Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe, hope, love and adore You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning! Thank You for Holy Communion. What an incredible blessing, Lord. Thank You for Your holy priest sons, who bring us the Sacraments. Please bless and protect them as well as the religious who consecrate their lives to You. Keep them safe, especially those who are travelling.
Lord, thank You for my meeting with (name withheld). It was so good to see her. Please continue to give her graces of conversion and penitence. Help her to have faith in You, Lord. I pray for all who are away from the Church, Jesus. Bring them home safely (and quickly) according to Your Holy Will. Lord, thank You for the meeting yesterday with (name withheld) and the ladies who attended our breakfast meeting yesterday. It was so good to be able to discuss the retreat we attended. Help the beauty of the retreat to continue to resonate in my heart. Lord, this week will be busy for our family. Help (name withheld) as she begins her externship. Guide and direct her, Lord so that she learns and remembers what she needs for her new profession and enable her to be a beautiful witness to Your love. Help us all in this regard, Lord. Lord, thank You for being with me at work through all of the meetings with people. Please continue to be with me this week, as well. Guide me in what I say and do and may Your presence in me radiate to others in need of Your love and mercy.
(Name and personal petition withheld). Lord, may all that I do and say be for Your honor and glory. Help me, Jesus to be more and more like Your Blessed Mother Mary. Lord, I pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. May families grow in holiness so to bear fruits for Your Kingdom. I pray for (name withheld) and for all Your holy priest sons who do missionary work here in our country. Give them graces to love heroically, the strength to minister to us sheep, and the protection of Your Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more. I trust You, Jesus. Increase my trust in You. I believe. Increase my faith in You, Lord.
Father, thank You for giving us the Feast of God the Father of all Mankind. What a beautiful feast! Help me to prepare during this 8-day novena leading up to Your Feast Day. Help this to be spread all over the earth, Father to give You honor, glory and praise. May this beautiful day honoring the first person of the Trinity help restore fatherhood to mankind so in need of You, God. We love You and trust in You!
“My child, God the Father Wills that all will observe and celebrate this feast in His honor and by doing so will receive many graces as well as healing of fatherhood which is in a crisis at this time in the world. Much healing is needed as a result of absent and unloving fathers to teach, direct, protect and love their families. This has resulted in a crisis of faith, lack of love, diminished number of vocations, rebellious children, a lack of discipline and respect for authority and if allowed to continue will breed violence and unrest in generations to come. When children do not have good fathers (or father figures), they are unable to relate to God the Father. This is why the evil one attacks fatherhood. Observing this feast day will help to heal the vocation of fatherhood, as God is the Father of All Mankind. My children, if you did not have a loving father (earthly) know that your Father in Heaven is a loving, kind, merciful father. He is a good father and He loves you, His children. There is much evil and corruption in the world, My children. This does not come as a surprise to many of you, and yet there are more who do not recognize this. They are somewhat aware, but have become so accustomed to hearing the ‘bad news’ that they are numb to the terrible plight of many of your suffering brothers and sisters. The unholy culture is all around you and robs the innocence of My very young, little ones. This is evil at its core, My children. Parents, shelter your children from evil society that corrupts My holy innocent ones. Protect them from My adversary who wants to steal purity and chastity from My youth. Parents, it is your responsibility to protect your children and grandchildren’s innocence. Shield them. Protect them. They are like little white, innocent lambs, abandoned by their shepherds, their fathers and their mothers. This cannot continue, My children. Your families are the domestic church. Do not allow satan an open invitation into your home and worse, into your children’s hearts through vile entertainment and media. My children—AWAKEN! Open your eyes. Do not simply take the ‘easy’ route, or say that ‘everyone else is doing this.’ Come, My Children of Light, if you do not bear light in your hearts, and your homes, why do you lament the darkness in the world? If you cannot stand against portals of evil into your homes, you will not have a foundation in which to stand against evil that is on your doorstep. No, you will not stand against what is on your doorstep because you have opened the door and invited it into your homes through the television, lewd advertising, profane music and countless other forms of entertainment. My children, oh when will you see what you are allowing to happen to your little ones. Their holy innocence is being stolen and their parents turn a blind eye. There will be severe judgement on you for this. Turn now from your wicked ways and pray for your children. Protect them at all costs. You are responsible for leading their souls to Heaven. Protect My little children. It is your duty. Love them as I have loved you. What have I withheld from you, My children? I sacrificed everything out of love for you. I did not take the easy, comfortable path. I said ‘yes’ to My Father’s Will and I accepted the agony, the suffering, the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the carrying of the cross, bearing the weight of the entire world’s sins including your sins. I accepted the nailing of My flesh and bones to the cross. I accepted a violent death, so that you could one day rise and be with Me in Heaven. I came to heal, to save and to die. I did not take the easy road, but the road to Calvary. You must not take the easy road with your children, but stand up for holiness, purity, chastity and love. Stand up for virtue and love of God. Stand for My Commandments. Stand against materialism, egoism, pride, greed and lust. Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be reconciled to God and My Church. Turn away from sin and be healed. I love you. You are Mine. We can be united again, but you must focus on purity and teach your children purity. Teach them modesty, humility, mercy and love. Do this now before it is too late.”
Lord, please have mercy on us. Give us the ability to see what needs to be changed in our homes, to put You first, above all things and to truly love one another. Break the curses put upon our society through drugs, evil spirits and a worldly pride. Protect our children, Lord when we are not with them. Keep them safe from all harm. Surround their little souls with holy friends, mentors and loving relatives. Jesus, for those children living without parents, give them a multitude of love and consolation directly from the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother. Send holy, loving adult role models to guide them. Heal our broken world, Holy Spirit. Blessed Mother, take our hands and help us find Jesus. Cover our youth with Your holy mantle of protection. Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the Earth. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Thank You for Your love, Your guidance, Your correction, Lord. Praise You for not giving up on us, Father. Praise You for sending Your Son to redeem us. Praise You for allowing Your Holy Mother Mary to visit the earth with her instruction, teaching and motherly love. Prepare us, Jesus for the outpouring of Your Spirit and for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary who will crush the head of the serpent by the flame of love, which is You, Jesus! Come, Holy Spirit, come! I love You, Lord. Thank You for loving me.
“My child, My child, it is true that I love you. I will be with you during every meeting during times of difficulty and times of joy. Take courage and know that I love you and walk with you. Have no fear, but trust in Me. All will be well. Strengthen your resolve to pray, My child. I will help you.”
Thank You, Lord. I love You.
“I remind you of the importance of family prayer, My children. Remember this; it is for your protection as well as your growth in love and holiness. Do not neglect family prayer. I look to you, fathers to be diligent and to lead your family in praying the rosary. Remember that through the prayer of the rosary, miracles happen, war is averted, relationships healed and wayward children return home. Do not underestimate the value of family prayer. Protect your family from vice by praying the rosary and the fertile soil in your hearts will begin to yield fruit for My Kingdom. All will be well, but you must begin, for there is much work to do to turn around this dark culture and reclaim families for God. Nothing is impossible for Me. All is possible with Me. Pray, frequent the Sacraments and read Holy Scripture. I love you, My children. I love you.”
Praise and thank You, Lord of Lords, King of Kings, Prince of Peace, my Lord and my God!
“Go in peace, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld). All will be well. I love you.”
I love You, Lord. Praise You, Jesus! Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥