Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. All praise, honor and glory to You, Lord Jesus Christ. It is wonderful to be with You in this chapel, Jesus. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning. Thank You for this day, Jesus.
Happy Mother’s Day, Blessed Mother, my Queen and my Mother. Thank You for Your love and guidance. Thank You for Your intercession. Thank You for being the perfect model of motherly love. I love You, dearest Mother of My Lord. Jesus, thank You for sharing Your Mother with us and for allowing us to be part of Your family and therefore to be Your Holy Mother Mary’s children.
Lord, thank You for the work of love and healing that You are doing in my loved one. I am grateful and so very happy. Jesus, I trust in You, I hope in You, I believe in You. Praise You, Lord for Your love and mercy. Thank You for my family and friends. Thank You for listening to me, Lord. Please help our priests, Jesus. Send us more vocations, please Lord, especially vocations for the priesthood and for marriage. So many young people decide they don’t need marriage, Jesus but we need marriage for all the beauty this vocation brings in working to bring about Your Kingdom. We need more holy priests and religious too. Lord, our world is in need of You; in need of hope, faith and love. I pray for these virtues to be poured out on Your people, Lord. May our faith and hope increase to high degrees so that we bring forth more and more the fruits of love.
Lord, You have said we are to bring our burdens, our concerns and our joys to You. Lord, I bring the things that weigh heavily on my heart to You. I lay them at the foot of Your altar and give them to You. Jesus, You take care of each one and do Your Holy Will. Thank You, Jesus. Lord, do You have anything to say to me today?”
“Yes, My child. I know you have many worries. Give them all to Me. Only I can resolve them. My daughter, do what you can to assist with the upcoming meeting. Do your best and allow Me to carry the heavy load.”
Thank You, Lord. There are so many lately. My (relationship withheld) is suffering. Please help her to heal. Help all who have cancer and are suffering loss in their lives; for those who have Alzheimer’s or dementia, renal disease, colon or lung diseases, as well as all emotional and mental problems. Help those with broken hearts, Lord. Give them consolations, Jesus and bring them close to Your Sacred Heart. You are the only One who can heal the broken hearted, Lord. Renew their hope, Jesus and grant them peace.
“My little lamb, you are learning that people with deep wounds need much love and patience. They usually need much time to heal and the healing is very slow, almost undetectable at times. It requires much patience, understanding and love. Some wounds are so deep that even I did not heal them all at once but allowed the soul time to begin the process and move slowly towards Me. The deeply wounded must heal from the inside where no one but God sees. Just as a deep wound must heal slowly from the deepest part of the wound to be healed and to be completely healed, so too must the deep wounds in souls heal. My child, you recall having patients with deep physical wounds, do you not?”
Yes, Lord. I do. They were so severe I think they will stay in my memory forever.
“My child, tell Me about the principle of healing these deep wounds and what the doctor’s instructed for treatment.”
Yes, Lord. I recall one patient with a surgical wound, rather an incision that had become infected. It was a very large wound and the infection was treated with antibiotics (IV) but it still wouldn’t heal. It had to be opened, debrided and flushed with an antibiotic solution in addition to the IV antibiotics. I had to saturate gauze and place it deep in the open wound. This was repeated until the entire wound was filled with the packing. Then it was left (nothing to ‘close’ the opening) with another piece of large dressing covering the damp packing. I recall with this patient, we couldn’t tape the dressing because the skin around it was so red and irritated, probably from the previous treatments she had to this area. I’m sure it had been taped repeatedly.
“Yes, My child. This wound needed to heal from the inside. If the skin came together and healed superficially, what would have happened?”
The interior would form a pocket, Lord and because of the darkness and the flesh that was not healthy and also the poor immune system of the patient, the infection would return and fill in. Even if no infection returned, the open cavity would fill with fluid and cause pain and pressure and keep the wound from healing.
“Yes, My child. Even closing an incision weeks later can look as if it is healed on the outside, but doesn’t mean there is healing at the source of the wound.”
That is true, Lord. I remember how glad I was after several days when less packing was required because the wound wasn’t as deep. It was healing inside. Even the tissue looked pink and like new. It took such a long time for complete healing. I still remember this. Now people are not in the hospital as long, but back then patients stayed longer and I was able to see the process and learn how effective the treatment was.
“Yes, My child. I willed this experience for you. I knew it would be a lesson you would remember. My child, healing for souls is like this. Just as the treatment you applied was ordered and scheduled to be done, it needed to be administered consistently. What would happen if one treatment was missed? Two treatments? Or, if each step wasn’t followed as ordered by the doctor?”
Healing would have been delayed or worse yet, the wound would have become worse. The progress made, reversed and instead of taking 3 steps forward, the patient would feel as if they had taken 2 or 3 steps backwards.
“Yes, My little lamb. This is precisely why much patience and love must be given, however it must be given to the wounded on a consistent basis. Those with deep emotional wounds must be treated with love, mercy, patience and tenderness. To become impatient and annoyed with them causes their wounds to become deeper and stops the healing process. Their wounds can even grow deeper than before if in their vulnerable state they submitted themselves to be loved and trusted themselves to the care of others only to be judged and mistreated when healing wasn’t as quick as others expected. These souls need much patience, forgiveness, mercy and they need hope. Pray for souls who are wounded. Only God knows how deep their wounds are and only I know how long healing will take. Souls must struggle much and participate in their healing and they need unconditional love. Once healed, these souls can become very pure and beautiful. Many rise to higher heights than other souls who have suffered as much. Be merciful, My Children of Light and do not judge others for you do not know the depths of their wounds. These souls have many fears and at times they will be angry. Love them and be patient with them. Suffering souls often have fears that were created as a consequence of another’s sins against them. They must learn to trust again and fear keeps them either at a standstill or causes them to retreat from the ones who can help them. Pray that they will overcome their fears.”
“My children, you who fear, you have good reason for this. Perhaps you were disappointed by someone you trusted. Perhaps you were mistreated or even abused. My children, it is understandable that you have fears and are lacking in trust. I tell you, trust in Me, do not trust in those who lead you into sin. Trust in Me, your Jesus. I am your Shepherd. I will care for you. I am tender and kind. I am loving. I will lead you to My children who will also love you. My children will not judge you. If you have found people judging you, they are not My Children of Light. Consider that they are severely wounded, also. I will bring people into your life that can be trusted, but you must take the first step by opening your heart to Me. Allow Me to begin your healing. Allow My Holy Spirit, who loves you with My love, to heal your innermost wounds. Bring all to Me, My little wounded ones, and allow Jesus who is mercy and love to heal and console you. Come to Me. I am here for you. I will show you that I, your Jesus, can be trusted. I will help you slowly but surely to learn to trust again. Then, you will learn to forgive all who have hurt you. You must forgive so that your healing can progress. If you do not forgive, it is like closing a wound superficially that is filled with infection. The wound will never heal when it is filled with poison. You must release this poison called unforgiveness, resentment and hatred, by forgiving those who caused these wounds. Once you begin to forgive, true healing will begin. I assure you this is so. Come to Me and let us begin, My little wounded ones whom I love very deeply. I love you. I died for you. Believe Me when I say I love you and if you do not believe, at least give Me the opportunity to demonstrate My love to you personally. Speak to Me in the quiet of your heart. Speak to Me even if you have no quiet, no peace. I will hear you regardless for I am God and I speak the language of the soul. I created you with a soul, My dear one. I love you. Come to Me and I will give you rest. I will heal your wounds. I whisper words of love and encouragement to you. Listen to Me. Open your heart to Me and if you are afraid, ask My Mother Mary to help you. She is a good Mother. She will never reject someone who approaches Her in need of Me. She will take you in Her arms and comfort you. She will give you enough courage to come to Her Son, your Jesus. If you do not have this courage, She will bring you to Me Herself. She will not abandon you in your need if you approach Her. This is done in prayer, My children. If you do not know how to pray, no matter. Simply speak to Me and I will hear you. Speak, even in the quiet of your heart where no words are needed, only thoughts and I will come to You. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Thank You, Lord for Your love for souls. You are so loving and kind, my Adorable Jesus. I want to give all to You, Lord. Everything I am and all that I have comes from You, my Lord and Savior. I give it back to You to do with as You will.
“My little lamb, one day you will have souls in your care who are deeply wounded. I want you and My son (name withheld) to understand this emotional healing process. You are learning from those around you who are dealing with such wounds; even in your family. You see how vulnerable these children of Mine are. You must pray for guidance and learn from those around you. Remember this when I send others to you, children who won’t understand what has happened to them or why. I will ask you to sacrifice much to give them love and a place they can call their own home since they will be orphaned. You are to love them as I love them. I am preparing you now. Do not say, ‘their lives are too sad and I can’t tolerate this sadness.’ Think about what they have gone through. How can anyone tolerate such sadness, such atrocities? I will tell you, only by the grace of God. But, you must love with such depth that you want to know what they have experienced. You will want to know because you will love them deeply. Just as you meditate on My passion and death and on My Holy Mother’s sorrows, you must be open and willing to listen to their stories of pain, their trials and their wounds. This is the only way to understand and to share in their pain. This is necessary to walk with them on their journey to healing and it is something you will do over and over again until they trust you, love you and begin to see themselves as loveable. Your respect and love will be key ingredients in their healing process and this will give them hope. It will take a long time for some, My children. It will require much grace, patience, mercy and heroic love. You will have what you need, My children. I always give what is needed to minister to My children. Trust in Me. All will be well.”
(Personal intention omitted.)
“Yes, My child. Do not be concerned. I am calling hearts to Me during these days like never before. My Mother will help. Ask Her to help you and to guide you. Reach out to others for assistance, too. There are many in your circle of friends who are willing to assist you. They have only to be asked.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. I love You, Jesus.
“I love you, also, My daughter. I have heard all your prayers. Be of good cheer. All will be well. Let us begin.”
Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and my God! Amen! Alleluia!
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child. Open your heart to My peace. I walk with you. We work together. I remain with you. All is well.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You!
Source: ➥