Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Adoration Chapel


Hello dearest Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar. I believe in You; I adore You and I praise You my King and my God. You are beautiful, my Jesus. I love You, God. Thank You for all blessings, graces and mercy; all of which come from You. You are the source of every good thing. Thank You again for the graces from Heaven poured out to us yesterday through Fr. (name withheld). Thank You for his vocation. Please give him renewed strength. Protect him, Father from all evil. Thank You for his ‘yes’ to You and to Our Lady. Help him to get some rest, Lord. Bless his ministry and his vocation and hide him in Your Sacred Heart. Thank You for arranging this today, Jesus so he could pray over (name withheld). You are so generous and kind beyond measure. Jesus, what can I do for You today?

“Sit here with Me, My little one. Be with Me.”

Yes, Jesus. I am glad to be with You. Thank You for the opportunity to be in Your holy and divine presence, Lord. (After sitting in silence for several minutes.)

“My daughter, you heard Me correctly yesterday when I said I would like you to carry this cross awhile longer. It will be fruitful, My little lamb. It is alright that you asked Father for confirmation. He can be trusted. He is a holy son of mine. Hold the things he told you, in your heart. Thank you for agreeing to do penance for the souls who have so greatly offended Me. Offer your suffering for poor sinners who have no regard for their sins. Their sins greatly offend Me, My child. I want My children to be chaste and pure so that one day they can join Me in Heaven. Pray for their conversion, My child.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord. Father God, by the most precious blood of Jesus Christ, save them and the whole world! Save us all, Jesus. Give us graces for conversion. Lord, open the hearts of those who are far from You, especially during this week. Lord, during Holy Week, save many, many souls. Be with those souls who are dying and who will die tonight and take them with You to Heaven. Jesus, open the heart that is the most closed to You and bring them close to Your adorable, Sacred Heart. Shower them with Your mercy, Jesus. Glory to God in the highest. Glorify Yourself, Lord through Your children. Give us wisdom and knowledge to resist the tempter and to hear Your voice and follow You.

“My child, if only you knew how much I love you. One day you will have full knowledge of My love. For now, I give you glimpses of My love. For now, you also must walk in faith, trusting in My love for you.”

Thank You, Jesus for Your love. Be with me tomorrow, Lord. Please open (name withheld) heart and encourage her to come for prayer and healing. Jesus, guide her to Yourself. Draw her soul to You for graces of healing. My Lord and my God, You desire all souls be saved. You died for our souls. Please give (name withheld) courage and the desire to seek You. You are the answer and the cure for all that ails us. If it be Your holy will, bring about this meeting tomorrow; all in accordance with Your will, Lord. Jesus, I give myself to You entirely. I want to hold nothing back from You, my Lord. Save me, Jesus and help me to remove all attachments that may keep me from serving You with all that I am. Thank You for being a loving Father, a friend and my Savior.

“My daughter, I love you. All will be well. Do as My holy priest son has directed you. I spoke through him and My Spirit directs him. He walks and moves under My holy Mother Mary’s mantle. She protects him to do My work. Pray for him, though for he is human and he allows himself complete openness to My Will pouring himself out for My flock. He is My great and faithful servant and My beautiful son. Pray for him.”

Yes, Jesus. We will pray for him. Thank You, Lord.

“My child, I am calling you to go deeper spiritually, as My son told you. Listen to him. It is time for your spiritual life to advance to a deeper level. Do not be afraid for this means you will be drawing even nearer to Me than you already are. I want to hold you close to My heart, so close that you hear each beat and feel My heart pulsing through you. Do not fear, for I am love, mercy, light and truth and with Me there is nothing to fear. My child, do not fear what it is I may ask of you, for I love you. I will never ask anything of you that you cannot do.”

Jesus, I know this and I trust You. I am not concerned that You will ask me to do something I can’t do, because You are mercy itself. I am only concerned that it may be something so challenging to me that I reject it or choose not to do what it is You may ask. I am afraid of myself, Jesus. I am very weak, Lord. I can do nothing apart from You, yet I do not trust myself. I trust You, but not me. I am too weak to follow You bravely, Lord. I am small and I do not suffer well. Father told me that to go deeper in relationship with You usually involves suffering. I am not a good soul, Jesus. I do not suffer well and I do not like suffering. You know me, Jesus, so You know this. I do, however want to be as close to You as You will allow and so, for this I say ‘yes’ Jesus. I love You and I want to love You more.

“My child, you say you do not like suffering. I did not create My children to love suffering. However, to become like Me in all things you must learn to bear your sufferings with a certain resoluteness, knowing that all is in God’s Will. I only allow what is good for your soul. I would not allow crosses that are harmful to your soul. You must learn to embrace the crosses I choose for you and offer them for the intentions I give you. In this way, you will become like your Jesus. I prayed for My Father to let the cup of suffering pass; not My Will, but His Will be done. I feared the cross, also for I knew in My Divinity exactly what I would suffer in My humanity. I knew also of the betrayals, the ingratitude from the very people I had healed and raised from the dead. I knew of each blow to My body in the scourging. I knew of the crowning with thorns and even the length of these thorns and how deeply they would penetrate. Because I am God, I knew and My humanity trembled with fear and anxiety, and yet I knew I had come to the world for this. I saw each person from the beginning of time to the end, including My holy Mother and St. Joseph; including you and each one of My Children of Light and I said, ‘Father, not My Will, but Your Will be done.’ And so, I accepted death on the cross. I accepted, My children, to grow in holiness, you must accept God’s Will in your lives. This is a daily acceptance (sometimes an hourly acceptance). The true marks of holiness in individuals are love, joy, mercy, peace and resignation to the Will of God. In order to be resigned to the Will of God, one must know God and trust in Him. To know Him, one must spend time in silent prayer. Seek My Will and be open to My Will, My Children of Light. Love My Will. My Will is perfect and it allows only that which is good for your beautiful souls. Trust in Me. Trust in My mercy. I love you.”

Thank You, Lord God of all. Thank You for Your holy Will, Your love, Your mercy and Your goodness.

“My child, what would I suffer for you? Was there one drop of suffering I failed to drink?”

No, Lord. You failed at nothing. You drank from the cup of suffering and though it was very bitter You drank every drop. Thank You, Jesus Christ.

“Please do not withhold anything from Me. Allow this cross and do not be concerned with others that may or may not come. Only take My hand that I have stretched out to you, and follow Me. Do not be concerned where I will lead you, for you are following your Lord and Savior. What difference does it make if we go by way of the forest, or the lake, or the desert. All that matters is that we go together. We walk side by side on this path I have chosen for you. There are many paths, but we will take the one chosen just for you. Do not fear. I have chosen well for you. When you were young, you followed your parents without question. You did so because you trusted them and trusted their love for you. You did not think, ‘I hope my parents choose the best route for our trip’ when you were on vacation. Did you, My child?”

No, Jesus. It did not cross my mind. I may have wondered where we were or asked how long before we arrived but I don’t believe I ever thought once about them taking an incorrect route.

“That is correct, My child. This is the trust I want you to have for Me. Do not be concerned with future sufferings or crosses or even future joys. Be joyful now, for your Savior walks with you and we go together. Enjoy each day and offer each day’s suffering and joys to Me. That is all. I will be sure that we arrive to the correct destination. Just continue to walk with Me and no one else. I will lead you.”

Thank You, Jesus. I love You!

“And I love you. You may go in peace now. Be love to one another and I bless you in My Father’s name in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”

Jesus, You know how I love to read for You infused this love into me. Is there nothing for me to read?

“My child, you may read Holy Scripture, the Catechism and the Poem of the Man God. For now, read nothing else. I will direct you when it is time for you to read something else. I want your focus to be on Me.”

Thank You, Jesus. Amen! I love You.

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