Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Don't look any longer how they want to destroy your German country. You can do something if you don't just look.

Due to its relevance, may the faithful please re-read the message of November 21, 2018, Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
November 21, 2018, Feast of the Assumption. Heavenly Father speaks into the computer through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter, Anne, at 6:30 p.m.
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and at this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
My beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and especially beloved faithful , today on this day of your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory and Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, I want to give a warning to you, to you, My beloved faithful who want to accept and spread My truths.
It is really 5 minutes to twelve, My beloved ones, and you have no time to wait. Finally take the initiative and do not watch how they want to systematically destroy your fatherland Germany.
Listen carefully, My beloved ones, this warning applies to all who believe and are willing to shout out into the world in the name of the Triune God this truth which I am now announcing to you. You, My beloved children, are needed.
Do not look any longer how they want to destroy your German country. You can do something if you don't just look.
First of all, I would like to give everyone another warning about the many visible streaks in the sky. They are not harmless contrails, as you are deceptively led to believe. They are poisons, which one scatters by airplane on the earth. People breathe in these poisons so that they should get sick faster. One wants to minimize the people in certain areas. This is the wish of the Freemasons and helpers. There are many who belong to these satanic organizations.
It is certain diseases that one wants to force through this and the politicians who pass these laws succeed. The diseases dementia- depression- Alzheimer's and also the cancer disease have already become a widespread disease. There is hardly a family in which one of these diseases does not occur.
My beloved children, if you recognize these streaks in the sky, do not go for a walk at that time, but stay indoors. You will already feel it that your states of exhaustion are increasing and the migraines are also increasing.
Listen to My warning, beloved children, because it is very serious. One wants to exterminate above all the German people. Have still a little patience until My time of the entire intervention takes place and hold out above all. Do not give up, even if things do not go well for you. I will come to your aid in the near future. I cannot tell you how and when this entire intervention will take place. It must remain a secret.
It is about you, My beloved father children, and about you, your beloved children of your Heavenly Mother. Your Mother will continue to spread her protective mantle over you.
Time is hurrying, My beloved children. Become active and listen to the words of Heavenly Mother. She advised you on 11/13/2018 to organize a demonstration in certain cities after all. Follow Her wish and use all means at your disposal. Inquire about people who can organize and lead a demonstration. Above all, do not remain idle.
When you begin to intervene, I will helpfully stand by you. You will soon feel it that help is coming in from heaven.
Today is another feast of Heavenly Mother, the feast of Her sacrifice, on which She, as little Mary, was brought to the temple by her parents at the age of three and was to be brought up by the temple virgins. Now her great life of sacrifice for the world was already beginning. Can you imagine how she felt? She already foresaw that from that time on, She would now have to make great sacrifices for the world. Her parents, St. Mother Anna and St. Joachim complied with My wish and did not oppose it.
So, you too, My beloved ones, should not rebel against My will and plans. Offer up your cross, no matter how difficult it may seem. Bear it with love and patience. I still need more souls of atonement.
As you know, the authorities of the Catholic Church have succumbed to error. I want to save them all from ruin. But they do not listen to My admonishing words that I shout out to the whole world. They are blinded and are in the claws of Satan, who sees his prey and also wants to drive many other people to ruin.
Help Me, My beloved children, help Me, I urge all of you to save humanity from ruin. The last moment has come. I am waiting for your help and for your continuous prayer and atonement.
The world is bogging down in chaos and you don't realize it because you have drugged people with all kinds of things. Aren't the many computers and computer games a danger to take people away from reality? Small children are already being confronted with this.
In addition to this, there is the incorrect sex education already in kindergartens. One takes on the sense of shame of the small children no more consideration and leads them into the dirt. Look at the gender - ideology? Is it possible what is happening here? I love these children and I have to watch how they are misled and damaged for the whole life.
And what about the child abuse in the highest ranks of the Catholic Church? These children are also damaged for life. They will not be able to lead a normal life, because they have been made useless for the life to come.
All heaven is aflame with wrath because of these outrages.
Why do you still not listen to My words and turn back, My beloved sons of priests? Why do you want to continue to harm the Catholic Church like this?
My son Jesus Christ has done everything for mankind. He even laid down His life for the redemption of mankind. Should that still not bear fruit today? I, the Heavenly Father am shocked and deeply saddened and weep for this humanity that wants to ruin My creation.
And what about the climate today? Have you, My beloved ones, not thought about it until now? It is quite unnatural, after all. Everything has been manipulated. The researchers also think they have this in their hands.
I am the Creator of the whole world and if one wants to interfere with My creation, judgment will come upon him. Why do you not believe Me, the Creator of the universe? Do you still believe that My holy wrath cannot be unleashed? Do you have no fear of God, you My priests? I love you and want to save you from damnation.
Let this warning reach the people this very day, for the time is hastening, My beloved. Pray and watch, for the hour has come when the Bridegroom will come. Take care of the oil in your lamps. Pray and watch and believe in My truths. I will keep you informed.
You who believe, over you I will extend the protection of heaven. But the wicked and unbelievers I will destroy, as it is written in the Psalms.
Believe and trust, for I will come in great power and glory, as I have prophesied to you.
I bless you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The love of your Heavenly Father accompanies you in all your ways. Be vigilant, for the hour of the coming is approaching.