Praise You, Jesus. (Personal dialogue omitted) Lord provide them with wisdom and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit as the Flame of Love spreads to more and more souls. Thank You for this great gift, Lord! Please reignite the Flame of Love in each person’s heart who has already received this love and may it be like a forest fire burning in the hearts of all souls through (location omitted).

Jesus, there is so much I am learning lately about the movements You are bringing forth in the Church. I love that there is one font of water, Your Church, from which many tributaries flow bringing the Gospel and the Heart of You, Our Lord and Savior to the world. Praise You, Lord for all You are doing in the world. I pray You will bring Your Light to each corner of the earth that is presently covered in so much darkness.

Lord, God, I lift to You all people in need of prayer especially those who do not know the love of God, or who reject Your love. Bring them to the Light of Faith. Make us Your true disciples, Jesus who take You in our hearts to the unloved, the forgotten and forsaken, the hopeless and helpless. Renew the dignity within them that they surely have by being sons and daughters of God. Lord, help those who are ill in mind, body or in their souls. Heal them and bring them peace. Lord, You know each person in need of healing. Give them every grace needed, Jesus. Help us, who are healthy to have compassion and care for the sick and dying so they never feel alone with their crosses. When they feel they are at the end of their rope, send others to give them additional rope to cling to and fill them with new hope, Jesus. Lord, may no person ever feel alone again because they will come to realize You are always with us.

Jesus, have You anything to say today?

“Yes, My little one. I am pleased you are with Me today, especially knowing the fleeting temptation you had when you were out in the sunshine briefly. Thank you for choosing Me over the nice weather you have been longing for. I know you are grateful for the sunshine.”

Yes, Lord. I am very grateful. We have had so much rain, as You know. Lord, it will come again when You desire it, but I never know how much time I will have to adore You. This is such a golden opportunity to worship You freely and adore You openly. What a great gift. It is more dear to me than every sunny day put together. Thank You, Lord. This time with You is far more valuable than anything else I know.

“You are correct, My child. You are storing up treasure in Heaven with every moment spent in Adoration. My daughter, I am pleased you are beginning to read the book you heard about through (name withheld).”

Lord. I had such a sense and prompting from the Holy Spirit that I needed to learn more about the mission of making disciples. As soon as I began to read the book, I was filled with anticipation and joy. I can’t explain it but it seems like exactly what is needed in parishes in this age.

“Yes, My little lamb. The words you read to My son (name withheld) filled you with awe as you are beginning to open the next door I invite you both to walk through. I am pleased you spoke to My holy priest son (name withheld) about this. Continue reading and I will guide you both in the way I want to use you in this new work. I will make all possible for Father also, so do not have any reservations. I am answering the prayers you have whispered to Me over the years to bring about a renewed zeal for the Faith in your home parish and to bring about devotion to Me in the Eucharist. It will happen, My little lamb but this work must be done to prepare. Thank You for Your ‘yes’ to Me, My daughter. How I love your ‘yesses’.

Thank You for overlooking the times I have reluctantly given my ‘yes’ to You, Jesus. You are the perfect gentleman to overlook my numerous faults. Thank You, sweet Jesus. Lord, I do not know how or what specifically You want us to do with this program/mission. Usually You provide a picture for me, but I will continue to read and learn and wait for things to unfold. I see now that the prayer group was needed to bring this work to us. Jesus, we have not done a good job spreading the message to our parish about the Apostles of the Returning King. We will renew these efforts, Lord. Please help us with this. The world so desperately needs this rescue mission that only Your Church can provide.

“Yes, My child. You recall the image of the St. John Bosco vision, the ship, the Eucharist, My Most Holy Mother Mary and the smaller boats in the water. There was a storm and so many boats were trying to steer toward the larger ship to seek shelter and safety from the rough water caused by the storm. My Church mustn’t wait for the small crafts to make it to the ship, for many souls will be lost due to the raging storm. Their little boats cannot withstand the waves. My child, My Church must go out to the boats and save them. They must rescue these souls adrift in the storm and bring them safely to the ship, the Ark which is My Church. No, do not focus on the many sailors on the ship who lack pure hearts. Focus on the ship that is well made, by Me, as it is sea worthy and can withstand the most challenging storm. Remember, I calmed the storm for My Apostles. I made Heaven and Earth and all the elements. I can calm all storms, so too can I purify the air of the pollution and stench caused from unholy leaders who lead My little ones astray. Do not despair My little ones tossed about in the raging storm. I will send My first responders to bring you safely in the Ark. They will assist you, teach you and care for you until you are strong enough to go out, also and rescue others. This is My plan, My child. You will not tire in this work, but be energized. Call on Me for assistance. My child, My child you were correct in seeing that the lay apostles fit perfectly with the mission of making disciples. All will be even more clear as time progresses. For now, build up your prayer group. Send more invitations to friends and family members to join and share the volumes and booklets with all you meet. It is time, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). It is time. I have been preparing you for this time, My children. I open this door for you and invite you to walk through and bring many others with you.”

Thank You so very much, My Jesus. I love You. I praise You and I want to glorify You with my life. Lord, I was so happy to hear about (event withheld). It gave me much joy! Thank You, Jesus. It brought to mind the ‘communal life call’ I learned about in the (program omitted). You are connecting so many dots for me, Lord. Thank You!

“Yes, My child. I wanted you to see that I have been preparing you for a long time and leading you gently throughout the years. Continue to follow Me and My Will for you. One day, you will see how everything in your life, good and difficult times, brought everything planned for you, to completion. Each path, each course you took led you closer to My call for you. There is much more ahead, My child. Continue to follow Me; continue to look to Me for guidance. I will lead you, My little one. I am with you.”

Thank You, Lord.

“I bless you, My child in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Be My love, My joy and My mercy.”

Amen, Jesus! Alleluia!

Source: ➥