Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dear Jesus! It is so good to be here today. Thank You for Your presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, trust in You and adore You, my God and my King. Jesus, thank You for Holy Mass today and for being able to receive You in Holy Communion. Thank You for the time spent with (names withheld) yesterday and for being with (names withheld) today. Thank You, Lord for the blessings You have given me. Help me to serve You better, Lord.
I pray for all who are ill, especially those in my own family and that of my friends. I pray for (names withheld) and all those on our parish sick list. I pray also for (names withheld) and for all who are impacted by the wildfires. Please help the firefighters and rescue workers in putting out the fires and keep them safe. Bless all those who are leading communities and refuges, Lord. Bless and protect our President and his family and help him to make wise decisions and to see deception where it is present. Grant us peace in our hearts, our families, our state and in our country, Lord. Give us graces for conversion, Jesus. I praise You and thank You that You walk with us in our trials and that You remain with us. Praise You Lord God of Heaven and earth!
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. There are many events occurring in the world, some in your country and other countries, and events you have not heard about. Some are orchestrated by man and others are due to natural disasters. All are being allowed by Me so that many will recognize their dependence on God. I am waiting for My children to turn their hearts toward Me. I await their repentance and conversion.”
Come, My children, return to Me. You belong in the family of God, My little ones. Return to Me before it is too late.”
“My child, calamities will continue to escalate (frequency). I call upon you to help one another and to truly live the Gospel message in this day. Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, assist others in their time of need, give shelter to the homeless and show love and mercy, My children. Your good deeds really do cover a multitude of sin, and no matter what the circumstances, My children are called to live the Gospel, My Gospel. Love one another as I love you, My Children of Light. Be love. Be mercy.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.
“My child you and your family are learning to trust Me. This is good, My little lamb. I will provide for all of your needs. I am with you. Be at peace and know that I journey with you. The Time of Great Trials is upon you and yet in some ways it does not seem so to you personally. Is that so, My daughter?”
I think so, Lord. Although, we sure seem to be having a lot of trials. When I reflect on all the suffering that I know about in our country, let alone in the world, it does seem like it is true. When I think about what my family is going through, it seems that we have faced one serious event after another for a few years now. In my view, it isn’t anything new, even though it should be very stressful. If I made a list of everything challenging that has occurred over the past several years, it is hard to imagine any one family going through so much and yet I know there are others who have experienced much worse than we. Still, it seems tolerable because You carry us, Lord. Thank You for our friends who are so faithful to pray for us, Lord.
“My child, you are able to tolerate these events, as you say, because you are learning how to rely on Me in a much deeper way. By relying on Me, I am then able to carry you and to help alleviate some of the stress and strain that you would experience if you were not relying on Me. The prayer practices and routines you have established and have remained faithful to provide much spiritual resilience and protection for you, also.”
Thank You for directing us to pray, Lord and to begin and end our day with the rosary. Jesus, all of this, the prayer practices and relying on You is because of Your grace and because of the graces given through the Blessed Mother as a result of other peoples’ prayers. Thank You, Jesus.
“You are welcome, My little one. This is true and yet you and My son, (name withheld) cooperate with Me in this work of holiness. I point out where you are spiritually, so you can see there is growth. Be encouraged, My child.”
Jesus, if You say so, I believe. Sometimes I do wonder if I’m not just numb, or in a sort of denial, because I should be much more stressed than I am. (Not that I want more stress! I don’t….)
“Yes, My child. I understand. It seems surreal to you that you are able to withstand the pressures and the challenges that a few years ago you would not have been able to manage.”
I guess so, Jesus. But, I see so many ways in which You come to our assistance, also. Thank You, Lord! Without You, everything would seem hopeless. However, with You, there is always hope. Jesus, I trust in You!
“Yes, My child. All of My children should feel hope for those who follow Me know that My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Then, the Holy Spirit will renew the face of the earth. Mankind will walk with Me and all will know of My saving power.”
Amen, Lord. This is what I hope and pray will come about soon, Jesus. Lord, please bring about the consecration of Russia to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. We long for the Blessed Mother’s Heart to triumph over evil, Jesus and for Your Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth. We need to be purified and renewed, Jesus. Please help us. Do not allow evil to reign in the world, Lord. Protect our nation and help us to return to Christian principles and values by our repentance and conversion to You, Lord. Jesus, Prince of Peace and King of Kings, come to our assistance. Lord, help us.
“My child, more events will occur to shake My children in order that they awaken from the lethargy from which they suffer. It is time now, My lost children, to awaken and turn to Me, the Lord God. I am the only one who can save you, but in order for Me to do so, you must turn to Me and call out for My assistance. When you call on Me, I will come right away. Do not delay one more day, for then it may be too late. There is no sin that is too terrible for Me to forgive, for I am God. Come My lost children, I am all mercy and all love and I long to embrace you. Return to Me before it is too late for you. Many have already been lost because they waited too long and death occurred for them. After you die, it is too late. You must choose Me now before then, and My lost children, listen to Me. Even if you are young, you do not know the hour when your life will be required so do not delay your change of heart. Come to Me now. You will be filled with peace and joy. It is not drudgery to follow Me. It is peace, joy and the knowledge that you belong to One who loves you with no conditions and no hidden motives. I love you, because I love you. It is just that simple. It is truth.”
Jesus, You are so beautiful and loving. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your patience and for Your great love. If everyone who is far from You knew how wonderful You are, they would run to You with open arms and fall into the arms of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Thank You, Jesus. Help hardened hearts to change. Open hearts, Jesus and fill those who are far from You with graces for conversion. Help those who do not know the love of God to love You who is all love, mercy, truth and peace.
“Thank you for your prayers, My child. Continue to pray for your lost brothers and sisters. Pray, pray, pray. Many souls will be lost in the coming calamities, for they delay coming to Me, the One who loves them. Many refuse to repent because they do not want to change their sinful behavior. Some will come to knowledge and love of God, however, so continue to pray. The prayers of My faithful children assist such souls. Pray and offer sacrifices for those who are lost.”
Yes, Jesus. Lord, please help the people who have had to evacuate their homes due to the wild fires. There has been so much destruction, from the fires, Lord. It’s hard to imagine almost 6,000 homes and businesses destroyed and burned to the ground. Help the firefighters, Lord Jesus. Please put these fires out, Lord Jesus. Make the wind die down and the rain to fall. Help them, Jesus and protect the homes that remain standing. Protect all who remain, by stopping the blaze(s). Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, I love You; help me to love You more.
“My child, My child there is much to tell you but you cannot bear it now. Know that I am with you. Soon, the time will come when you will be stronger to bear what I want to say to you, but for now, focus on the tasks at hand and continue to pray. Frequent the Sacraments and I will continue to renew your strength and increase the ability of your soul to receive more and different graces. For now, My child, let us close our time together for the hour is late. Go in My peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. I love you, My daughter.”
Amen, Jesus, I love You!!
Source: ➥