Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love, adore and praise You, my Lord and my God! Thank You that we are with You today, Jesus. Thank You for holy Mass this morning and for allowing me to go to confession yesterday, Jesus. Thank You for the graces of absolution and healing that You convey to us, Your little children, through the priest. You are so great, so wonderful, Lord God of all to provide the Sacraments for us as a way to receive Your divine grace. Lord, forgive me for the many times I have sinned against You. I am sorry. I love You. Help me, Lord to grow closer to You, so much so that I never want to offend You, my precious Savior and friend. Thank You, Father God for sending Your Son to the world to redeem us and give us the gift of salvation. May we, one day, come to live in Your heavenly kingdom.
“My daughter, it is good that you are here with Me in the Blessed Sacrament where I await all of My children. I know that neither you nor My son feel worthy to be called to serve Me in this manner, nor do you feel worthy to receive My messages.”
I am not worthy, Lord. I am a sinner. I fail You countless times, Lord. I don’t know why You have so much patience and love for me, Lord, or for any of us for that matter. I only know that You do. For that I am very grateful. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Lord.
“My child, it is when you feel far from Me that you must come to Me. Do not think that when you are down, or have sinned, that you should avoid Me, your God, your Father, for it is then that I am most needed. It is in times such as this, that you should run to me. I love you and I long to embrace you, My daughter. Do not base your holiness on your feelings. Do not base your holiness on your feeling of being unloved. I love you. I will always love you and I will always love each and every one of My children. When you feel unloved, unworthy, come to Me. I will help you see with greater clarity just how much I, your Father, love you. Do not allow your feelings to dictate when you will or will not speak with Me, My child. Speak with Me each and every day and most especially when you feel unloved, unholy, or far from Me. Feelings pass like grasses that have been cut and blow away with the wind, or like the snow that is here one day and gone the next. When you have feelings of unrest or anxiety, bring them to Me. Give them to Me. I am a good and loving Father. I provide for all of My children. I will take your feelings, soothe you, and replace them with My peace. Do this as soon as these feelings are detected, so as to prevent you from acting on them or lashing out at your loved ones. Bring all to Me, My daughter. I will ease your burdens but you must allow Me to do so.”
Thank You, Father. Thank You for Your love and mercy.
“My child, as you practice doing this with Me, you will grow in your knowledge and your experience of My mercy. I will work in your soul and each of My children’s souls in this way, as I am allowed. As My children experience My love, first hand, you will grow in your trust of Me. Then, with confidence, spread My love and My mercy to others. Be merciful to others, as I am merciful. In order to understand what this means, My children must experience My mercy. Go often to the font of mercy, children. That is, to say, go often to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, My children. Great graces await you there. I now ask My children to seek this sacrament every two weeks. You must become holy and I wish all of My children to be purified by My Son in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Then, after receiving absolution from Him via My holy priests, present yourselves for Holy Communion, and receive My Son, body, blood, soul and divinity in the Eucharist. In this way, more and more of My children will bear Christ to the world. As more of My lost children see the love, mercy and goodness in you and are attracted to your peacefulness which comes from God, they will want what you possess. They will want to know Me. This is how the Gospel is spread. By your love and mercy others will want to know Me. It is then that you may witness to them of My great love, and that of My Son. I am a loving God and I do not desire any of My children to perish. I desire all to know of My great love for them. I desire My children to accept My love and to return My love. I desire every person I created to dwell with Me in My heavenly kingdom. I love you, My children. Bring joy to Me, by loving Me in return. I know it is not easy for you, My children, who have not had loving, earthly fathers. It is difficult for you to open your hearts to Me, your heavenly Father. I assure you, My children, I
love you. I will never abandon you, as some of you have experienced with your earthly fathers.
I will never leave you. I will always listen to you. I will listen with rapt attention and respect. There is nothing too small or inconsequential for Me, dearest children. Have no fear. I will not reject you, for I made you. I created you, because I loved you and I still love you. There is nothing so terrible that would cause Me to stop loving you. Bring each concern, each hurt, each deep wound to Me, your Father and your friend. I will heal you, My children. My child the one reading this message who thinks this applies to everyone but you, know this; I am speaking to you, to your beautiful wounded heart. I whisper words of encouragement and love to you. Do not believe the lies of the evil one who tells you, that you are not worthy of My love. I created you for love. You were created out of My love, for My love. The evil one wants to separate you from Me. This separation is what you do not deserve. You deserve unity with Me, your beloved. I am a good Father. I am a forgiving Father. I am merciful; I am love. Open your heart to Me, My child and you will see. This is a time of great mercy, My child and I desire that you receive My mercy, and My love. I sent My Son to open the floodgates of mercy. He has done so, and yet so many people do not desire His gift of salvation. Open your hearts, children. Open your hearts and open your hands. Lift your eyes to Heaven and cry out to your God, your Father, who loves you. I will not disappoint you. I have many gifts awaiting you, but you must decide for Me. Love Me. Follow Me. My Son has laid out all for you. Read the scriptures and learn how good, how merciful, how obedient My Son was when He walked the earth. It is impossible to know of My Son, to experience His mercy and His love, and while loving Him in return to choose hell. Many of My children are choosing hell on a daily basis. Give up your evil lifestyles, your pagan practices and return to the God who loves you. My love knows no limits, no boundaries. Rejoice in My love, children. Rejoice, knowing the God of Heaven and earth and of all creation knows and loves you. Let us be on a first name basis. My children. We are friends. Begin now to love and follow My Son. Read holy scripture to learn of this love, to learn about how you are to love. Many changes are coming to your world. Come to Me now, so that the changes will be easier for you. Turmoil is always seemingly lessened when you have someone going through it with you. Allow Me to take your hand and we will go through these changes together. Do not fear. Come, let us begin now.”
Thank You, good and gracious Father. Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for all that You do and continue to do for us, Your poor children. Help us to love You more, Father. You are worthy of all our love. Help us to be a witness to Your love. Give us graces to love.
Jesus, thank You for this time in Your presence. How wonderful, amazing and precious this time is in Your presence. I am most grateful for the words from God the Father. Help us to be witnesses to Your love, Jesus. I am very difficult sometimes, Lord and I am not always (often not) a witness to love, but irritable and grouchy. Forgive me for my ingratitude.
“My child, My little one, all is forgiven. Receive My forgiveness and My love and let us begin anew. There is much work to do and we must move forward. There is no time to dwell on past mistakes, and there is no reason to dwell on them, either. My forgiveness is like a cleansing rain that makes all things new. Live in the present, My daughter. Live in the love of My Sacred Heart. You are safe there, My darling daughter. You have a tendency to dwell on each failure as if it was a large obstacle coming between us. I am larger than any obstacle, of course and nothing you can do can separate you from My love, or that of My Father. Only believe in this, My little lamb. Give Me your shortcomings and do not take them back. Allow them to be behind you. Do not turn around and gaze at what you have left behind, but grasp My hand and walk forward with Me into the light, My child. Behold, I make all things new. To dwell on your past mistakes is to distrust Me. Do you see My child, why your Jesus wants you to leave them where they belong, in your past? Focus only on Me and we go forward together. This is what I want every one of My children to do. If I have forgiven you, and I have, why is it you do not forgive yourselves? Are you more worthy than I to judge? No, of course not. Then do not second guess My forgiveness, but rejoice in it and begin again. Too often My children hear voices from the past of others who have condemned you. These are lies, My children of light. If others who were responsible for raising you did not love you, did not forgive you, judged you and condemned you, their sin is also in the past. Release yourselves from the sins of your parents, loved ones, friends, and forgive them. Their sinfulness is not a reflection on your value, for you are priceless. You are intrinsically valuable to Me. I love you and you are Mine, and I, your Jesus am yours. That is the truth, and on that I desire you focus, for I am truth, I am life, I am love and we belong together. Come, children of My heart allow Me to love you, allow Me to heal you. Then, take My love to others who are wounded and have not allowed themselves to be loved by Me. Teach them about My love. I am counting on you, My children. Do not worry that your Jesus counts on you, for I will help you. I need you to spread My love and goodness.
This world has turned far from Me and that is why there is so much darkness. There is little love, My children. I am counting on you to receive My love, and to freely give what you have received. In this way, those living in darkness will see the light of My love. Do not fear the world that is in darkness, for fear is not from Me. Fear is from the evil one, My adversary and yours.
You are safe, My children under My Mother’s mantle of protection. You are children of the King. Move about in My world with confidence and love. Ask your angel guardians and My most holy and pure Mother to protect you and walk each step in confidence and grace, for you belong to a heavenly family. Even if someone hurts your bodies, children, no one can hurt your soul when you are walking with your God. Make good use of the time you are given to serve Me, for the time on earth is brief, even for those who live a very long life (on earth), time is brief. You will agree with this concept when you are in Heaven. Be joyful in service to Me. I am grateful for each task, each sacrifice that you make for your brothers and sisters.
My daughter, time is short now and God the Father implores His children to step into the light, away from every act of evil that pulls one’s soul closer to hell. The time of justice approaches, and during the coming calamities, that will erupt in countless places all over the world, many lives will be lost. Pray for those who have not yet decided for Me and for Heaven. Offer sacrifices for them, and continue to pray. I ask you and your family to begin another Divine Mercy Novena. Begin this on My Mother’s Feast day, tomorrow. I would like many, many children to begin the divine Mercy Novena for those who have not experienced My love, and for those who will die in the coming calamities. Do this work of love and mercy, My children. I, your Jesus am requesting this. It is very important now to pray and to renew your fervor in prayer. Please do this for your Jesus, and for your brothers and sisters, living outside in the cold and darkness. Your prayers will be very beneficial to them, for there are special graces available in these darkest of times.”
Thank You, Jesus. We will begin another novena. It will be a wonderful time to begin this on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Thank You for this gift, Lord. I just realized it will end on my husband’s birthday. Thank You, Lord.
“You are most welcome, My child. I desire many more souls be converted and I ask for My children’s cooperation. I remind My children of the importance of prayer. You do not see the power of your prayers or the way many hearts change as a result, but I do. Heaven sees the results and now more than ever you must renew your fervor. Pray, My Children of the Renewal. Graces are abundant and have been saved for just this time. Please do not waste them for yourselves, or for your brothers and sisters who are unaware because they have no knowledge of the heavenly assistance available to them. My children, if you could see what was coming, you would pray for hours and hours each day. Such are the coming calamities. These are prophesied in the readings of this liturgical season. Many of you, yes, most of you will see this time come to fruition. You will not regret the time you spent praying and preparing yourselves through fasting and sacrifices. You will only regret the time you spent idle, or wasted on worldly pursuits. Prepare yourselves for My coming into your hearts, for My children, I am coming. I love you and I desire that all be saved.”
Thank You, Lord God of power and might. Thank You God of all creation, God of love. Help us to do Your holy and perfect will, for we are weak and we need Your grace, Your mercy, to continue in Your will. I love You, my Jesus. Help me to love You more.
“Yes, My little lamb. I will help you to grow in your love of Me. You are growing, though you do not see this. That is as it should be. Continue to love and serve Me. Be prepared, My son and My daughter, for you departure and the many ‘good byes’ you will say. Try not to be sad, but look forward to beginning the Father’s mission in My Mother’s community. Great trust will be required, and has been required for you to be at this point in our journey. Pray for an increase in trust. More trust will be needed on your part as you begin this new phase, for you are aware of some of the trials coming; of the needs of My holy priest sons and of the dire circumstances in which your nation will find itself. Allow My peace, My trust, My love, My mercy to wash over you like a warm and gentle wave from My ocean that you both love so much. Allow these qualities of My heart to carry you. I will carry you, My darling children. Go with the strength of My Spirit and do not be afraid. My Mother has every need, every decision your community will have and will make in Her spotless hands. All will be well. Remember to ask for Her guidance and that of St. Joseph as you prepare for your flight into Egypt. We, the Holy Family, go with you. Remember, My family that We, the Holy Family have gone before you.”
Jesus, what of my son? I want him to go with us, and his situation seems impossible, though nothing is impossible for You, Jesus.
“My little one, I know of your pain and how you heart is breaking. His is breaking also, though he tries to appear strong for you. See how he is growing and maturing in the Spirit? In My Spirit. I assure you that I am with him and he walks with Me. Do not be concerned about how things may appear as more information is shared with you, for I have told you that I am truth, I am justice. He is being treated unjustly and his accusers are false. Do not allow your heart to be troubled, little one. I allow this persecution for his good, for his growth. Pray that he continues to trust in Me, for I will do a great work through this final trial in his journey. I am healing him and ministering to him in this silence. He is bringing My love to others desperately in need. All will be well, My daughter.”
Jesus, will you please answer my prayer, my request that he be home, with us for Your feast day, Christmas?
“Continue to pray, My daughter. Ask the Blessed Mother to assist in this request. I am asking much of you, I realize My little lamb. Your Jesus asks much from His closest friends. Trust in Me, My child. That is all that is required and you will witness your miracle.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You and I trust in Your holy and perfect will. Have you anything else to say to Me, Jesus?
“No, My child. That is all for now. Enjoy your time with your daughter this evening. I am with you. I am with your family, also. Enjoy one another at this time and celebrate My coming. I love you and I bless your entire family in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Go in My love. All will be well. Trust in Me, your Savior, your Lord, your Jesus.”
Thank You, Jesus. We love You!
“And, I love you.”
Source: ➥