Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Palm Sunday, Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. I believe in You, love You, adore You and praise You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and for Holy Communion. Thank You for my family and for my friends, Jesus. Be with each one in their needs and in their sorrows. Please be with (names withheld) as (name withheld) suffers, Lord. Heal him if it is Your Holy Will. I ask You also to heal my friends (names withheld) who are both suffering from incurable diseases. Give them consolation and peace. Help them to draw close to Your Sacred Heart. Jesus, thank You for a successful (program withheld). May Your love be implanted in the hearts and minds of the (name withheld). Lord, You are my God. Help me to love You more. Help me to serve You more. Help me to live only for You, my sweet Jesus.
Lord, I think of the crowds of people singing and crying out to You, ‘Hosanna in the highest!’ Some of the very people singing Your praises and worshipping You, only one week later were yelling, ‘Crucify Him!’ Do not let me be fickle like this, Lord, one day praising You and the next day denigrating You. And yet I can be like that sometimes, Jesus one day walking closely with You and the next offending and sinning against You when I complain about my neighbor, dredge up bad memories about someone who hurt me, forget to do something kind for someone who is hurting that I had good intentions to do, just the day before. I can be thoughtless, Jesus and withhold love from someone through my sins of omission. For all of these sins and occasions of sin, Jesus please forgive me. Never let me sin against You again, Lord. Jesus, please remove all fear from me, all anxiety and all tendency to distrust You and instead fill me completely with love, peace, mercy and trust. Give me Your heart, Lord. Love others through me, Jesus. Lord, I offer You the crosses I am bearing and ask You to help those who do not know You, do not believe in You. Thank You, Jesus for Your gift of peace. Thank You for keeping us safe during the storm, Lord.
“My daughter, thank You for being with Me today; for your visit with Me. I am all love and My heart longs to pour out graces for love and of love to you and to each one of My children who visit with Me in My holy presence in all tabernacles in the world. My heart has been and continues to be wounded by those who refuse My love, refuse My mercy. The times your heart is pained and beats irregularly, give you a small reminder of My heartache for mankind. I accept the offering of your crosses, My child. Not one act of suffering offered to Me in love is wasted, My little lamb. I am grateful, so much so that one day when you are safely with Me in Heaven and you see the value of your suffering you will wish you had suffered even more for souls. Do not be concerned, My child with the problems you experience with your heart. Think of My heart, little one and I will give you strength and peace. My heart is a refuge for you, a port in every storm, a sanctuary. You are welcome in this refuge, My child. You will always have a room in My heart and I will never reject you. Even if the world rejects you, My child, I will never reject you. You are Mine and I am yours. I gave you a special gift of unity with Me, My daughter and this grace remained with you for some time, comforting and consoling you.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You! I only wish I could remain in that state, Jesus where there is union with You.
“You can, My child for this is the true reality of living in My Will. I gave you this gift freely, so remain in Me as I am in you.”
Jesus, I struggle with being distracted with the many things I must do during the day and even distracted with thoughts of what I need to do but don’t or can’t do. The busyness of the world crowds me and my mind is filled with thoughts of the day’s activities.
“I am with you even in these thoughts, My child. Give them to Me. Speak with Me as you go about your work, because I am present with you. Practice this awareness of My presence with you. You have begun to do so, and I encourage you in this, My child. It is challenging, I know but I am here to help you. You are not alone, for I am with you. I invite you to offer even more to Me, My child and ask Me to remove all barriers. I answer your prayers in this task, do I not?”
Yes, Lord You do. You guide me when I struggle with distractions in prayer and You are a gentle, patient teacher.
“My (name withheld), I desire to teach you even more. I desire to draw you even closer to My Sacred Heart if only you will give your ‘yes’ to Me throughout each day. You offer your day to Me, opening your heart to My love and I invite you to do this throughout the day, My little one. I will help you.”
Okay, Lord. I will certainly try and if You are going to help me, then I know I can do this. But only if You help me, Jesus. Otherwise, it will be impossible for me. You know me, Lord. I am like Martha, busy about many things. Help Me to have her faith and her willingness, her desire to please You.
“My little lamb, the shaking I told you about has not yet occurred. There have been many earthquakes all over the world, unlike ever before, and yet the major shaking is yet to come. Many are praying that this does not occur, but the prayers that are more important are prayers for conversion. My children, I implore you to pray for conversion, for repentance and for souls to find Me, the love. Souls are being lost every day and there are not enough prayers for them. Pray, My children. Pray. Many lives will be lost in the great shaking. Pray that the souls who will die will not perish for eternity, but instead will come to live with Me in Heaven. This is what you must pray for My beloved children, for I desire all come to be with Me in Heaven. I also invite each child of Mine to pray for what I have given to you for your mission. Each child I have created has a purpose, in addition to being created by Me out of love (by love for love). There is an important mission for each of you, My Children of Light. God has entrusted a mission to you that is important to My Kingdom. Pray and seek My Will for you and you will find out what you have been given to do. I will guide you. I await your request of Me to guide you in My Will for your lives. Trust in Me, My Children of Light. Great change is coming into the world and there is much work to do to spread My message of love. Many do not know Me, My children and I am counting on you to be love, to spread My love, to be mercy and to spread My mercy to all souls you meet. Give love to others, My children. This is an important request I make of you. Souls depend on you to bring My light to them. Help Me, My Children of the Renewal, for renewal will come and how I desire this renewal for all mankind. Prepare for this time of renewal, My children by first preparing your own souls through the Sacraments, prayer and fasting. You must be prepared first in order to help and to serve others who will not be prepared. Yes, times are difficult, but before the renewal, they will be even more difficult, but you are not to fear. Only prepare as I ask you and with hope for your hearts, with peace, mercy and love, look forward to the future. My children need not fear, but only trust. Be a source of love, joy and hope for a generation with no hope. Souls, separated from God live in darkness and despair, but My Children of Light must be filled with hope in Me. I am all good, My children and therefore you have every reason to be My children of hope. All will be well. For this week, focus on My passion; on My sacrifice of great love.”
“Comfort Me, My little lamb, in My afflictions. Remain with Me as I walk the agonizing road of Calvary. Where I shed every drop of blood given to Me by My Father, to save souls. Comfort and console Me even though it seems I cannot be consoled. Your love, the love you show Me now, consoled Me even then. Stay with Me in prayer, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld), My faithful friends. Pray with Me and to Me. Be with Me in the sacrifice of the Mass when I offer all to the Father on behalf of all of mankind. You are present to Me on Calvary and I make Myself present to you, My little ones, at the sacrifice of the Mass. You cannot see this with human eyes, for you could not bear it, but it is reality. Be with me, in My passion and death and you will also be with Me in My Resurrection. Focus on this My children for My passion draws near. So, too My Resurrection. One day, you will experience your resurrection, My Children of Light so remain awake in this most urgent of times. I am depending on you, My beloved little apostles of love.”
Thank You, my adorable Jesus. I love You, Lord. Help me to love You more. I trust You, Jesus. Help me to trust You more. Jesus, help us to know what You want us to do regarding the situation with my family. Guide us and direct us in the right decision. I am in a quandary and don’t know which way to go. Show us, Jesus. Show us Your Will, I love You, Lord.
“And I love you, My little lamb. I will guide you. Continue to seek My Will, not the will of others, and you will know. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace.”
Thank You, Lord. We will walk with You this week, Jesus, in Your agony and passion. Thank You for all You do for us, Jesus. We love You. I love You. Amen.
Source: ➥