Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Feast of the Epiphany

Hello my Jesus present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. You are so beautiful here, Lord. You are small and vulnerable, just as You were in the manger when You came as a baby to us in Bethlehem. Here You are hidden in a small piece of bread that was transformed (transubstantiated) into our living God. Praise You, Jesus my God and my King. Lord, many did not accept You then, and many do not now. Lord, I ask You to melt hardened hearts, heal their wounds and give souls the graces needed to seek and find You, Lord. May many souls come to You during this new year and throughout 2019, Jesus like the shepherds and the magi. Bring home lost souls, Lord. Jesus, give us grace to evangelize, to bring Your love to our brothers and sisters who do not know Your love. Bless our Church, Jesus. May this year bring about our purification so we become holy and return to Your loving embrace. Jesus, we long for You. Our world needs Your peace, oh Prince of Peace. Save us from ourselves, Lord. Little infant, Jesus save us. Glory to God in the highest and peace to His people on earth.
“My child, it is good that you are here with Me. Your presence and the presence of My other children console Me. I give you My peace and My assurance that I will be with you always.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, please help (name withheld). Cure her, Lord. Give her complete faith and trust in You. Heal her and dissolve the tumor. Jesus, she just recently returned to Your Church. Help her to receive sacramental graces and restore her health, mind, body and spirit, Lord. She loves You, Jesus. I ask for healing also for (name withheld). Please, Jesus I am sure she is helping You in Your work to bring many souls to conversion through her sufferings and prayers. I just pray that You sustain her and in Your timing to heal her. She is our friend, Jesus. I know Your Will is always perfect, but please may it be Your Will to heal her. Lord, thank You for another year with (name withheld). Thank You for his special birthday and for the beautiful Mass at the Cathedral and the opportunity to venerate the relic of St. John Vianney whose heart loved You dearly. St. John, please pray that the Lord will increase His love in our hearts. May it grow from a small flame to a forest fire, Jesus.
“My little lamb, this is a good prayer. My love will grow in all hearts who seek Me and ask for My love. This is what I want for you and for each of My children. I want all of My Children of Light to remain steadfast in their love for Me. Do not be like those who are in love with the idea of love, but unwilling to put others first, but instead be like My holy saints who thought first of God, then neighbor and then of themselves. When God is your first love, there is nothing you won’t do for Him. You will forget yourself and focus on the love. Then, you will find it easy to love your neighbor because your hearts will be full of the love of God. When love is disordered and out of place, many wounds are made to the soul. Self-love becomes the first priority and love of neighbor and God last. Perhaps non-existent even. The proper order is God first, then all things fall into place, in holy order. When God is loved first above all other things (and I say ‘things’ intentionally) you will be able to see clearly and prioritize all that is in your lives. Family will be in proper order, work, home life, helping your neighbors and those in need, etc. Only in ordered love will you find peace. With those who do not put God first, there is no peace. There is internal struggle and conflict and even external struggles. The opposite of order is disorder. Disorder causes other problems and can even be the root cause of severe stress and strain and loss of health, dis-ease. I do not mean to say that disordered love is the reason for all disease and illness. That is not what I mean. I am saying that it can cause other problems, the worst of which are spiritual in nature. Put God and the love of God first in your hearts and in your lives. To put God first in your lives means you love God with your whole heart and you live out this love for Me in all that you do. You show My love to others. You look beyond petty annoyances and see the heart of the other. To see the heart of another and if they are wounded, you will have mercy on them and see with the eyes of love what may not be evident to your physical eyes. See people as I see them, as sons and daughters of God; perhaps lost, perhaps wounded, perhaps ill from lack of love, but always as My children, whom I loved and whom I died to set free from sin. Love as I love, My children. Be kind as I am kind. Be patient as I am patient. My children always want Me to treat you with mercy and tenderness but often you do not wish this for others who have hurt you in some way. For those people you would like them to grovel at your feet for mercy and forgiveness and if they do not, you would prefer that I punish them severely for what they have done to you, no matter how small the offense. For you personally, you want only kindness and mercy from Me for the most egregious sins. My children, admit this is true, for I know your hearts. Better to admit this and seek forgiveness than to lie to yourselves and die in sin. What I desire all of you have—is mercy. Be merciful as I am merciful. Love as I love. Treat others with the same kindness, love and forgiveness as I give to you. You must pick up your cross and follow Me. You must die to yourselves, to all self-centeredness and live for Me, your Jesus. This is the way to walk in My footsteps. This is the way to Heaven.”
Thank You my Lord Jesus! Praise You, Lord! Jesus, please be with each soul who is dying today. Take them to Your heavenly kingdom, where You live and reign. Heal broken families, Jesus where lessons of love are taught to the little domestic church. Heal marriages, Jesus as only You can do. Bring about the long-awaited renewal, Lord.
“My little lamb, it is good to pray in this manner. Continue to pray for My Mother’s reign, when her Immaculate Heart will triumph. Pray for souls to convert. Fast and pray for loved ones who are in need. I love you, My children and remember, all people are My children. Allow Me to love you and then you give My love to all you meet and all you encounter.”
Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and Savior. I love You. Help me to love You more.
“My little one, just as I supplied My Apostles with all that was needed to witness to the love, so shall I do for you. I will provide what is needed for all of My children who love and follow Me with sincere hearts. Do not worry about what you are to say to others when you give My love. Neither be concerned with what they need for only I know what a heart needs. I will provide. Trust in Me and all will be well. Go in My peace, My little lamb. I thank you. You provide much consolation to your Jesus with your companionship. We are friends and I love you dearly. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace and in My love. Trust in Me. All will be well.”
Amen! Alleluia! I love You my Lord and my God.
“And I love you.”
Source: ➥