Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Eve.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:55 and at 16:35.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, I give you today, on the last day of this year, the most important messages for the future of each person.

My beloved, you are all in the greatest danger of a third world war. But you do not want to have it true. You feel safe.

Do you, my beloved creatures, believe that I want to let you all sink into eternal corruption? You are then the lost. I call upon you and point you out for the last time to my instructions of eternal truth. It is really 5 minutes to 12 o'clock. .

I will start the procedure. Pretty soon you will see a bright cross all over the firmament that nobody can explain. You will sink to the ground shaking, because the supernature is showing itself and you want to fathom it with scientific knowledge.

I, the ruler and king of the whole world and the universe have omnipotence and omnipotence and in this I will announce My second coming.

Whoever believes in me and testifies to me will be saved. I will bring about the division of the Catholic Church and overthrow the false government of the supposedly Christian party. No power on earth can prevent me from separating my followers from Satan's power. The evil forces I will destroy all of them. What once was, will not be anymore. .

My beloved children, decide on which side you are to stand; "I am the Lord your God, you shall have no strange gods beside Me. This "One World Religion" is from the devil. You can recognize it with the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. .

My beloved sons of priests, choose the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Only she is holy and you shall confess her. All other religions do not correspond to the truth. Use your mind and decide for what is good and true.

"I am the truth and the life. Whoever believes in me will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned. Believe and trust. .

Beloved sons of priests of the modernist church banish your grinding tables from your churches, otherwise I will smash them. Decide for the One Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It is the Sacrificial Feast that My Son Jesus Christ Himself instituted for His priests on Holy Thursday. Do not be deceived by Satan's cunning. .

I will soon destroy Satan's power forever and will close the gates of hell forever. Strong>Nevertheless, he exercises his last power and gathers his followers, whom he seduces and who then decide to join the eternal fire.

I, the loving Father, want to save everyone even today and not let anyone fall into eternal damnation. .

My love is eternal. I love all people. My beloved and faithful ones, I call you to the last fight. Be ready for the fight of persecution. You will have much to suffer. But have I ever left you alone? Was I not always with you and protected you in every situation?

My beloved, what is the next step? First, I, the Heavenly Father, wish that this authority, the Supreme Chair, be overthrown. He is the false prophet and proclaims heresies. He is the Antichrist and after him no one will come anymore. He is the last and false pope who was manipulated.

The Cardinals present swore a perjury on the Bible in the Sistine Chapel, because they chose this false pope, even though they knew that he was not appointed by the Holy Spirit.

Now I will overthrow him by my power. How this will happen, I will not be able to tell you, for it will happen with supernatural power. Be confident, I will steer everything into the right courses. No one can prevent me from exercising my divine power. .

I must also intervene in politics, for the German country and the European countries will be betrayed and wiped out by the One World Order. I, the Almighty Ruler, will prevent this. Believe and trust, my beloved, and oppose the fight.

It is the struggle between the True Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite after Pius V and the Second Vatican Council in which Satan has exercised his power until now. His intermediaries are in the Masonic and Satanic powers. He, Satan, has all those who obey him in his claws and influences them. We are confronted with this satanic power day after day.

You, my believers, wake up at last and fight for your true faith and for your European countries. You are in great danger of falling to Islam and are additionally threatened by the impending war. .

My children, the time of silence is over. You must initiate the struggle of prayer. Why don't you form prayer groups that pray the rosary daily? It is easy to use the rosary as a spiritual weapon. How else do you want to counteract the decline of faith?

My beloved children, look at the Basic Law? Is it still noticed today? Is human dignity still respected? The dignity of every human being is inviolable. Is this still considered today, when one kills the small children in the womb? These babies cannot defend themselves, they are simply killed because you have no conscience anymore. If the conscience should be stirred, it will certainly be killed with drugs and other possibilities.

Mankind has changed, because the lack of faith is spreading everywhere. The laws are changed as one thinks fit, so that the free will of a man may come into play. The pangs of conscience of each one become less and less. Because all do it, and because it belongs to the generality and normality, one can also murder children in the womb bestially.

But I tell you, My beloved children, the mothers will all have to accept psychiatric treatment, because they will suffer severe damages.

Go to confession beloved mothers so that you confess this grave guilt in a valid confession. Your Heavenly Mother will stand by you so that you will not feel alone. Your beloved Jesus will forgive you if you willingly confess this guilt and repent so that a new crime can be ruled out. For you know that a grave sin that is not confessed is very quickly committed as a repeat offence. .

And now to the most current problem, the immigration problem, because the borders are still not protected from the thousands of immigrants. This is predetermined and is forced by the freemasons to destroy Germany and the other European countries.

If you, My beloved ones, do not publicly confess and testify to your Catholic faith, Islamization can continue to progress. These are not only devastating your homeland but they are murderers and terrorists, because they are led by devilish powers. .

Your Heavenly Mother is at your side. But you must learn to fight. You can no longer be silent and wait for the others to do something. Each individual is in demand and must bear responsibility. You cannot continue to watch your country being destroyed. The love for your fatherland must set off a fire blight in your hearts.

When you begin to take up the fight of the good, I will be at your side.

Dear Alexander, you now want to take up the fight with the future governing party and fight together with it against Satan. You venture into the lion's den. Out of gratitude you will experience the special protection of Me everywhere.

The members of the ruling party who fight for the good will also be protected in all situations. The good will prevail. You will be supported with much prayer. A hard battle will come to you, but victory will be yours for sure.

There will be events that you cannot influence. They will astonish you. This will give you new energy that will inspire you to work for the good. Never give up, this is the wrong variant. Even if the chaos cannot be untangled immediately, it will soon become clear that you are the winners.

I bless you with the Divine Power with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Fight the fight of good and never give up I am with you every day, protecting you and rewarding you for your perseverance. Remain in love, for this love will drive you forward.


