Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 2, 2018
1st Sunday in Advent, Adoration Chapel

Hello dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion Jesus! Thank You for all You are and all You’ve given us, Lord. Thank You for helping (name withheld) get his certification. Lord, please help him to get well. Please be with all who are ill, Jesus especially (names withheld) Lord, please bring those who are away from the Church and outside the Church home including (names withheld). Lord, please take the soul of (name withheld) to Heaven and comfort (name withheld) and his family in their time of loss. Please continue to bless and protect those who have refuges and communities (names withheld).
Lord, thank You for Your great love and mercy. Spare us, Jesus from temptation and protect us from evil. Please bring the U.S. back to Your Sacred Heart. Help us to turn from our wicked ways before it is too late. Help us to be pure again loving You first as You deserve, Jesus. Lord, there are so many things to speak to You about today. I bring everything to You and lay it at Your feet, Jesus. I pray for our Pope and all Bishops and Cardinals. May they have united hearts, and minds with Your Sacred Heart and Mind, Jesus. Jesus, please prepare my heart during this Advent season for Your birth and coming. Help me to grow closer and closer to You and Your Most Holy Mother, Mary. Make me like the shepherds who loved You so much, they were willing to leave everything for You. Help me to stand watch near Your creche and be in awe of the Christ Child, You in Your infancy, and always Your innocence and purity. Make my family like Your family, the Holy Family. May we be loving and put others first as Mary and Joseph did. Jesus, help me with each decision ahead. Thank You for always giving me clarity when I seek direction from You. Thank You for Father’s homily this morning and for the ideas You gave me earlier this morning. Father’s homily was the confirmation. Praise You, Lord! You know everything, Lord and all that You do is perfect!
“My child, I Will to give you clarity each time you bring a decision to Me. Sometimes I set you on a different course. Thank You for being open to Me and listening.”
Thank You, Lord. It is I who thank You for all Your assistance. I am lost without You.
“My little one, when you feel this way, recognize I am allowing you to feel the need for My navigation. I am your captain and also your compass.”
Yes, Jesus and Our Lady Star of the Sea shines with Your reflection illuminated by the Holy Spirit. If I look to Her for guidance She shows me the way to You.
“Yes, My little lamb. This is true. You will not lose your way when you look to My Mother as your Star who sheds light on the course to illuminate your path to Me. In My days on earth, we had only the light from the moon at night and our lanterns. When it was very cloudy, the light of the moon was hidden. Then it was the darkest of nights. Even our lanterns, which gave enough light for a few steps, were not as useful as on a clear night. So it is true in your day. The earth is very dark due to mankind’s sins. Though My Mother’s heart still perfectly reflects Me, man refuses to look for Her light. It is difficult to see when sin darkens the eyes of the heart. Therefore, mankind does not see My Mother and neither do they see Me. Their hearts and souls are darkened. They are unable to recognize the Son of Man and therefore unable to recognize truth. People of this time say, ‘What then is truth?’ They like the words of Pilate, for they not only can’t see truth but do not believe truth exists. They do not believe in the God who made them. They do not believe in the One who is truth. This is why, even after the Illumination of Souls, some will continue to reject Me.”
Lord, why do we, people reject what is good and holy even though we know it is the only way to life everlasting? (Name withheld) had the conversation at work (as You know) that denied truth. Jesus, they (the ladies) do not believe abortion is the killing of babies. Educated people blatantly say these pre-born babies are not human. This is such a ludicrous statement, Jesus. (Name withheld) HAD NO OTHER RECOURSE but to lovingly correct them, though they would hear nothing of what she said. Jesus, it is appalling that someone who has been taught science and medicine could actually claim a baby is not human until it is born. As if coming through the birth canal magically changes something into a human being. How ridiculous and absurd. Even a child knows a baby in the womb is a baby-a human baby. It is certainly not a turtle or a monkey or a dog!
“My child, this is the darkening of the heart and soul which darkens the intellect. One steeped in sin and even sinful, evil philosophies cannot see truth. This is why many rejected Me even when I stood before them. God in person - in the flesh, working miracles, bringing the dead back to life - did not convince some. They refused to be open to another way. They wanted to hold onto the evil philosophies for pride was involved. Pride, the foundation of evil, leads countless souls astray for the father of lies is also the father of pride. I am truth. I am love and mercy. I am humility. I came to serve and to give My life for souls. The evil one takes souls to spite God for he hates God and all I have created. He hates human life that was made higher than the angels. His pride turned into hate for God and all God created. To follow him is to reject God and all I have created. This is the evil lie of abortion. Some believe it out of a false sense of compassion for the woman, but this too is a lie. There is no compassion in encouraging one to kill one’s offspring. (Name withheld), My little one, brought light into the darkness when she stood for Me, the truth. She did very well. You were also right in acknowledging that only I can provide healing to their eyes darkened by sin. Only I can penetrate such darkness. Still, My little child spoke with wisdom and the fire of My Holy Spirit. I am well pleased.”
Lord, I ask You to open the eyes of their hearts. Penetrate their souls with the light of truth and give them the great gift of faith. Help them, Jesus to see You, to know You, to believe in You. Thank You for giving (name withheld) the courage to speak in Your name. Praise You Lord for all You have done and for all I believe You will do. Bring conversion, Lord to all the people in (name withheld) workplace. May Your holy fragrance pour forth from her heart and may Our Lady shower the graces of the Flame of Love on all these misguided children of Yours. Help them to know and love You, Lord.
“My little lamb, this is a good prayer. I hold this close to My Sacred Heart. My Heart purifies, My child. This is where I hold My children (close to My Heart) and where I hold all this is dear to Me. My child, I affirm your decision regarding school because this came from Me. I know you thought it was so but were unsure. I enlightened you that there is another way, one you had not considered. This is from Me.”
Jesus, what about the trip? I have a dilemma, because I want (name withheld) to go. I don’t want to leave anyone out of receiving these amazing graces from Your Mother. I wish everyone in our family would go, from (names withheld) and all our grandchildren. Lord, it seems selfish of me to do this again when I have been so many times. Just a few weeks ago, though my heart was longing to be in (location withheld). Even in spite of how miserable I was the last time I went. I don’t want to go through that again! What should I do, Jesus? Should I put the deposit down and then wait to hear from You?
“My child, you were saying this morning how My holy priest son is like a St. Padre Pio. He is your spiritual father. Have you asked him? You already have (name withheld) permission.”
No, Lord, I haven’t. (you know I haven’t ….) St. Padre Pio, what should I do about this?
St. Pio: “My child, I will give you the advice I would give to anyone who asks me. Run to your Mother! I am surprised you would ask! (smiling) Whenever you have the opportunity, always choose the Blessed Mother. By this you choose the best. She is Queen of Heaven and Earth. You have been invited by the Queen to visit Her. What I want to know is, why do so many reject the invitation of the Queen? People would be foolish to reject the invitation of an earthly queen who was good and loving and holy. Why reject the invitation of Our Heavenly Queen?”
When you put it this way, St. Pio I see exactly what I should do.
St. Pio: “Regarding everyone else? Leave them to God. Pray for them, fast for them and leave them to God. Then, they are His problems.” (He is smiling and does not mean this in a cruel way.)
Jesus: “Your desire for those you love is good, My child. It is an act of love, this desire and an act of mercy when you entrust them to Me, for I am the One who can change hearts. In this way, your trust in Me and entrusting them to Me is an act of faith and an act of mercy for only then can I truly work. Be confident in Me, My child.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My child, you can always invite others. Allow them to choose. This is best, for then you are not choosing for them before they have had the chance.”
Ok, Jesus. I see what You mean. Even if they say ‘no’ it is their decision.
“Yes, and even the act of considering for one who does not believe can be a moment for grace. It is up to them.”
Thank You, Lord. You always give me so much to think about. Thank You for teaching me with so much patience. I love You, my adorable Jesus! Praise You, my Lord and my God. Praise You King of Heaven and Earth!
“Thank you, My little lamb. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. I am with you. I will help you in all of your work and your studies.”
Thank You, Lord. I am counting on it! (on You!) Jesus, thank You for the help You have given me so far and for the help You continue to give me. I can do nothing apart from You. I love You, Lord.
“And I love you. Go in My joy and in My peace. Be mercy. Be love.”
Amen, Lord. Alleluia. Only with Your help could it be possible. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
Source: ➥