Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. It’s so very good to be here with You, my Lord and my God. I love You. Thank You for Your presence with us, and for never leaving us, Jesus.
“Hello, My daughter. Thank you for coming to visit with me in My Eucharistic presence.”
Lord, please help my daughter to get well, and bless my husband for staying home with our grandson so that I could come to visit You in the Blessed Sacrament. I know he wants to be here with You, also. He sacrificed his visit, so that I could come. Thank You, Lord for my husband, for his faith, and his love.
“You are welcome, My child. I do bless your family. Your daughter became ill due to the stress she has been under and the conflicting situation she is in at work. I have allowed this time for her to rest in Me. I know of your husband’s sacrifice and I, too am grateful. We have much to discuss today, do we not?”
Yes, Lord, if You say so, Jesus, it is so.
“My child, what is it that worries you?”
Lord, I read what You told my friend and I am concerned about my children and grandchildren. I am concerned about out lack of ability to stay warm during the upcoming outages. I ask You to take care of us, Jesus and to provide for all who are unable to secure heat, especially little children and the elderly who are so vulnerable. Lord, I was also thinking of my daughter who is away from the church. I trust You and recall that You said ‘all would be well.’ Please bring her swiftly back to You, Jesus. Blessed Mother, please take her hand and bring her to Your Son, Jesus.
“My child, do you not think that I, Your Jesus will care for you?”
Yes, Jesus. I know You will. Still, that doesn’t mean it won’t be miserable (conditions). I am confident that You hold every one of Your children in Your loving arms, no matter what occurs. Thank You that You love us, Lord Jesus.
“My child, trust in Me, Your Savior. All is under control. What is to come, is what is needed to bring My children back to Me. I want My children safely in the care of My Holy and Pure Mother. My desire is for all of My children to accept the love I have for them, and which I freely give. Thank you, My children who do love Me, and follow Me.”
Lord, please give consolations and peace to the man who just left Adoration. He seems angry and disturbed. Give him Your peace, Lord. Jesus, my husband mentioned being concerned about the high cost of building. I know he trusts You with the solution, and yet the time to begin is near and we will need Your guidance with all of the decisions facing us. Lord, is there something we need to be doing at this point, different than what we are doing?
Continue on the path I have laid out for you. Prepare the house for the sale and finalize what is needed to begin building. I do not provide every answer ahead of when the direction is needed, My daughter. It is enough for you to trust in Your Jesus and walk by faith. I will provide for My children. I understand My son’s need to provide everything for his family, but in this case he is to look to Me to be the provider for I will give what is needed when the time comes to proceed, for each step as it is needed, and in My time. My children, trust is what is required.”
Lord, it is difficult to concentrate on You and You alone with the talking going on. I am very sorry for my inability to give You my full attention. Please inspire others to be focused on You, also. You deserve our undivided attention, Lord. I love You!
“My child, I see the current situation and I understand. I overlook these tendencies in My children who are aging in their earthly bodies. So much is changing for them in their physical bodies, conditions and in the world around them. They are wise in their old age and they see the signs of the times. They are more vocal at this point in their lives and they are very concerned. I am grateful for their faithfulness in coming to adore Me. I accept each child as they are, and especially delight in those who are at an age where it is difficult to get around, and still they make a sacrifice due to their physical discomfort and inability to get around independently, and come to see Me.”
Jesus, have You anything You wish to say to me?
“Yes, My daughter. Put aside your fears, your anxieties and serve Me in each moment. Do not worry about what tomorrow will bring. Prepare as I have asked and continue on, My child. It is not for you to know the day or the hour that Your Jesus will come again. It is also not for you to know when the coming calamities will strike. What I ask of you and all of My children, is to live My Gospel message. Love others. Serve Me by loving your neighbor. Prepare, yes. Worry, no. To worry is to distrust Me, Your Jesus. Be in My Divine Will. Dwell in My Sacred Heart, for then, no matter what occurs, you will be safely united to Me. My children of the light, it is past time to awaken and return to the Sacraments. You must clothe yourselves in holiness and righteousness and it is not possible to do so, independent of the Sacraments. Return, My children of light while there is still access to My holy priest sons.”
Thank You, Lord. Jesus, help us to do exactly as You say, for all that You direct us, is for our own good. Lord, please be with us in the workplace, as there is so much persecution going on now for those who love and follow You. I think this is just the beginning, Jesus. We need Your guidance and protection.
“It is as you say, My child. It did not have to be this way, but man’s disregard for My Father and
Me has caused this clash with evil. My Mother has been trying to effect change in the hearts of Her children, but small is the number of people who listen to Her.”
Lord, will more people turn to Her when conditions grow worse in the world?
“Yes, My daughter, but not as many as you would imagine. So many of My children have hearts of stone and ice. Instead of returning to Me and begging for mercy, many will blame Me for their circumstances. Some will convert and return to Me. It is for these children that I allow the calamities, for they will bring about conversions. Many will not convert, though. Pray for My children who are far from Me. Pray that the coming trials and difficulties will soften hearts. I urge the children who follow Me to pray for your brothers and sisters. Be merciful. Be love. Share what you have with those who come to you. Those who have prepared and who have stored food, share with those who have not. In this way, more will continue to convert, for they will be amazed at your love. They will learn firsthand, of My love, by witnessing My love through you. Regardless of what occurs around you, you are still expected to be light and to be love to others. In some ways, you will have a greater opportunity to love heroically than the holy saints who have come before you did. In this time of darkness, the light of My love shines as a beacon of hope to others and gives light to their path. Without My light, there is darkness, fear and confusion. Bring the light of My love to those around you. Pray during times of distress, so that I can flood you with My peace and My love. My children are to be peaceful even in the midst of turmoil. This peaceful demeanor, that I desire for all of My children, will attract those who are distressed. You will then provide your calm, which comes from My Holy Spirit, your prayerful disposition to them, as a port in the storms of life. My children of light, this is nothing new for you, and yet it will not be easy to remember when the times of great trials are upon you. You must remember this now and put this spiritual practice into your life now. Come to Me frequently throughout the day, in moments of silence and ask Me to give you My peace, My calm, My clarity. Turn your gaze toward Heaven often throughout each day. Each time you do so, graces are provided to you. I encourage each one of My children to remain close to Me in this way, so that your hearts and minds are united with me and all of Heaven. We will direct you, Children of the Renewal. Be aware that these simple instructions are of the utmost importance to you now and for your futures. I am with you, My children in a special way during this time of disobedience. The world and it’s people are very far from God, and evil abounds as a result. I cry out to My children and My pleas fall on deaf ears, even for those who still love Me, but give their attention to worldly pursuits.
My children, do you not see that the evil one lurks about you, and his minions cause distractions and barriers that you blindly disregard? Do you not see how easily distracted all of My children have become, such that your focus on Me has been diverted? Do not look to government and environmental policies and programs to save you, for that is the deception of the evil one who is My adversary and yours. You must look to God, for your salvation. It is not too late for many of My children to turn back to Me. My children, do not wait until you take your last breath to return to Me, for you do not do well to live your lives recklessly, waiting until the last possible time to repent. Do you have this much power over your lives to know when your last breath will be? Do you have this much knowledge? No, of course you do not. Then, do not put off your conversion for one more moment. Open your hearts to Me, your Jesus for I love you. I died to save you.
The evil one does not have the ability to save your soul and wants the opposite, My children.
He wants you in hell with him. His reason for this is to seek a sick form of satisfaction in hurting Me. You see, he cannot harm Me, for I am God. The only revenge he can take against Me and against My Most Holy and Pure Mother Mary is to hurt Our children. Do not be deceived by his lies, his false promises. He has no intention of rewarding you with anything unless he knows he can use you for a short time to cooperate with his evil plans. These plans for evil will be short lived My children. Do not throw away your eternal inheritance for a brief moment of earthly power. This is foolish, My children. Listen to My Most Holy Mother who pleads with you. She also pleads with Me and with My Father and yours to continue to allow Her to visit the earth pleading with Her children. Because of Her goodness, Her love, Her purity, Her Immaculate Heart, My Father continues to allow Her to visit the earth dispensing graces, love and guidance.
As long as there are continued conversions, My Mother will be allowed to come to Her children.
You do not know when the time for Her supernatural visits at Medjugorje will come to an end, My children. Do not squander this time of grace by ignoring Her. The world would have ceased to exist long ago were it not for My Holy Mother Mary’s pleadings and Her prayers for you. My Mother intercedes before God in Heaven to spare the worldly destruction the evil one is planning. My children, My Mother intercedes for each of you by name before the throne of God. Do you understand what I am saying? Your name is on My Mother’s lips as she speaks to God the Father. Yes, My child, this means you. Each person is brought before the throne of the Almighty, who was and is and is to come by My Mother and your Mother. Do you not see the gratitude with which you should approach My Mother Mary? Because of Her, God the Father has provided the gift of Medjugorje, so great is Her love. She is one of you in every way except sin, for She is entirely and only human. She is the new Eve. Listen to Her, for she brought Me, your Savior into the world. Love Her, My children. If you love Me, you will love and respect My Mother. Children of this era of disobedience, listen to your Mother. If you do not listen, there will come a time, soon, of great lamenting and the times of great trials will come crashing in. Children, think of the great force and pressure of a wall that holds back a wall of water. The wall holds firm and fast for it has been built on a firm foundation with excellent material and engineering. Many people volunteered their time and skills to erect this wall to preserve those living within the wall from flooding. This is like My Mother Mary, who holds back the force of evil. Like a wall that does not prevent the rain from occurring, My Mother does not prevent evil, but she protects Her children, dwelling beneath Her mantle from the full force of evil by holding it away from Her children. However, when the wall is removed, either through the negligence of those that are to care for the stability of the wall, or because the force of the water becomes stronger than the wall can withstand, the water rushes in. The sheer force of the water is beyond the inhabitants expectations, for they were protected while the wall was intact. They went about their lives oblivious to the pressure of the water that had been building over time, for they had become complacent and negligent in examining the condition of the wall, meanwhile the pressure was increasing over time. When the wall was compromised and weakened, the water came forth with horrifying power. Destruction ensued and many lives lost. My children, if God the Father ceased to allow My Mother to appear on the earth, such destruction would visit My children that many lives would be lost and the earthly destruction beyond anything experienced since World War II. This is a very tenuous time, My children. Do not continue to turn a deaf ear to the very one who is holding back the tide of evil. My Mother’s wisdom is being shared with you as the last invitation to return to the heart of God. Why, oh why, My lost children do you choose darkness over light, evil over goodness, hatred over love? You were created for goodness, for love. Quiet your hearts and minds and reflect on this. Seek Me, and you will find Me and your joy will be complete. I desire your safety. I desire your love. Allow yourselves to be loved. Allow Me to forgive you, My lost little ones. Do not listen to My adversary and yours when he tells you, you do not deserve forgiveness. Do not listen to him when he tells you lies and says that you are not worthy of love. My children, all who were given the gift of live, even those whose lives were taken before given the opportunity to be born, I tell you this! You were created for love. You were created for Heaven. Do not listen to the evil one who tricks you, for I am truth. I am life. I am love. I love you!”
Jesus, thank You that You love us so much that You plead with us. You not only became man to take upon You, the sins of the world, our sins; You not only died for our sins so that we could live with You in Heaven, but You continue to reach out to us, to love us, to plead with us when we reject You. You humble Yourself by taking the form of bread and wait for us in all of the tabernacles in the world. Lord, You are all life, all love, truth, peace and mercy. Thank You, Lord that You do not give up on us, Your wayward children. Give us this kind of love, Jesus that pursues us until we turn around and acknowledge You, the beloved who chases us. Thank You, my Lord and my God for Your mercy, Your kindness and Your love. Thank You that You walk with us as we go about our day. Praise You, Lord God who created the universe and everything living, for caring about each and every person, no matter what our state in life. Thank You for creating us, Lord. I love You, my Lord and my God. I am sorry for my sins and for the many times I have offended You. Help me to love You even more. Help me to desire pleasing You, over everything else.
“My child. I love you also. Your Jesus walks with you, as you say, as I do with each one of My children. I love you and I will never abandon you. Do not fear the coming trials, for My grace will sustain and protect you. Continue to walk with Me and to listen to My Mother. Family prayer time is a must, now and I urge you to protect this sacred time with Me. This is an urgent request for all of My children. Come under the mantle of protection that My Holy Mother Mary extends over you when you pray faithfully every day. By praying with your children, you enfold them in My Mother’s mantle as well. For those of you who do not have families under your roof, pray anyway. Bring your family under My Mother’s mantle in a spiritual way, if doing so physically is not possible. Be faithful and devoted to a routine and regular time of prayer for in this way you are marked with My sign, My blessing and you will be spared from harm. I love you, My children. Put Me in the first place in your lives so that all will be well.”
That is all for now, My child. Your Jesus thanks you and your family for your faithful friendship and devotion to Me and to My Holy Mother, Mary. Continue on the path I have laid out for you, for I your Jesus have important work for you and your family. Your family’s mission is My Mother’s mission and your part is a small, though important part of Her mission. Continue on the path to Her community. I love you and I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. Be love to others. Be prayer for others. Bring My mercy to others. I am depending on you and all of My children of light.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You. Help us to do Your holy will.
“I love you, also, My children. All will be well. Follow Me.”
Yes, Jesus.
Source: ➥