Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You, Jesus! I adore You, believe in You, hope and trust in You. It is good to be with You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Thank You for the gift of family and friends, for health and for every good thing that comes from You. I pray for all those who lost their lives serving in the military especially those who died in war. Lord, please bless the veterans who served and are alive. May they all follow You, Jesus. Grant graces for healing and conversion to them, especially those who suffer from traumatic stress from war. Lord, bless all our priests who have much responsibility on their plates. Jesus, please send more priests to our archdiocese even if we have missionary priests. We are in such need of more priests. I pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and to the religious life. Also, I pray for an increase in marriages. Lord, more people are deciding not to mary or are waiting until they are older to marry. Please heal our culture, Lord that is against life and against all that is good. Send Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth.
(Private dialogue omitted) Help everyone to receive a deeper understanding of the call You have on their lives and a deeper love and relationship with You. Open the hardened of heart and soothe the souls of those who have anxiety and depression. Give graces for conversion for those who do not know or do not love You. Lord, I pray for (name withheld) who is outside of our faith and for (name withheld) who is away from the faith. (Private petition omitted) I love You, Lord and I long for my entire family to know and love You who deserves all our love and praise. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, I give You every concern and every burden to do with as You Will. Jesus, I give You the control to handle all problems and to direct me in Your way. Thank You, Lord for Your love, protection and mercy and for Your unconditional love. Save souls who are lost, Lord. Have mercy on us all, Jesus. We need You. We need Your love. We need Your mercy. Help us all, those who love and follow You to love as You love, to forgive as You forgive, to be merciful as You are merciful. Help us to bring the light of Your love to those who are in darkness. Jesus, use me as an instrument of love to others. I want to be a loyal follower of Yours, Jesus. I can be so if You help me with the fire of Your love. Thank You, Lord!
“My dear child, I love you. I am pleased that you and My son (name withheld) visit with Me in this small chapel. I abide here in My Eucharistic presence for My children. I await them with patience and a longing to be with My children. I am thankful to all who do come visit Me. My child, do not worry about the words that were spoken to you today. I am aware of them and how they hurt you. I was with you, My little lamb. You are forgiving and this is good, child. Try to let it go. They were not meant for harm, even though they were said in haste and without consideration to how offensive they would be. Continue to forgive for that is being like Me. You have much to reflect on; much goodness. Reflect on this, My child, not on words that were said without thought. You were correct to humble yourself. Did I not give you a friend to soften the blow of these words?”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. That helped very much. I am grateful.
“My little lamb, I am working in (name withheld) life. He is being formed into a little man of Christ Jesus. His desire to serve Me in My Church is a gift of the Father. Encourage this in him. Support him as you do. I am pleased with the support he receives from My son (name withheld), My (name withheld) and you, so do not be concerned. All is going as planned. Teach him about the importance of My presence in the Eucharist. I am very pleased that he ended up being able to receive Me in the Eucharist today. Tell him that this gave Me joy in our meeting. He served Me well today when he ensured that others could receive Me, even though he thought he would not. He learned a beautiful lesson today even if he does not fully grasp this yet. Thank You for ensuring that he could receive Me.”
Jesus, I was just thinking about how much concern I had about him missing Holy Communion. I can’t imagine how concerning it will be one day if and when we cannot receive You every week. Lord, it must be horrible for those living in countries where religious liberty is infringed upon, where people cannot exercise their right to worship God freely. What a suffering, Lord.
“Yes, My daughter. This is very difficult. My children in the west do not fully appreciate all they have been given. This is often the case when people have too much. It is taken for granted. They are too far removed from the times when their ancestors had to work and toil each day just to live and freedom was paid for with the blood, sweat and tears of the men, women and children who fought for it. My little lamb, I say children, because many soldiers who fought for liberty, either on their own soil or in nations who needed help, were young people barely of age. Some were 14 or 16 years old. In the history of the world there are many boys who are even younger (even today) who are forced into military service. It is very difficult in countries where human rights are not respected as having been given to My children by My Father. These countries’ leaders play at being God. They do not have any respect for human life or for the Creator of life. They despise what is good and holy. They put themselves in the seat of justice having no mercy, no love, only intolerance and hatred. They are enemies of life. While this is evil and is not acceptable, it is equally evil to have been a favored child of God, to have been given every blessing, by the sacrifice of your forefathers and the blessings of the Lord, and then to turn on God. The many sins of those who have enjoyed God’s favor, but then turned their backs on God is much worse, My child. Do you understand, My little one?”
Yes, Lord. I think so. Your children, those who have known and followed You should know better. Those who have never known You and perhaps live in a communist or atheistic society would not be held to the same standards as those who have access to knowledge of You, have heard about You, have been blessed with many gifts from God, but choose to ignore You and live in sin.
“Yes, My child and I will take it a step further to explain the truth of the current conditions. Not only did people know about Me, many were followers, friends of the Lord who have betrayed Me. Countries which have been blessed spiritually, economically and physically with land to cultivate, climates that bear all sorts of fruits and vegetables of many different kinds, natural resources beyond description, freedom, respect for human rights, opportunity, etc., who then turn from following God to declaring themselves not only equal to God but higher than God are like many Judases. Judas was in My inner circle of friends. He was given every grace and blessing needed to become holy. He was given many gifts, such as intelligence, education, the ability to speak eloquently. He was given good physical traits also. He had everything he needed to be a holy Apostle, but he lacked true humility. He lacked the desire for virtue and holiness. He wanted to be powerful and respected by those in authority at the time. (Those of the temple.) This is true today. Many want power, prestige and respect from those in authority. They would do anything to be among what the world considers to be the elite. They scorn what is good, what is true, what is beautiful and exchange even their own salvation to be accepted by those who are evil, who lust for power and consider wealth their God. These people are many, My child. Evil has been in the world since the fall of the first parents, Adam and Eve. It was no different in My days, the time when I became man and inserted Myself into human history. The root cause is the same; pride and self-love. This self-love is distorted. It is disordered. It is fueled by pride and lust for power. Although the sins are the same type, as those present in historical Jerusalem, the magnitude and severity is much more sinister.
Countless lives are taken through the murderous, sadistic abortion industry, the viewpoint that marriage is no longer sacred and between one man and one woman is a direct assault from the adversary against the people of God. My children, I established marriage as a Sacrament and families as the domestic church. Are you surprised the evil one world attack marriage? He cannot attack Me directly, as he does not have the power, so he attacks My children and the institutions I established (the Church, the family) to carry out My mission and the life of the Church. Do you not see the trap satan has set that you walked right into? You do not even realize you are trapped because while you are ensnared the evil one makes you feel comfortable. All the while your lives and your very souls are at stake. When there is an enemy prowling around your house, you are either aware of this and taking steps to prevent your house from being entered, or you are unaware and the enemy gains entrance. Either way, once the enemy has gained entrance, you protect your family and yourself. In some cases, you are able to call the police, or sound an alarm. It is unheard of, though for an enemy, thief, burglar, to enter one’s home and to be offered a meal while he helps himself to your china, silver, money and precious goods. If one did this, they would be diagnosed as either crazy or in collusion with the enemy. This is exactly what is occurring in your culture. You have aided and abetted the enemy who is on a campaign to destroy lives, souls, the Church and your families.
Awaken, My children before it is too late. Drive evil from your schools, families and work place. Do not stand for evil; Stand for love, mercy and truth. Work for My Kingdom. Unite with your brothers and sisters in the Faith. Do not argue among yourselves, for this takes your focus off that which is important. The wolves are at the sheep gate and you stand there arguing about who should close it, what color it is and how you wish the gate was different. Be on guard, My children. Pay attention to the signs of the time. Build up the Kingdom of God now while you are being given this time. Focus your energies and your resources on living the Gospel and loving God and your neighbor. Be a light to those in darkness who are living in the shadow of death. I have called you to be disciples of the living God. You are My children. Stop focusing on the things of this world and focus on the pearl of a great price, My Kingdom. I call you once again to awaken from your slumber, your preoccupations and focus on that which is important, living Godly, holy lives, raising saintly children who know how to love and serve and being merciful to those in need of mercy. Follow Me, My children. You must follow by walking, not by sitting still or falling back. Make advancements in the spiritual life. Read the lives of the saints and Holy Scripture and pray to understand your mission in the world. Each child of Mine has a mission, a call, a vocation. Seek My direction and I will guide you. I love you and I am with you.”
Thank You, Jesus! Praise You, Lord.
“My little one, I give you My peace. I am with you and I will be with you throughout the week. All will be well. Bring every obstacle to Me and I will show you a way out or over each obstacle. Be at peace. Have joy. I work beside and through you. I bless you, My little lamb, in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My love.”
Thank You, Jesus! Lord, I give You all who are suffering, all who are ill and those who will die tonight. Heal them if it is Your Will. Comfort and console the brokenhearted. Thank You, Jesus! Praise You, Jesus! I love You, my Lord and my God.
“And I love you, My child.”
Source: ➥