Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
December 28, 2022, Feast of the Innocent Children.
Heavenly Father Wishes Us to Read the Message of December 28, 2018

People should find a new beginning, because they are at the end and do not know what to do. If only they would all accept the help from the Heavenly Father, they would be better off. The sacrament of Holy Confession is so important and red-hot. People can make many, many good plans for the New Year.
December 28, 2018 Feast of the Innocent Children. Heavenly Father speaks into the computer through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne at 12:05.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father speak now and at this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
My beloved little multitude, beloved followship, beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, will also give you today some important directives concerning your future life.
Look into the Apocalypse of Saint John. Everything that was predicted will come to pass. My beloved ones, this Holy Evangelist had great foresight and could interpret many things in pictures, which we must first learn to understand. Please, My children, read this scripture of St. John slowly and again. Do not put it down because you do not understand it. It will tell you many things that you have not understood so far.
It is encoded, My beloved ones. However, I am giving you instructions on how it should be interpreted in this most difficult time. Do not worry about your future. I will guide you and your Heavenly Mother will convey protection to you with Her angels. Therefore, I tell you, do not develop great fears, Heaven is always and everywhere with you.
As you know, the persecution of Christians has already begun. You will also feel it. You will be hated from all sides and also mocked. I, the Father in the Triune God, will also be rejected by all people.
What about the messages, My beloved ones? I tell you, they will be snatched from your hands in due time, for they contain the whole truth. It is for this truth that people are longing, since today's turmoil is causing people to be anxious and depressed. They have become godless and therefore cannot find their footing anywhere.
You, My little one, can see from the counter of the computer that more and more believers are clicking on the messages. This is surprising for you. But I tell you they are guided by Me, since I will still enter many hearts to convert them. "I am the truth and the life. He who believes in Me has eternal life." Believe and trust, then you cannot go astray.
But I want to admonish you. It is the very last time. Prepare yourselves, My beloved, repent and make a good and valid confession, if possible, a life confession. It can help you to draw a line with your past life and clean it up. Then nothing can happen to you. You will feel that this sacrament of penance enables you to make a new beginning. Then you will be able to look calmly into the future.
My beloved ones, you can perceive this sacrament of penance with every priest, because I forgive you with the absolution in this sacrament. My beloved ones, it is important for you that you finally tell Me your guilt of sin. The priest has the duty of secrecy and will certainly not violate this commandment. He has received the key power from Me and can remit the sin debt. He does this in My name.
I strongly advise you to take this sacrament at this present time. It cleanses your souls of all filth and you can await the next day with peace of mind.
My beloved ones, so many difficulties are now coming your way, which you certainly cannot cope with alone. Therefore, remain united in prayer, sacrifice and atonement. It will strengthen you in every situation. No matter how much you face, you will not stray with My help. On the contrary, it will make you strong and you will hardly be able to grasp it yourselves.
If you stand firm in faith, nothing can shake you. Your dearest mother will bear all your problems. She will not leave you alone.
My children, you will experience it soon, because miracles of grace will happen. One will not be able to explain it. One will try, but to no avail.
My beloved ones, look at the weather. Can it be explained? The meteorologists want to explain it, but they are faced with a riddle. The weather is spring-like beautiful and by no means is it winter-like temperatures that are showing up. You will soon hear the birds singing and see the flowers blooming. Can you understand that?
My beloved children, I am the Creator of the world and I will not let the scepter be snatched from My hand. Scientists cannot understand this, because they want to explain it with reason and rationality. Man needs both. But without God he will not be able to cope.
Why has today's world fallen into chaos? It is quite simple to answer because it has become godless. People cannot live meaninglessly into the day, they need a goal and that goal is Eternal Life. We should always keep this in mind. Our life really has a purpose because we are loved from eternity.
Many believe that after death everything is over and there is nothing in the way of an urn burial. But this is not true, because man is made of dust and will become dust again. It is not written, man will become ashes.
Why do you not go after the Bible? Why do you run after the generality and not think for yourselves? You must make up your own minds and ask yourselves if all this is right. Not what the others say has to be the truth. The Bible is the book of truth, and according to it you should orient yourselves.
But since today you no longer take this book at hand, I send you My prophets, for they supplement the Bible with My words. Believe in these messengers who have been chosen by Me. Do not believe the people who want to deceive you and lead you away from the truth. They can be of the evil one. Examine everything carefully.
Today's prophets are persecuted as they were at that time. This has to be, because the truth is known to have many enemies. If you live and testify to the true faith, you will be opposed and persecuted. Pray then for your persecutors so that they do not sink into the eternal abyss.
My beloved children, today you celebrate the Feast of the Innocent Children. They were martyrs. As you have read in the Gospel, these children were murdered for the sake of the faith.
What about today? Are children still being killed today for the sake of faith? Are not the children who are killed in the womb also martyrs of today? How bestially they are killed and cannot defend themselves. They are not asked if they want to live. They have no right to live.
One does not recognize the Creator God in them. One determines the procreation of a human being and also chooses the time itself. Is this right? Is it permissible to take the determination of a human being out of My hands, the Creator God?
Where is this humanity tending today? It is in a complete apostasy. People have forgotten Me altogether. Every person who believes must be persecuted. He is not in normality.
But I, My children, will not let this world of Mine be destroyed. I will intervene when man does not suspect it. I determine this time all by Myself.
You, My believers, place yourselves on My side, on the right side, and despise evil. Separate yourselves from the people who are not in the truth. They can deceive you and you will not realize it. The evil one is cunning and from this cunning I want to save you.
Pray, My children, for without prayer you cannot get through this time. Celebrate every day, if it is professionally possible for you, a Holy Sacrifice Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, and not a meal community in Modernism.
Order a DVD. Then you will be equipped for everyday life and nothing can happen to you. Decide for the good and listen to your guardian angels who want to protect you from evil. Make sacrifices of love to Me. Learn to renounce. Forgive all your enemies. This will free your souls for good.
I love you and want to be born anew in your hearts. Trust Me, My beloved, for you are loved with eternal love.
Pick up Christmas graces daily from the infant Jesus at the manger and sing Him lullabies, for He wants to be comforted in this turbulent and faithless time.
I bless you with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be vigilant and fight the battle of good. With your dearest Heavenly Mother, you will achieve victory.