Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Second Sunday after Easter.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:45 and 18:00.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak today and now through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
My beloved children, I will bring justice. Many people think that I am only the Merciful Father who covers up all sins because His Son went to the cross for all and redeemed all. Yes, that is true on the one hand. But people forget that not everyone has accepted the grace of salvation.
Jesus, My Son, the Son of God, is the good shepherd who leads His sheep to the green pastures. But many do not listen to His words and turn away from the true flock, the True and Catholic Church. They become stray sheep. But the good shepherd always has ways to lead back the stray sheep. Whoever listens to His voice is protected and will also be saved.
Jesus, the good shepherd, went after the lost sheep and left the 99 sheep to follow the lost sheep and He found it. He took it on His shoulders and brought it back to the other sheep. He did not rebuke it. It was allowed to repent and a feast was celebrated. Jesus does not want the death of the sinner, but that he lives.
There are many stray sheep today who feel at home in the world and reject Me, the loving Father. You have let yourself be influenced by the many wrong influences. They did not confront sin. I want to save them all, and I have appointed many atoning souls to atone for this great guilt of the world people.
It is unbelievable what excuses people have for not mentioning the dear God. They are reluctant to put the word of God into their mouths. This is very sad, because they can become lost sheep if they do not turn back.
My beloved sons of priests, do you believe that you can circumvent the Ten Commandments? Do you think that you can abolish the holy sacraments? Has My Son not given these to you for your vocation? Why don't you even remember your consecration hour? Do you no longer have the deep touch of the Holy Spirit in your hearts? Have you forgotten My love, which I have given you in abundance?
I am with you every day and do not forget you. Why do so many called choose the one world religion? Can it be true that the Catholic Church should be one among many?
There is only the one True Holy Catholic Church and you shall listen to her.
Today you also celebrate the feast of St. Pius V, who canonized the one true Tridentine Sacrificial Mass. This means that all priests should celebrate according to this model. Whoever changes one iota of it, let him be cursed. .
My beloved sons of priests, listen to these words and obey them. Then you stay on the right path and do not stray. I want to save you all and I fight for every single priest who is not in the truth.
If only all would understand my love It is boundless. It knows no bounds. Man needs limits, because he is fallible. That is why I have given the Ten Commandments to you all. Turn back and make a good confession and convert before it is too late. .
I have told you all many times that My intervention is at hand. This procedure will be frightening. Not all men will survive this tribulation that will come upon you all. Many diseases and also epidemics will burden you. No remedy will be invented for them and they are therefore doomed to die. Why do you not believe Me? You will become lost sheep and nobody will believe you because men will lead you astray and you succumb to temptations. Why do you not listen to Me, the loving and heavenly Father?
I would like to take you all into My arms and one day after your passing away, introduce you into My eternal dwellings. Do you not recognize My love? How often have I begged you to repent and you have thrown My words to the wind. I run after you like a beggar. Do you not feel My love?
Why do you keep running to perdition? You become lost sheep and no one can save you.
My beloved father children the Islamization is a great evil in your German fatherland. This faith contains hatred, whereas in our Catholic faith love comes first. The hatred leads so far that all those who do not accept this faith are killed. They are murderers who want to eradicate your German fatherland. Please do not make any acquaintance with these people, because they drive you to genocide. They know no boundaries in the ever-increasing hatred .
Believe in these machinations and remain true to your faith. Love is to inspire you to move the erring ones again to true faith. .
There will be a difficult time ahead of you all. You will also feel disunity in your families, because lack of faith has become the norm. One no longer speaks about the true faith. One is ashamed when one mentions faith and lives it.
In addition, there is the politics that support the lack of faith. Homosexuality is legalized and gender ideology is promoted. Thus, no one knows whether he was born as a man or a woman.
The abortion lobby is on everyone's lips. One can legally pursue it, how one disregards the faith and does not protect the life of a child in the womb.
It is a progress in the lack of faith in all sectors to harm the German country. You simply cannot stop it.
In addition, there is the refugee crisis. The borders are not closed and the immigration of black Africans in our country is increasing. Rented apartments or homes have to be vacated for no reason to make room for the refugees. It is a problem without end. You can't stop anything.
People are becoming increasingly dissatisfied. There are major disputes within families and divorces are on the rise.
My beloved children of the Father, do you see now that I, the Heavenly Father, must start the procedure? I do not like to allow everything, because there will also be martyrs who must give their lives.
Individual stretches of land will be completely wiped out. You cannot imagine how the persecution of Christians has progressed. In some countries hundreds of Christians are brutally murdered. The terrorist groups of Islam are sent as criminals and murderers to the individual areas to kill the people.
My beloved children, pray and persevere, for the many crimes must be atoned for. There is no stopping the crimes. There will always be more, because Satan stops at nothing. The Islamic faith is a belief in the devil. Satan rages out .
You, My children, are experiencing this chaos and it will become more and more serious. You pray and sacrifice and think, I, the Heavenly Father, am only watching. I hold the whole world firmly in my hands. You, My beloved ones, must trust and persevere. I love all who love Me and I will stand by all who call Me.
I bless you now with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be ready for the coming time. You will be protected and loved. Persevere and do not despair, for the heavenly powers are within you.