Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 24, 2016
Adoration Chapel

Hello, dearest Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love You, Lord God of all creation. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning. Thank You for my family, God. Praise Your holy, mighty name. Thank You for the blessings You give and for the love You show to Your children. Lord, I have many intentions each day, but today I ask for all the intentions of Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart to triumph. I pray also for the intentions of Your Sacred Heart and for all those who are ill, who have cancer and other serious illnesses including (names withheld). I pray for the repose of (name withheld) and for peace and consolation for their families. Lord, for peace in our country and in the world and for all violence to cease. Please protect the innocent children, Lord. Bring healing, comfort, peace and consolation to all victims of violence. Draw them close to Your Sacred Heart that is filled with love and mercy. Save us, oh Lord. Please open the hearts of those who do not know You so they may receive graces for conversion. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear Your Gospel, the Good News of salvation. Bring many, many souls to You, my Lord. Jesus, I am having difficulty concentrating. Please help me, Lord. There are so many distractions.
“My daughter, I am here. Look at Me.”
Yes, Jesus.
“I welcome all, regardless of the disposition of their hearts. My children are beautiful to Me. Do you not see? You are somewhat amused because you sense I am smiling, My child. It is so. I smile, for I love My beautiful children who come to adore Me in My Eucharistic presence. They bring everything with them; their wounds, their sorrows, their concerns, their joys, their accomplishments and their failings. They bring their gifts, their struggles and their burdens. They bring their loved ones, carried in their hearts with them as they come before Me in Adoration. I am very pleased when My children sit with Me, keeping Me company in Adoration. I send many graces to those who adore Me in My Eucharistic presence. It is My joy and therefore even the distractions, the noises, the whispers I do not mind for I am so pleased to be with My people, whom I love with the deepest love and affection. “
(An elderly woman who is very faithful to come to Adoration was whispering [loudly] and then when she stopped, she opened a book [very old book with crisp pages] and began turning them. She looked at several pages before beginning to read and the page turning was so loud it was almost humorous. She is a dear soul and I am always so glad to see her here. People come in and out, if even for a few minutes and take time to get settled, while my prayer neighbor moans about her aches and pains, the weather, etc. This is what was going on when I told Jesus about my lack of focus. He is teaching me through this.)
Thank You, Lord for giving me perspective. I so desperately need perspective lately. Lord, please, please resolve the situation (names withheld) are facing. They are being unjustly accused, as You know Jesus. You were unjustly accused. Be their protector, their shepherd, their refuge. Protect them in this very difficult trial. Jesus, their family is so holy. They love and serve You and listen to Your holy Mother, Mary. I beg You to resolve this unjust case and have it be closed early. Please, Jesus. There is so much concern and worry and it is something they offer for You, Jesus. But if it is Your Will, please let this cup pass for them, earlier than they were told. Give them peace and joy, Lord. Jesus, this world is so void of good and holy parents who teach their children about You and instill love for the Holy Catholic Church. They protect their children from harm, from evil and from the cultural disease that has taken such a toll on families. This family is good, noble, holy and just. Jesus, please rescue them from the enemy who seeks only harm, death and destruction. Allow truth to prevail over lies, beauty and light over ugliness and darkness, and good over evil in this situation and in all that is going on in families all over the world. Lord, I come to You as a beggar in rags and throw myself at Your holy feet. I implore Your great mercy and ask for mercy to be shown to the (name withheld) family. I love them dearly, my Savior. I know You love them even more, for You are God. You are love. Jesus, this is very difficult. This is an extremely heavy cross. Lift it from their shoulders, Lord. It is almost too much to bear. Send them relief, Jesus, or send them a Simon to carry this cross for them. I pray it is removed, Lord but if not removed, may it be made lighter.
“My little lamb, suffering purifies for it causes souls to most closely resemble Me, the suffering servant. You understand the many benefits of suffering so I do not need to tell you, however I am listening to their prayers and I listen to yours. All will be well, My child. All will be well. Reflect on how My Mother suffered. She can bring great consolation to them in this trial. Have no fear. All will be well.”
Thank You, Jesus for listening to my prayers and to theirs. Thank You for Your reassurances. Jesus, I trust in You.
“My child, the world is in great need of more prayer and fasting. Please encourage people to fast for peace. Peace is being threatened in the world. I have said this repeatedly, as has My Holy Mother Mary. It is becoming more obvious as evil acts are perpetrated throughout the world. My enemy is at work in the hearts and souls of those who do not know Me and do not love Me. Remember that My Most Holy Mother Mary has informed Her children that prayer and fasting can stop wars. Because there have been so few in number heeding Her words and putting them into action, evil continues to escalate. This is not necessary, My Children of Light. You must pray and sacrifice more for peace to spread throughout the world. You must pray, fast and return to the Sacraments for love to reign in the world. My children, it is possible for peace and love to spread like fire throughout the world, but it depends on you. It depends on the children of God to bring it about soon. Otherwise, much suffering, more violence and bloodshed will occur through the hands of My adversary. Eventually, I will restore peace and love, however do not wait and say, ‘Oh, well. What will happen will happen. God is in control and He will rescue us. His Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph, so we will just sit quietly and patiently waiting.’ No! Do not take this approach for many souls will be lost that could be saved. This approach, My children is one I refer to as ‘hiding your light under a bushel basket.’ This is the approach of the lukewarm who do not love enough to pray for their enemies, do not love enough to help their neighbors, who do not care enough to say even a prayer for lost souls.”
“You must wake up and realize, My children that there is a war raging between good and evil and it is being directly waged against My children and My creation. The only way to vanquish the adversary is to cover the souls of the earth with your prayers. You must infuse My light into the darkness. Do not hide My light, children or you are no better than those who came before you, and did nothing to stop the advance of evil. The time for action is now. The time you have, this very moment in time, has been ordained by God the Father. You are seeing the power of the enemy now and what you will see, if you do nothing, is beyond anything you can imagine. Take action, My children. The time is now. God is all powerful. We are ready to infuse each one of Our children with divine graces for spiritual victory, but you must be receptive. You must say ‘yes’ to your God. The power of the adversary pales in comparison to the power of the One True God. I am God. I am all powerful. I work through My Children of Light. My victory brings love, light, life, peace and joy. My adversary brings, hatred, darkness, death, conflict and despair. These are not mere words, My children. They are truth. Yes, I will bring about the Era of Peace, but the method of doing so relies on My children. If you continue to do nothing, it will come at a great price to souls. My children, you are being invited to enlist in the Army of God. You are being invited to cooperate in God’s great plan of salvation. ‘How?’ you ask. By praying, fasting and being a sacramental and holy people set apart from the evil of the world. You are called to be a witness to Me, your Savior by your holy lives. In order for one to witness, one must interact with others. You must live a life of holiness, humility, peace and joy. In the process of spreading the Gospel, you must show love. Speak the truth and do so with My love. Be love to others. Bring My truth to them. The world has difficulty recognizing truth. The world has difficulty trusting for there are few people who are truly trustworthy. Those living in darkness, may have never met a person whom they can trust. This is very sad, My Children of Light and yet it is true. You must have the utmost respect and love for your brothers and sisters who do not know Me, and you also must be cautious for many seek to do harm.”
“Begin and end each day with prayer. Pray the holy rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet each day, preferably morning and evening. My children, you think I ask too much of you, but this is the minimum, I assure you. These are urgent times. Prayer warriors are needed. All of My Children of Light are prayer warriors. This is without question. The question I put to you is, will you accept your responsibility? Will you fulfill the mission God the Father has lovingly given to you? Part of your mission involves prayer. It is time to cover the world in prayer. If you do not do this, the world will be covered with the blood of the innocents. So many innocent souls are already lost through the holocaust of abortion. So many innocent lives are lost through violence that is uncalled for, and fueled by evil rage. So many innocent lives are lost through the evils of war.”
“My children it does not have to be like this. This is not the plan of My Father for His children. My Mother is raising apostles for these days. You, My Children of Light are to be Her little, holy apostles. Imagine the evil one and all of his minions being defeated by little apostles of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Imagine the adversary and all those who follow him being defeated by My Mother’s army of little children. Their arsenals? Rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplets. Imagine this My children. Imagine all peoples uniting under one faith, one God, one baptism. Imagine creation returning to its original beauty from the time of creation. Imagine this, and then believe it is possible, for it is possible with God. All things are possible for God. You must begin to believe so that you are inspired to pray as I have asked. Prayer waters your spiritual growth. The light of the Holy Spirit is like the sunshine and it is also necessary for your spiritual growth. If you do not spend time in prayer, you will not grow, you will not receive direction from Me, and you will wander about aimlessly having no direction. This does nothing to further My Kingdom and it does nothing to prevent the kingdom of darkness from spreading. My Children of Light, I am with you. I am with you. You have nothing to fear when you follow Me. The time is now, My children. Do not sit by idly watching your brothers and sisters perish in darkness and sin. Live the Gospel. Share the Gospel. Share Me. I am the Good News. Bring Me to the nations. Bring Me to every corner of the world. Stand up for what is right and good and reject that which is evil. Following Me is not a spectator sport, but one that calls for your participation. Please My dear children, answer this call to be heroes of faith. Answer this call, and I will richly bless you for your efforts to bring about My Kingdom. My kingdom will reign again one day in the hearts of all men. I invite you all to be participants in this great revival of love.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your light, Your love, Your truth. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for Your death on the cross, so that we could live. Thank You for Your resurrection. Thank You for the opportunity to love, serve and follow You. May we do so for the rest of our lives on earth. Help us to serve You well. Help us to follow You and to love and serve Your Mother. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You.
“Thank you, My little lamb. This pleases Me. You may go now in peace. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”
Amen. Alleluia. Praise You, Jesus, Lord God of Heaven and earth, Who was and is and is to come.
Source: ➥