Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You, praise You and adore You. I am most happy to be here with You today, My Lord. Thank You that You are here with us, Jesus, Emmanuel. Praise You, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Thank You for the outcome of the elections. Praise You, Lord that evil was not allowed to triumph. Thank You for allowing truth to reign and for giving us a more pro-life president to come. Jesus, please protect Mr. Trump and his entire family. Bring them closer to Your Sacred Heart, Lord. Help him to see the truth of the events and circumstances around him. Lord, some have said there will not be an inauguration. Please, God may our prayers and sacrifices make a difference, such that You allow the inauguration of President Elect Trump. Lord, I know he is not perfect. He is a sinner just like the rest of us. I do think he has integrity, though and I pray he will have a heart of peace, love, mercy and also of strength to do what is right. Give him wisdom from Your Holy Spirit. Give him the gift of discernment so that he is able to clearly see truth when he is being told truth, and to detect lies when people around him are dishonest. Help him to know himself and his enemies. Protect him from those who want to do harm to him and/or to our Republic. Help us, Jesus to follow You and to be bold and courageous in witnessing about and for You. Jesus, may our nation once again be one nation under God; with liberty and justice for all. Lord, all glory and honor to You for this victory. May we who are Christians, not waste this additional chance You have given us. May we not grow weary, but rely on You to help us pick up our cross and follow You.
Jesus, I pray for all who are ill, especially for those who have asked for my prayers and for those I promised my prayers. For (name withheld) that You will heal his heart, if not before his surgery, through the hands of his surgeons. I pray that he be healed prior to surgery, Lord, but Your Will be done. Be with his family and grant them Your holy, divine peace. Guide all those who provide medical care for (name withheld) and for all who are in hospitals, rehab centers, nursing homes and who are shut in due to being feeble or ill. Lord, please renew (name withheld) strength. Help him to regain his physical stamina. You have done so much for him and for us. I am most grateful. Please heal (names withheld) and all those who are on the church’s prayer list.
Lord, I praise You for life and I ask Your protection and love to be poured out on all children who are victims of violence and abuse wherever they may be. I pray for the families in war torn parts of the world. Give them Your comfort, consolation and peace. Protect them within Your Sacred Heart and may they dwell under our Lady’s mantle. Give them hope in You, Jesus when they are losing hope. Restore their hearts, Jesus and give them courage to go on each day. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“Thank you, My child for your heartfelt prayers for your brothers and sisters. Thank you for your concern over souls in need; especially the most vulnerable, My little ones. How My heart beats for love of them. Woe to those who wound and abuse My little ones. All blessings and grace to those who protect My children, and nurture them in love. My Children of Light must watch out for those who are vulnerable and care for them in any way possible. The little ones are your future, My Children of Light. When you care for them, you are caring for Me and for future generations. All life is connected. You are family, My children for you were made in the image and likeness of the One True God. Reflect on this. See the truth in this. Pray about this. It is not difficult to understand why My adversary makes war on the most innocent, pure little ones, for they are closest to Me. Abortion is war against God and mankind. See this for what it is, an horrific evil genocide. It is the genocide of all genocides, My children. You must pray, fast, do penance and act in holiness to stop this genocide that makes war against God and His children. Your future is at stake My children and it is worth doing battle for your God and My little, pure ones. I am not referring to worldly battle, but to spiritual battle. Do you not think the evil one is doing battle with you? He certainly is, My children and only prayer, Mass and fasting can remove these demons, My children. Have Masses said to end abortion, the genocide of all genocide. To My holy priest sons, offer Mass for the end of abortion. Pray with your hearts for this evil, pagan practice to end. Only by your prayers, your sacrifices and your good works can this evil be banished from the face of the earth. Do not give up the good fight and do not lose hope. Ground is being won for the Kingdom, but this is just the beginning. Continue to pray even more, My children. Pray and do not consider the way things look for only I know the impact of your prayers and I say we are gaining ground.”
Thank You, Jesus! Thank You!
“Yes, My child. You are welcome, My child. I thank you for offering your suffering for souls. You will continue to offer your cross for souls and I will to continue to accept your offerings.”
Thank You, Jesus!
“Thank you, My child. I know you grow weary of being ill, but I remind you that these are beautiful gifts of illness and suffering that I use to send graces for others. Be of good cheer. I remove one cross and replace it with another. This is so that you will not become as weary as you would be carrying the same cross over and over again. I realize it presents new problems, My child. Remember, that I am with you. I go with you wherever you go. I will never leave you.”
Thank You, my Jesus. Lord, I thank You again for the opportunity to be here with You. I was so pleased to see the little girl here, sitting so quietly in Your presence playing with the rosary her mother gave her. It must have given You great joy.
“Yes, My child. I am pleased when parents bring their little ones to Mass and to Adoration. I pour graces into their little pure hearts, so well disposed to receive Me and My graces. More parents should bring their children to Adoration and frequent Mass so that I can pour My graces into their pure little souls while they are so open, so good, so pure. It will help them immensely as they grow older, to be firmly rooted in the life of grace that I bestow on those who frequently adore Me in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Do not be concerned, dear parents that I will be disturbed by your little ones. On the contrary, I am very pleased and to you I say, ‘Let the little children come unto Me.’ This is just as true today in Adoration as it was when I walked the earth. Do not withhold your children from Me, dear ones for this is just what the evil one wants you to do. Bring them to Me frequently, even if for only a few minutes. I can do much, My children in even a few minutes. The younger they are, the better. It makes no difference if they are busy and active while they are here. They will learn to pray and will know My peace as they will find nowhere else on earth. They know Me more than you realize and the younger children are, the more they know Me and are open to all the graces that I give to them. Be at peace and allow your children to be, also. Give Me the joy of sharing My presence here in the Adoration chapels and sanctuaries of the world with the children of the world, and you will witness great changes for peace. This is a significant lesson, My Children of Light and it is talked about infrequently at best. I repeat that I invite you to bring your children and your grandchildren to visit Me frequently in Adoration and to holy Mass. When you arrive in Heaven, you will understand what I accomplished through you and through the little ones of the Kingdom by these simple actions. Let the little children come unto Me. History can be rewritten in the future by these simple acts in the present.”
Thank You, Jesus. This is very enlightening and makes so much sense to me. Praise You for Your words of life and Your lessons of love! Thank You for instructing me, Jesus! You guide us in the most practical ways and help us to grow in holiness. Now, if only I do everything You ask and invite me to do. Help me to follow through, Jesus. Help me grow closer to Your Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.
Father God, thank You for this year of Mercy. Thank You for Your mercy, Father. I love You. Help me to love You more.
“My child, the coming weeks will be challenging for you. Do not fear, My daughter. I tell you this to reassure you that I know of every struggle, every cross and all of your sufferings and that I order each one. I take careful review and oversight of each struggle and I examine every cross before allowing it to be sent to you. I do so with great attention and with the deepest love. My little lamb, I know of the burden I allow for you and how much these health conditions weigh on your heart and your mind. Continue to offer all to Me, My sweet child. You have nothing to fear. I understand that you grow weary and that you are sometimes aware of how others perceive you, but do not allow these trivial perceptions of others to cloud your vision. You understand the gravity of the times and know well that neither are you a hypochondriac or a person of ill health. I ask you to carry these crosses awhile longer, My little one. One day, you will thank Me for the opportunity to sacrifice out of love for lost souls. It is My Will, My little lamb and there are so few who are willing to suffer physically, emotionally and spiritually for Me while continuing their daily duties and all of the work there is to do for souls. I must ask you to continue on this path, My child until such time as I remove these crosses from you. When you are weary, simply take time to rest. I give you permission to do so for you need this time of rest to carry on. I am with you. I am now granting special graces to your family for your ‘yes’ to Me. I know your mind says ‘no, Jesus, let me have a respite from these crosses, even for a week.’ But, I also know that your heart is resigned to do My Will and that in the end, you are all too glad to do anything I ask. I thank you, My child and I give you special honor guards of angels to protect you.”
My Jesus, You are far too kind, loving and sweet for me to ever say no to you. Besides, Jesus You and I both know that even if (when) I complain or plead with You, that in the long run I need everything You send me to purify my weak heart and give me a heart that will one day love heroically as You desire we all love. Jesus, I am like the servant who said ‘no’ but then decided to obey after all. I am sorry for the many times, I dread the crosses You lovingly ask me to bear. I am not the person who bears all in love with the patience of Job. I want to be like that someday, though even now I hesitate to say this, for I know that to ask You to make me patient and one who bears all things in love, means You will do so and it will be through the cross and suffering. I can’t consent to all of this now, Jesus. I am too small and weak. I can only take each day and sometimes each moment as it comes and then only with Your immense help and the aid of the Blessed Mother. I can’t think of all of this. You know how much I dread some of the things You have told me will come to me. It is better if I push it out of my mind. After all, You said we are not to ‘worry about tomorrow; sufficient for a day is its own evil.’ Therefore, I will focus on serving You today, Jesus and ask You to cover me in whatever You give me or ask from me for however many tomorrows You allow.
“This is good, My child. This is all that I ask of you. You do not think it is so, for you think it is living in a sort of denial, but I say you are growing in trust. This is good, My little lamb, and because of your trust I will carry you in My arms. I do not carry you across My shoulders My child, as the pictures you have seen of Me carrying a lamb. No I do not. I carry you in My arms, close to Me and so near to My heart that you can feel it beating for love of you and for love of all of My children. My child, you are My beloved. You are very close to My heart.”
Thank You, my Savior, my Jesus. I am overwhelmed with the knowledge of my weaknesses, my sins, my unworthiness and the awareness that Your love is greater than all of this. Your love forgives, has mercy and then treats each and every one of us as the most beautiful, precious children on earth. Your love is indescribable, Jesus and it is the most precious gift given to the world, ever! Thank You, Jesus. Though I do not deserve any part of Your love, I wholeheartedly accept Your love and am filled with great joy that You, the God of the universe, the Creator of all life, the most powerful, the most beautiful, the One with all knowledge because You are the Author of wisdom and knowledge, and the Redeemer of the world, love me. This is the best witness to Your greatness, God that You love Your children as if we were the apples of Your eyes, even while we are sinners. You are so great, Lord God! You are most merciful, most benevolent, most gracious and even though You are the definition of truth itself, You seem to overlook the filth of our ugliness and sinfulness in a moment when we simply turn our hearts toward You and ask forgiveness for our sins. Who is like You in all the world, Lord? No One! You are the Only One worthy of complete perfection and yet instead of keeping us at a distance, You pull all who want to follow You, into Your inner circle and even closer into Your loving, gentle embrace. I cannot say ‘no’ to You, sweet Jesus. I give You, my ‘yes’, but I also ask You to give me graces to follow through on my commitments to You. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Jesus!
“You are welcome, My child. I long to give My children all that is good for them and wait patiently for their ‘yes’ to My Will so that I can shower them with graces from My love. Continue to pray, My children. You are just now beginning to pray with the heart and I, the God who loves you, hear your prayers. My Most Holy Mother Mary brings your petitions to the Father and He does not deny Her, so continue to ask for Her holy intercession. Listen to Her, for She guides you on the best and quickest path to Heaven. She knows for I taught Her well and She is the Immaculate One who is perfectly united to the Most Holy Trinity.”
Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Blessed Mother for Your perfect ‘yes’ to God. Thank You for Your love for us and for Your heavenly assistance. I love You, Blessed Mother. Jesus, I love You. Help me to love You more.
“Yes, My child. I will help you. It is time now for you to go. My son (name withheld) is ready to leave.”
Yes, Jesus. As You say.
“I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace My daughter. I go with you, My little one and I will never abandon you.”
Amen, Jesus. Alleluia. Come, Lord Jesus, Come. Renew the face of the earth and begin now in My heart.
Source: ➥