Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 8, 2018


The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne into the computer at 1:15 pm and 7:10 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, your Heavenly Mother of Victory, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me today.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I want to stand by you in this important upcoming battle, because I do not leave you alone, my beloved children of Mary.

Today is My feast day, because today you celebrate the day of My Immaculate Heart. I will pour out great streams of grace upon the whole world. Miracles of conversion will happen, my beloved ones. Today you have spent an hour from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, and thus you have been able to receive the streams of grace.

This morning you also perceived the streams of grace of the Cenacle, because 3 ½ hours you were united in prayer, because like every month this day is important to you. You do not want to miss anything. Nothing is too much for you.

You have consecrated today at 3:00 p.m. in My hour of grace Germany and the neighboring countries to My Immaculate Heart I thank you, My beloved ones, for having taken up the fight with Satan and his devilish pact to be concluded in Marrakech ( Morocco ) on December 11th .

My beloved ones, did you believe that I would leave you alone in this struggle between good and evil? No, I love you, My beloved ones. You are the faithful of the Father in heaven. You are the tools of the Heavenly Father, which He will use, which will not thwart His plan. I thank you, My beloved ones, that you want to endure until the end. "He who endures to the end shall be saved," says the Scriptures.

I am your beloved Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory and I will accompany you in all your ways. I know about your concerns. Stay calm and calm and not afraid.

When the daily news reaches you, keep calm, for you will continue to have full protection and no one will be able to harm you. They will indeed try to press you in order to dissuade you from the truth, and they will deal with you cunningly. But the Holy Spirit will work in you and give you the true knowledge.

It will still take some time until order is restored throughout the world. Be patient and persevere. I am with you every day.

I would like to thank you for your renewed commitment to the nascent life in the womb of expectant mothers. As always, every third Wednesday of the month you pray the rosary for the unborn child.

Yes, it is indeed murder, which is now soon to be legalized, for paragraphs 218 and 219 are to be abolished. What crimes will then come to mankind? According to the law, one will be allowed to kill the children in their mother's wombs by the dozen (still in the ninth month). The mothers will suffer for their children, whom they cannot embrace.

It is the wish of every mother to take the newborn in her arms, which is then no longer possible. There will be weeping and lamentation all over the world for these children who are not allowed to live. You cannot undo it then. Pray, My children, that this killing will stop and that the abortion clinics will soon be closed.

My beloved children, you hear again and again about the third world war. I want to prevent this war through your prayer and atonement, because the misery that this struggle would bring with it is unimaginable. I can prevent it, my beloved ones, if many unite in prayer and take up their task of wanting to save the German country.

My children, love your land and do not let it be taken from your hands, for Satan is exercising his power. You are in full battle. Now you can prove your fighting spirit, for I am with you. Take the rosary in your hands and Satan will and must depart. Cross yourselves several times a day with holy water, then you put the evil one to flight, because this holy water fears Satan.

In this last period of time, violence has become more and more widespread and selfishness has made people hard and callous. Everyone is the neighbor to himself and has no time for his neighbor who is in need.

The hatred has flared up like a consuming fire. The wars have now multiplied in all parts of the earth, and you live in danger, a new and terrible world war, which aims at the annihilation of peoples and nations, and from which no one will emerge as victor, if heaven will not start the significant and predicted intervention.

Pay attention to the signs of heaven. They will point out the dangers and they are signs in this darkness. A tremendous roar and earthquake on an unimaginable scale will precede and this is not far away.

Prepare yourselves, my beloved ones, for I am giving you all this warning. Repent, for the time of the coming of Jesus Christ is not far off. What is happening now in this church will have no continuation.

My beloved, heaven must intervene, because man is in danger of destroying himself, since hatred is increasing more and more. My beloved ones, when the grave sin has already taken root, it draws ever deeper, for Satan is not satisfied with little. He wants to achieve everything and unhinge the Catholic Church.

The heavenly Father has given you your own will. You can decide yourselves whether you want to believe or not. If you do not listen to faith, you err and the wicked one exercises his power over you. You will not even notice it, for the wicked man is cunning and his cunning is often not transparent. Be vigilant and pray before every decision. I would like to be with you and help you. .

Satan has managed to penetrate the Church, the new Israel of God. He has entered with the smoke of error and the sin of loss of faith, apostasy, compromise, lawlessness, arrogance, unchastity, pride, money, power and pleasure. Satan has succeeded in seducing bishops, priests, religious and believers .

The Masonic powers have penetrated the Church in an insidious and hidden way and have established their base in the same place where the Vicar of Christ My Son lives and works. .

You are now experiencing the bloody years of battle, because the great test has begun for all of you. .

Satan has established his empire in the world. Now he dominates you as a sure victor, and so he thinks he has already won his victory. It has reached the top of the church. He is certain of this victory.

Therefore, my children, you must now confident of victory go into the fight with me, because you will gain victory if you bravely face the fight and without fear do not give up. A difficult time will come upon you. In some times it will be unimaginable for you, and even despair may seize you. Then I will intervene as mother and be with you, my beloved fighters and children of light. .

You will be the light in your surroundings, which will expand in the spreading of faith. You yourselves will not understand how the Holy Spirit speaks and works through you. Put yourselves entirely at the disposal of the spreading of faith, for you are to become the instruments of heaven. You will convey a radiance that no one can understand, not even you yourselves, for you will be guided.

Be joyful and serene in this time and above all be grateful, because the Heavenly Father has chosen you and will not let you out of His sight. Open your hands to help everyone. Go out onto the rough and blood-soaked streets to look for my poor children who have gone astray. Give Me your heart so that I can love in you and through you so that all may receive the consolations of My motherly presence.

May your eyes open to heal the deep wounds of the mentally ill. Nowhere will you find an ear that can listen and understand them. The priests and also many of the faithful are no longer receptive to taking people's concerns seriously. Unfortunately, times have changed. I walk through your ranks and look for people who are trying to stop the loss of faith .

You, my beloved children of Mary, will be strengthened in your faith because you will be able to record the successes. Many a problem that was previously in darkness will be uncovered, for the Heavenly Father will now separate the righteous from the persecutors. Be thankful that you have the knowledge of the good. .

Thus you can stand by your sisters and brothers in faith in this darkness. Your tongue is loosened only for the words of wisdom and goodness. Your mouth will never open to express condemnation, criticism, insults, slander, rebellion, ambiguity and untruthfulness.

You will experience My love, My beloved children, if you follow in the footsteps of the Heavenly Father. You will be enlightened and the Holy Spirit will be at your side. Remain brave in all situations and do not let yourselves be lost by men who think they want to teach you. Do not believe them, for they can become false prophets who plausibly spread their teachings but are not true. Therefore be vigilant and watch your ways.

Soon a darkness will fall upon you all, which you cannot interpret. Then connect with heaven and do not let up in a deep trust. Light only consecrated candles, then nothing can or will happen to you.

Soon a great persecution of Christians will occur. You will be questioned, because Islamization has still made progress in your country. Bear witness to your faith, for you will see that the faith you have witnessed shows its successes .

I would also like to thank My following once again for being willing to take on all the sacrifices in the government capital Berlin on December 1, 2018, for the sake of heaven. You have proved, my beloved and faithful, that you were ready to fight. You spared no effort and proved your patriotism. This will soon bear fruit. I love you and am always with you. You have felt this and shown bravery. I thank you with all my heart.

I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lay in the footsteps of the Heavenly Father, for you will be guided. Never give up and fight for the kingdom of heaven.


