Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 21, 2019

First day of Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 6:50 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now on this first day of Easter through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved children, the light of Easter has been kindled in the Holy Easter Vigil. It has given us all the light of knowledge that we need at this most difficult time.

How we have longed for this light after this Good Friday. Christ is truly risen today, Alleluia. Rejoice, for all suffering has now come to an end.

Our Lady has borne the greatest suffering for all of us. She walked the entire way of the cross of her son and did not avoid it. She has borne the suffering for the world and has not left her only Son, the Son of God, alone.

We, too, must move forward and cannot stand still. Life goes on and we must prove ourselves on this earth. If we are rejected by all people, then we are on the right track. We should not complain about the suffering and the hatred that we feel in the present time. On the contrary, we willingly accept the heaviness and do not complain. It is the love suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ. We walk in his tracks.

The Son of God was abandoned on the cross before His death by His Father, the Heavenly Father. This was the Savior's greatest pain. Let us not complain when people reject us, even hate us. This is the right way.

Yesterday you, My beloved ones, celebrated the Easter Vigil for two and a half hours. You, My little one, for the first time in a long time have spent this celebration in the house church. You were overjoyed to finally be very close to the Savior again. You endured and endured the entire celebration.

On today's first day of Easter you were allowed to spend the first day of Easter here and for the first time in over two months you had an ecstasy which you commented after the celebration.

My beloved children, who believe, never give up and never despair, because your beloved Heavenly Father will be at your side and never leave you alone. He loves you and is waiting for your comfort.

How few people today still believe and pay attention to the true Catholic faith. They turn away and perceive the worldly pleasures.

There is enough variety in the world. But true happiness can only be found in the supernatural.

This happiness of the heart you, My beloved believers, were allowed to experience today. Be thankful, for heaven gives you true joys. Look at nature and give thanks for every blossoming shrub and flower. They are a greeting from heaven.

My time, the time of the intervention is near at your door. Gather strength, My beloved ones, and do not let yourselves be caught up in the turmoil of the world. He only distracts you from the truth.

You should be prepared for the coming time, because you are the models. Many will go astray, because they will want to continue living in the world. They will not be influenced. But there will also be believers who want to repent. These you have asked for, My beloved ones.

Every day of Lent you have used and prayed the many rosaries daily for the conversion of the priests. If you do not know those who are willing to repent, there are many in the foreign regions.

Little by little, My beloved ones, you will see how the modernist church continues to flatten and people turn away. They experience that these meal communities do not bring them a blessing and they long for spiritual food.

Not a long time will pass. Then the priests will stand at the sacrificial altars and celebrate the true sacrificial meal. Have a little more patience. Time will bring it.

Do not give up either, for you are My faithful, whom I love and who want to follow Me.

I bless you now with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You, my faithful, remain in the one and true church and follow the true faith. Then you are protected from all evil.


