Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I believe in You, adore You, praise and love You my God and my King. Thank You for holy Mass and Communion this morning, Jesus. Thank You also for the opportunity to pray at the bedside of (name withheld) yesterday and spend time with (name withheld). Lord, (name withheld) needs You. She is so very ill, Lord and I pray You are working in her soul now. She seems very close to death, Lord and I pray she experiences Your love. I pray this also for (names withheld). Bring them to faith in You, Jesus. Jesus, I am very grateful for the opportunity to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet at her bedside. Lord, I am sorry I’m so tired, again. I’m fighting another infection and am just not getting enough sleep.
Jesus, thank You for the new RCIA candidates. Guide (names withheld) as we walk with them on their journey. Thank You, Lord for keeping us safe this week and for (name withheld) continued recovery. Please guide him as he has new decisions to make. I pray for all those who are ill, especially those who are dying. Please take them to Heaven. I pray also for peace in our hearts, in our families and in the world, and for our shepherds. Lord, thank You for bringing (name withheld) back to us and for protecting her during her fall. Help her to heal, Jesus. Lord, I am so glad to be here with You today. It is so peaceful here with You. Lord, please protect us when we travel to Medjugorje. Help us to have a spiritual pilgrimage and help us to draw closer to You and to Your Mother. Give us any graces You desire we have and help our hearts to be open to You. Keep us in Your holy Will, Jesus.
“My child, thank you for your prayers and for offering yourselves completely to Me. Continue to make this offering of yourselves so that I can bring you closer to My heart and to My Holy Mother Mary’s heart. Continue to pray for peace in the world, for peace is being threatened. Pray also for your shepherds, My holy priest sons. I am asking My Bishops, who carry on the Apostolic succession, to pray for graces for they will need courage and perseverance in the coming days.”
Yes, Jesus.
“My child, I would like to tell you not to worry and to remember that I give different gifts to My children. It is not good to compare these gifts, for it causes more doubt. Trust in your Jesus. Keep your focus on Me, My child.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus.
“I thank you for your service and the sacrifices you made this week to care for others. I am grateful to My son (name withheld) also. Continue to live for Me, My children. Continue doing acts of love and service. Live My Gospel, My work of love in your lives, for the world needs My love, My light. I am counting on My little apostles to bring My love to a weary and dark world. Your love, your smiles, your caring attitude towards others spreads small rays of light wherever you go. This is true for all of My children. My child, do not be concerned for what is to come. Many of My children focus on what will happen, when and in what order, but it is more important to focus on your spiritual preparation. Fast, pray, read holy Scripture, frequent the Sacraments and seek Me in all people. Love, be merciful and have joy, no matter what occurs around you. I remind My children, love your enemies and forgive those who harm or persecute you. This is the only way to conquer hatred and violence. Love, My love, will conquer hatred and all forms of violence. Be love. Live love. God is love and to be true Christians one must love as I love. My children, give yourselves completely and unreservedly to Me and I will work through you in very powerful and beautiful ways. This is a process, My children and so begin now and if you have already begun, then let us continue. Your lives will be a beautiful tapestry in the Kingdom of God when you learn to truly love and to live lives of merciful service in love. This is living My Kingdom. My Children of Light, you pray the ‘Our Father’ and this is good. How many times you have said, ‘Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,’ and yet you do not give much thought to these words. What does it mean to say, ‘Thy Kingdom come?’ It means, dear Children of Light that you are asking God the Father to bring about His Kingdom and His Will. You are asking for His Kingdom to reign on earth as in Heaven. For this to occur, Our Kingdom must first reign in your hearts. In order for this to occur in your hearts, you must learn to love everyone. You must be full of mercy. You will then be praying for those who hurt you and for those you do not necessarily like, and you will begin to truly love and forgive. You must love everyone My children including those who are different than you, those around you who are deemed ‘undesirable’ in your culture. All people are My children and no matter how repulsive they may be to you now, you must overcome this, pray for them, forgive anyone who has wronged you and love them.”
“Once you learn to love everyone, your hearts will be ready for My Kingdom of love to reign there. I will set up My home in your little hearts and then My Kingdom will spread to others and eventually My Kingdom will reign all over the world. First, I must reign in your hearts, and so let us begin the process of forgiveness, healing, prayer, love and mercy right away. This work may take more time for some of My children and so we must not delay beginning. Children, it really is the case that you must change first for My Kingdom to come physically. I give you much grace, but you are being called to cooperate with My grace. It is not impossible for you to change for nothing is impossible for God. Remember this, My children. There is nothing that I can’t or won’t do to assist My children seeking holiness. It is My Will for you to become holy. It is My Will to bring about My Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven and you, My Children of Light are instrumental in this work of God, also. You are My instruments of love, of mercy, of joy and of peace. Let us also discuss My Will. For My Will to be done on earth as in Heaven, it must first be done in your hearts and in your lives. Do not be afraid to pray for My Will to be done, for My Will is perfect and it is best for you, My dear children. Do not fear My Will. My Will should cause you delight, for even when you face difficult situations, when you acquiesce to My Will, the most difficult situations will be resolved. You will also have peace during trials when you are submissive to My Will. I am longing to help you with every difficulty you face, but you often resist My help. You pray for Me to resolve problems the way you think problems should be resolved, but you are often incorrect about the solution, My children. I am perfect and it is impossible for Me to bring half resolution to a problem. Please do not ask for detailed solutions, for I will not do for you what you request when the outcome is less than perfect.
You do not have the ability to see each situation, the multiple possible solutions and resulting consequences, and even if you were able to do so, (which human beings are not capable of doing), you would not see each variable and nuance as well as have knowledge of the impact and effect on everyone involved. Only I know everything and therefore the best way to pray is this: Bring every problem to Me, your Jesus and explain your concerns, your fears, your desires and then say, ‘Lord Jesus I give this to you. I ask that You resolve this according to Your holy Will. Help me Jesus to do Your Will in all things. Help me to be an instrument for Your love in this situation and in all of my service to You. Give me Your peace, Your love, Your mercy, Jesus. May all be done according to Your Will.’ This is the way to live in peace, My children. It is unnecessary to worry and it creates obstacles to your trust. Release your concerns to Me, My children and I will help you in all things. There is nothing too difficult for Me, but often times My children erect obstacles to My grace. Remember, free will is a gift and I do not interfere with your will, but often times My children erect barriers to My Will. I want My Children of Light to be beacons of light and hope to the world. By learning to trust in My Will, no matter what occurs, no matter how difficult the trial you will have peace; you will have joy and you will be able to spread My love to others. This love of Mine will catch like wildfire and My Spirit will pour forth and renew the face of the earth. My children, first the flame of love must be ignited in your hearts. You take My love to others. But first, you must desire this love of Mine to consume you in order for this to occur you will need to pray, seek Me, and forgive and love your enemies and all who harm you. In this way, you will become more like Me, your Jesus. I love everyone and treat all of My children with love and mercy. You must do the same. Review holy Scripture and read about My passion and death. How did I treat those who persecuted Me? How did I treat those who were My friends, yet betrayed or abandoned Me? Meditate on My passion and be like your Savior and Lord. Read the Gospels and review each act of kindness and mercy I rendered to others, and then you go and do the same. Be like your Savior so that others will see Me in you. My Holy Mother Mary will help you; only ask for Her help. All will be well, My children. Let us begin.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your words of wisdom and lessons of love.
“You are welcome My little one. I also want My children to pray for their loved ones in this way for I know what is best for them and what they truly need. Ask that My Will be done in your lives and in the lives of your loved ones. In order for My Will to reign in the world, it must first reign in your hearts.
Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and my God.
“My child, you are learning to surrender to Me. Continue praying as I have asked you and you will continue your journey toward progress in the spiritual life. I love you and I am with you. My Holy Mother and St. Joseph are with you. Remember to ask the saints to intercede for you in this work. Ask for their help in your mission. You are not alone. Sometimes My children think they are alone but this is not the truth. Angels surround My Children of Light. Ask for their direction and their protection. All of Heaven is praying for you, My children. You have ready assistance in the Church Triumphant; you have only to ask for it. My children, I am bringing about great changes in your world I give you graces for peace, joy and hope even in the midst of turmoil. The peace and joy you possess will be a witness to others. Be My little apostles of love, mercy, peace and joy. All will be well. Let us begin together. I love you.”
Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord.
“My little lamb, I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in the peace and joy of the heavenly kingdom.”
Thank You, sweet Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you.”
Amen. Alleluia!
Source: ➥