Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Good morning, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love and adore you, my Lord and my God, my All. I praise you King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thank you for your presence here, Jesus. I need you, my Lord and Savior. Help me, Jesus. I have a heavy heart today, Lord, as I am concerned for my son. He struggles so, Lord, and he seems to be trying very hard to put his life in order. Yet, he has this demon of addiction on his back, Jesus. Free him, Lord completely from this. Please heal him, Lord. He has many gifts and talents and I feel You have important work for him to do for your Kingdom, Lord but he needs to be free from these chains to do Your work, to live in the light of Your love. Heal him, Jesus as only you can do. You’re my hope, my salvation. Bring him peace, Jesus, and clarity of mind to see and hear clearly when the deceiver tells him lies to rationalize behavior. Guardian angel bring him every grace needed from our Lord to fight this battle that enslaves souls and keeps them from realizing the potential God has created in them. Saints in Heaven help his guardian angel with graces and prayers and strength. Put a mighty army of Heaven’s warriors around him and keep the people who would do harm to and enable him, away. Please, Jesus and all you Heavenlies. I come to you as a beggar with a sincere heart who needs urgent assistance. What saint would turn a poor little beggar away?
“My daughter, My little one, I see and feel your suffering. I know your pain. I care. I love you. I hear your prayers. They do not fall on deaf ears. My heart is open to you and I enfold you in My Sacred Heart where I love and comfort you. You are safe with Me, little lamb. I am patient, kind, and merciful. I do not wish that any of My children suffer. I give you My peace. Rest in My peace. I am doing a great work in your son. You will see. Do not be disturbed when you hear rumors or even facts. This does not mean your Jesus isn’t working, only that more prayer is needed. Have masses said for him. He has come far and I will not abandon him. His journey is a difficult and long one, though. Walk with him. Encourage him Love him. Pray for him. Pray for people with addictions during your family rosary. My children all over the world suffer from this bondage and the resulting afflictions. Many have no one praying for them other than the saints in Heaven. I ask My holy ones on earth to join their prayers with all of Heaven for this intention. So many souls are being lost due to drugs. Your Jesus loves these souls, also and I know their suffering and of their attempts to be free. I understand them more than anyone could. Many of My poor children suffering from drug addictions plead for My help even while they are overdosing. These souls are taken by Me to purgatory when they die for the time needed to purify their souls and to be free of all attachments of these sins. I, your Jesus, love them very tenderly. They are most grateful and loving and often are the most sensitive souls that have had overwhelming trials in the world and no one to show them the way. I am a merciful God, my daughter. Each soul is known to Me in the most intimate way. I know everything there is to know about your son. I see his trials, his work in witnessing for Me and I see the tempters invoking he follow them. They work hard to make him fall. I see that he trips and falls at times. I help him up and whisper loving words of encouragement to him. I send friends to call him, to check on him. His mother is inspired to send him notes of love and blessings. I also send people to him who are in need of his help. This serves to help him as well as the other. You must trust in Me, My daughter. Do not put your prescribed way upon his recovery, as My way is at times difficult to understand. It is sometimes not easily discerned and there are times when things look worse than what I see. I am at work and you can trust Me in this. Give him completely to Me, My daughter. Free your mind and heart from the burden of carrying him, for you are unable to do so. Put him safely in your Jesus’ arms and I will carry him. There is much work to do and you must leave him with Me, his Lord, Savior, and Redeemer to transform him. Do not put your human timetable on this. Leave all to your Jesus. Allow Me to do the heavy lifting.”
Thank you, my good gracious and merciful Jesus. I am most grateful and I praise and thank you for your love and for your reassurances. Jesus, I do trust you. It is very difficult to know when someone with these difficulties veers off course that they will come back to Your path. Thank You that You are doing a great work in his life. I see the results, Lord, and I just don’t want him to throw it all away.” . . . personal, private dialogue here has been omitted. . .
“My daughter, you are very precious to Me. I love you. I created you with a sensitive heart and soul. I did so for a reason and for a purpose. My world is hurting, broken, and many are unloved. I need your heart in this world at this time. I will love others through you and I am doing so. However, it also means that you carry others’ burdens that may deeply affect you because of the depth and sensitivity I have placed within you. This also means you must rely more heavily on your Jesus to carry these burdens for only I can carry them for I am God. What is needed from you is trust in Me. You do trust Me more now than ever, but My daughter, I am calling you now to trust in Me in at even deeper level. When you trust Me completely, you are more open and free for My grace and My love to flow through you. By giving all of your concerns, burdens, anxiety, workload, and even your sicknesses when they occur it creates an open space through which My grace and love can flow. These burdens you carry due to your love for others are understandable. I your God created you in this way. One might say they go hand in hand, a deep sensitivity for others and resulting compassion and love go along with a deep concern and carrying of your brothers’ and sisters’ burdens. When you have another’s burden give it immediately to Me, otherwise you become sad, tired, and unable to give and receive My love as completely as possible. Give all to Me, My daughter. You have made progress in this area. I am calling you to an even deeper level of giving and receiving and of trust in your Jesus. I love you, My little lamb. I wait patiently for you to bring everything to Me. Do not be concerned that you are bothering your Jesus or that you need to keep Me from seeing your pain as I know all and see all. I feel your pain even before you do for I know what is coming, what news will be delivered before you do. I love you and I have important work for you to do. There are many souls in need of your prayers and the graces you receive from My Mother’s arms. Please open the space in your heart to receive more and more graces for love and service by giving everything that weighs you down or worries you to Me. You will feel lighter and have more energy for the coming days ahead. I will this for you. Will you do this, My daughter?”
Of course, Jesus, it is wonderful and the answer I need, Jesus. My problem is remembering to do so immediately. That is something I struggle with, for old habits of thinking and behavior are hard to break as You know.
“Yes, My daughter, and yet you are growing in this area. You brought your son to Me quickly. With practice, this will improve to the point you will do this immediately. Practice, will be needed though, to form new habits.”
Okay, Lord, I will be working on this. Thank you, Lord.
“Thank you, My daughter, for your willingness to grow and to serve Me. I am pleased with you. I realize at times you feel as though you have failed Me and failed others. You have not, My little one. Do not accept these words and thoughts with which you condemn yourself. These are not from me, My daughter, and they are to be rejected. You are working hard, tirelessly, to serve your Jesus at the expense of sleep and of your health. I understand you are unable to order everything I asked this week. I, your Jesus, was with you each and every day. I know of your grueling work schedule and the many demands placed on you from all directions. You must give this workload to Me and do so with trust that I am capable.”
Jesus, these statements sound very convicting to me and such an understatement at that. Of course, you are capable, Lord. You created the world and all of your creatures out of nothing. Well, actually, you created the world out of nothing and then took the dirt you created, and created your people out of dirt. Regardless, there was nothing but You, and You made us and everything we needed and need to sustain life. Of course, I know you are capable. Jesus, am I to do a mediocre job at work leaving after
8 hours, the many, many things that can’t be done in that time? “
“My daughter, yes! I am asking you to do your best in the time allotted for each day’s work. Eight to nine hours is plenty. The rest is needed for your vocation, your home life, and your relationship with Me. If things are left undone, so be it. It is not your problem that your assignment is unreasonable and fit for two people. You are not God, and you cannot do the impossible, though you try. You allow others to have their ease due to your efforts, and this is not just. You are risking your health, your family’s well being, and the very mission that God the Father and I have entrusted to you. You must realize now how very important it is for you to leave at a reasonable hour. Urgent situations will come up at work, of course, and you need to respond. You will do so from a better position when you are less overextended. Do you see, My child? You have a strong desire to be accountable and responsible, I know, for I created you this way. I do not want My children enslaved to their jobs. Choose Me, and the rest will be taken care of. There is only so much one person can do and you are working for two people. This does not please Me when I see you weary from the workload day after day. You lack peace and joy when you feel enslaved. This is against My will. Allow Me to work this out with your leadership. Trust in Me, My daughter. Give all to Me.”
Yes, Lord, I understand and I am so sorry I have not done this already.
“All is a learning process. I am showing you what is needed with each step in your journey. I am pleased with you and wish to draw you closer to Me. One day, I will tell you it is time to leave your job, My little one. Until such time, you must achieve balance in your work, prayer, and vocation so you are all your Jesus intends you to be. I am protecting you from a culture that takes everything from each individual and leaves My children with nothing left but an empty mind, heart, and spirit which they then fill with pleasure seeking forms of entertainment, drugs, and other sinful behaviors due to the void in their hearts and minds because their Jesus is forgotten. You must be an example of how a holy life is lived. It isn’t possible to be enslaved to your job and continue on the path of holiness I have laid out for you. Do you see, My little lamb? I am the Good Shepherd. Allow Me to carry My little lamb to new heights of holiness. I desire the best for My children. I desire the best. I am what is best for you.”
Okay, Jesus. Thank you for giving me permission to do what I can at my best in the hours allotted and no more. I praise and thank you. I realize that I may not receive good reviews, but that doesn’t matter. Your will in serving You and my family is all that matters. Thank you Lord for giving me a way out that was previously not apparent to me.
“My daughter, I want you to take walks and talk with Me. I want you to be more relaxed and joyful and in dialogue with Me in nature that you love very much. I am a jealous God and I want My daughter spending time with Me. I ask this of you and therefore you can know that when you leave work each day earlier than usual (note: instead of working so late), your Jesus asks this of you. I am far superior to those who are your leaders at work, and therefore, you are being obedient to Me. That is My desire for you and so we continue forward in your spiritual walk.”
Yes, Lord. Thank you. I love you. “And, I love you.”
(Note: direction was given in previous messages and He said some of the things asked about were not to be obtained now and He would provide them later. Jesus is now speaking...) “Trust in Me and continue to pray for all needs. Bring every concern and every question to Me no matter how small. Our work must continue and time is of the essence. I will not hold back what is to come any longer for evil wants to prevail and is working fast and furiously to destroy all life. The longer and the more time given to evil, the worse the atrocities will be. I desire to protect My remnant and for all to be prepared but I will hold events back only so long. I know the perfect timing, My daughter, when My children are as prepared as they ever will be and when delays are at a disadvantage to My children. Trust in My timing. Trust My words when I say time is of the essence, for the sense of urgency is grave. Now is the time to act. All is coming together. My Mother works tirelessly behind the scenes to bring My Father’s plans to fruition and this includes the plans for Our communities. This community has a special role in the time of great trials and in the renewal and important work that no one else has. It is vital to this area of the country and is indeed necessary for the life of My priest sons, My innocent little children, and for My church in this region of the world. My plans for this community will not be thwarted and for this I need your cooperation so that all is in place when I give the word. We are in battle now, My children, and I am your commander ready to give the signal when the time comes. Prepare yourselves knowing this so you are ready. To many it will look as though you are retreating from danger, and yet you are going to the front lines, and this is not a figure of speech. Pray, act, receive My sacraments, and be ready to move when I give the word. There is still some time but only time to finalize the preparations. All is in place now and I must have My children in position soon.”
Okay, Jesus. Thank you. We will.
“Do you see now how very important it is now for you, little one, to do your best at work but to limit the time spent there?”
Yes, Lord.
“I will cover you, My little lamb. Do your small but important part and I will do the rest.”
Yes, Lord Jesus. Lord, I talked with the person you asked me to call and she asked me about the page on the website and what it is to be called. I didn’t realize I needed to provide a name for this. I am fairly certain what you want but please confirm this. Is this the direction you will for the prayers, Lord? Is it supposed to be a separate page on this website Daughters of the Lamb?
“Yes, My child. All is according to My will and My plan. You are to name this site ‘Children of the
Renewal’ for that is what My faithful remnant who live during the time of great trials are. I am giving you a new hope and something for My children to look forward to as they will need to hope in the future I have for the world. I will renew the face of the earth and you are Children of the Renewal. You walk in Me and I in you. You walk in My light and therefore you help prepare with Me for My renewal. All you care for and all people who serve Me in the refuges are risking everything for Me to protect My Children of the Renewal. Those who survive will rebuild My church on earth. It is part of My Father’s plan since the beginning of creation. My Children of the Renewal will establish the next time segment known as the Era of Peace. Do not doubt what I am saying, My daughter. Do not allow confusion to settle into your trusting little heart. I am the Word of God and nothing issues forth from Me but truth.”
Yes, Lord, I trust in you. My confusion lies in the difference in these terms. I thought the Renewal was the same as the Era of Peace.
“My child, the Renewal is connected to the Era of Peace. The Renewal must come first. It is an event that will occur after evil attempts to destroy creation. I will reverse all the attempts to destroy My earth that have occurred over many centuries including the latest atrocities and war ravaged areas in the world. If it were not so, the earth would not support life. I will renew the face of the earth in its entirety reversing all damage done by mankind to My Father’s beautiful creation. It will be so beautiful and complete that everything needed to sustain the life of My Children will be restored, in all its original beauty. You have occasionally wondered what the Garden of Eden was like and you will know when I renew the earth. Afterwards, My children will rebuild their lives, in a manner of speaking. This is so but not in the ways currently experienced in the world today. There will be no industry, no skyscrapers, no organized employment. There will be a focus on rebuilding the basics needed to live. Homes will be built and churches. There will be no need to work on sanitizing water, etc., because the streams, lakes, and oceans will once again be clean. All will be renewed. There will be wildlife for food; seeds for planting, fresh water to drink, and mankind will be in nature more than what can be recalled from those who survive.”
Lord, will it be like I have read about in the pioneer days?
“In a way, My child. There will be a return to an agrarian lifestyle but My children will work together for the good of all. In the pioneer days to which you refer there were more community efforts available but families were still somewhat isolated and expected to raise their own crops, plow their own fields, etc., or their family would not survive. During the time immediately following the Renewal, My children will help one another. Food will be grown and shared among all in each community. Communities will trade with others to meet their needs and the needs of others. There will be one faith. My holy Catholic Church will be the one faith and all living in the Renewal will believe. The time that follows after the rebuilding of basic needs for food and shelter is the Era of Peace. Peace will be the focus, more so than building. These times are linked as all time in history is, but will be known as distinct times from mankind’s perspective. There will be stability, peace, and unity in the Era of Peace. There will be a focus on prayer and growing in the love and relationship of each individual with Me. There will be time for study, play, prayer, work, and unity in families and communities. There will be harmony such as never before has been experienced by an entire people. Never!”
Wow, Lord. This is wonderful!
“Yes, and it will be. It will not be perfect as mankind will still have free will. However, love and service, and the following of My statutes will prevail in the hearts of My Children of the Renewal and therefore the Era of Peace will exist for a long time to come by human standards. All will be renewed, My child. I tell you this to restore your joy and your hope in the future. This is needed to aid you in getting through the difficulties to come. Focus on this, My little one, and occupy your thoughts on My beautiful renewal. This is a good spiritual practice for you and your husband. Lift your hearts to this time, when you feel overcome by the time of great trials. Recall My promise to you and renew your hope, your trust in Me, your Jesus who will never abandon you or your family.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank you for this great gift You have given us, the knowledge of the Renewal and the Era of Peace. It is very beautiful and merciful. Thank You Lord that You will what is best and is beyond your dreams for Your children for we would die without Your protection and restoration and renewal. Thank You sounds inadequate, Lord. I am grateful though and there are no words to describe my gratitude.
“I accept your words, My daughter. I know you are sincerely grateful for I see your heart and your soul. My little one, you are My little lamb. I call you My little lamb for that is what you are. I am your shepherd and I carry My lamb on My shoulders. I care for you, provide for you, guide you, and speak to your heart. You listen for and hear My voice for My sheep know My voice and follow Me. You are small and will become even more so which is why you are a lamb. You will grow in holiness and purity like a small white lamb. You have suffered much and continue to do so. You and your husband have given over your futures to follow Me and have willingly given up everything to do the mission given to you from all time. My daughter, you will sacrifice more than your heart and mind can fathom now and your little soul will know more suffering and sacrifices than you can imagine now, and for this you are My little lamb. Lambs trust in their shepherds. Lambs receive all that is needed to live from their shepherds and depend on them completely for everything. Lambs are innocent and gentle. They are loyal and kind to one another, frolicking and playing with the other lambs in the field. Yes, lambs are a mere animals and do not have a soul, but you, My daughter, are My little lamb. I love you dearly and with the utmost affection. I see all of your wounds, your sins, and your suffering. Instead of becoming bitter and resentful, you continue to follow your Jesus and see the best in everyone. You long for peace, unity, and love and are quick to look for anything that will bring cheer to your little ones that I have put in your charge over the years. Yes, you feel the positions I have put you in during your career, those of leadership, have left marks of hardness on you. I tell you I have a plan for each experience you have lived and there were valuable lessons needed for each stage in your development. You were not perfect, I know you are thinking, and yet you accepted responsibility for any mistakes and learned from them asking your Jesus for help and guidance. That is all I ask from My children. You have done your best and that is all that is required. My little lamb has followed her Jesus anywhere I have led you and you willingly go even when the way looks difficult. I am sorry for any and all of your pain, some caused by your own decisions, some created by others, but all allowed by Me to bring you to deeper holiness and closer to Me. My child you are no failure. Have you fallen? Yes. Have you made mistakes? Yes. But have you loved? Yes, very much. Have you tried your best in spite of shortcomings? Yes, you have. Have you brought your sins to Me for forgiveness and in the Sacrament? Yes! Do you love Me, My little lamb? You love Me well and are learning to love and trust Me more and more. My dearest little one, you are not perfect, but none of My creatures are with the exception of My Most Pure and Holy Mother, Mary. But do you love Me? I will answer all of these questions for you for I know your heart, and I tell you, yes. We work together for the rest and we go forward as a team to carry out the mission and the plans for which you and your husband were created. There is much more ahead but you have what is needed for today.”
Jesus, I forgot to ask You something. May I?
“Yes, My child.”
One of your messengers spoke Your message to me for my husband which I am unable to remember. You said something about giving him a “sword; A Sword of Righteousness.” Would You explain this to me?
“My little lamb, righteous men are brave, courageous, strong and loyal to Me. They are holy. This is the characteristic St. Joseph has and was known for on earth. What is the purpose of a sword?”
It is a weapon and should be used to protect in battle. It is sharp, cutting, or piercing.
“Yes, you have answered well. Your husband will protect you and your family. He is the head of your family. He is a man of prayer and he seeks to do My will. By prayer, he will always see clearly and will follow My will. He will cut through the fogginess and the distortions of truth by My grace. My graces to him are the sword I give him to provide for and to protect your family and those I send you. He will continue to grow in holiness and therefore in righteousness. Righteous men are humble men and men of prayer who seek My direction in every decision. St. Joseph is working with him to sharpen this Sword of Righteousness to grow in the virtues and to become all I have planned for him. (Note: Then Jesus gave me a message for my husband.) Tell My son, the Sword of Righteousness is a new gift and you will learn to use it well. You will be respected in your community for your honesty, integrity, trustworthiness and for your love of your wife and family, as well as for My priest sons and children I send you. Your fatherhood will increase in scope and you will know of My mercy, My love and My trust in you and your abilities which were gifted to you from the beginning. Use them well My son, for you are needed and I have only one of you! Follow St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio and you will not go wrong. I love you. That is all. Forgive yourself as I have forgiven you. Regrets are fine, but they do not serve you well now. Know that I love and forgive you, and that I am counting on you. All is well. All will be well. Be love, My children, be peace, be joy. Go in My peace. I love you.”
We love You dearest Jesus!
Source: ➥