Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Atonement night in Heroldsbach.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:50 and 18:30.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your Heavenly Mother, speak today through My willing obedient and humble instrument Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me today.
You, My beloved children of Mary, will today make an hour of atonement for My place of grace Heroldsbach. This place needs it, because many serious crimes were committed there. How many graces have I already poured out, up to My flood of tears, which was also thwarted. Everything must be expiated. My beloved little one, you and your followers have already atoned a great deal. But one is obdurate and does not recognize reality.
Pray and continue to atone, My beloved children of Mary and never give up. The Heavenly Father will not leave you alone in your sadness. According to a police order you are not allowed to enter this place anymore.
Beloved Muldans, you too are now called to hold these atonement hours in your home town in your home shrine. The trough is still being renovated. There is still time, My beloved children. Pray and atone, for the time of the intervention of the Heavenly Father is at hand.
The Heavenly Father lets His wrath come over many countries. They did not take the signs of God seriously. The burden of sin continues and people remain in obduracy. They do not give in, although the signs of serious sins are clear.
When does mankind wake up? Must more misfortune befall us?
There will now be severe storms in the form of large hailstorms and lightning strikes. Fire will fall to the earth and men will not be able to extinguish it. In addition, the daily disasters in the form of serious misfortunes will fall upon mankind. The number of earthquakes in some countries will increase. Diseases and serious epidemics will threaten the people. And famines will come as well.
My beloved children, how much more suffering has to fall upon this humanity before you fold your hands in prayer? I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, beg you to pray and sacrifice because the time is near when My Son Jesus Christ will appear in all power and glory. Then it will be too late, for men will fall down dead in fear and shame, in their own guilt .
Why do you not believe me, my beloved children? Have I not given you enough information? I cry in so many places, even tears of blood. My beloved Son has sacrificed everything for you, even to the suffering of the cross. .
You are still not willing to make sacrifices. How much more needs to be done? The burden of sin increases. How much guilt does this sin of unchastity, homosexuality, bear alone? And how many children are still killed bestialisch in the womb today. These sins weigh heavily and they must be atoned for.
Finally stop the killing of the embryos. The heavenly father wants them to live. Why do you not listen to His signs? Stop the killing. You can no longer take this guilt upon yourselves. .
Now the Heavenly Father lets His wrath come upon mankind and it is cruel. He has waited so long for the conversion of His children. And they do not listen and continue to sin without having a conscience. They all live there as if nothing had happened.
My children, you ask yourselves, what does the wrath of the Heavenly Father look like now? The signs are already there. You recognize them. The disasters are multiplying. Epidemics are becoming more and more frequent and no drugs will be invented to fight them. The viruses are brought in from abroad. This is intended to destroy Germany completely.
Look at the climate change. Who alone has influence here? Only the loving God in the Trinity holds the threads in his hand and regulates the weather. Only people do not believe in it and do not let themselves be convinced that they have the power.
My children, if you look firmly upon the loving Father and surrender yourselves totally to Him, nothing will happen to you and you will lose the fear of the future completely. But if you do not rely on the higher power, then you are constantly in fear and you have no free life. You cannot develop and there is constant quarrelling in your families.
I give you the peace that the world cannot give. It is a peace of the heart. You are strengthened within yourselves and can constantly rely on the Holy Spirit, who gives you what corresponds to good and prevents you from falling into the traps of evil. You know that the evil one is cunning and you do not even realize it.
Trust in the good and Holy Spirit and enjoy the inspirations of this Spirit and let Him flow through you.
How much joy you will experience then. Your life shall become worth living in faith. You should also be able to carry others away. You are the models of the coming church, which has been completely destroyed so far. But I, the Heavenly Father, will rebuild them from scratch. I myself will designate the priests, holy priests, who will walk the true path of faith and will not be influenced.
Be brave My children, and do not let up in prayer and sacrifice. You are the faithful of the Father in heaven and He relies upon you completely.
Look at the world today. Which role models can we fall back on? Is it the cardinals or the bishops or is it the Supreme Shepherd? No one will be able to show you the true path, because they lie in delusion and cannot worm their way out of this alone. They are captivated and nurture the spirit of the general public. They cannot think of a better one, because they are completely lost. Unfortunately, they have already lost their minds and there is no one around to put them on the right track.
How quickly, my beloved children, you will be turned away from the true way if you do not cultivate daily prayer and put faith first. Therefore be vigilant and rejoice every day over your hearts that are inflamed with the joy of Pentecost. No one must rob you of this joy. It is your greatest good in life and gives you hope again and again, even when difficulties accumulate. .
The evil one still has his power and he uses it too. But you stand firm in faith and do not let yourselves be put off. Believe and trust more firmly. I am with you every day, and as Heavenly Mother I will not leave you alone.
Be brave My little ones and remain in peace and serenity. I will strengthen you in this last time. Rely on the heavenly powers. Nothing must shake you, because the love of God urges you to do deeds.
I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory and Rose Queen of Heroldsbach bless you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I send you as the faithful of the Heavenly Father and remain with you in all situations. Be brave and have courage to accept the way of faith with all difficulties.