Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Consecration of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:30 and 17:30.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

I am the loving and caring father who is lovingly concerned for your salvation. I love you unspeakably, you who have fulfilled my wish and will in every situation. How much have you, My beloved and faithful ones, put into the True Catholic Faith so far? You did not ask, what do I get in return? You have done the good works of love with the Divine Power.

You have never been idle. You have willingly accepted all persecutions. Love was your elixir of life. She has pushed you forward, so that your path always went forward. You have not looked back. You have not let others influence you. You have walked the path of love. I thank you with all my heart.

And now My beloved ones, today you have celebrated the consecration day of the Catholic Church. It is truly a very special day. I, the Heavenly Father, have wisely prepared everything. That which you could not know, I have prepared with my fatherly hand. .

My beloved ones, you have taken care of the altar, the cleanliness of the priests' clothes and the altar of the domestic church. Although you did not suspect it at all, you were eager. All stoles in the liturgical colors, the mangle, the chalice and book vaults, corporals, antipipes and altar tops, the priest's rocet and alb, shawls, cingulum, sweatbands have been thoroughly cleaned. The altar candlesticks and the canon tables on the altar have also been restored to their former glory. After all, it is the consecration festival that is celebrated today.

The Blessed Mother took care of the flowers herself. On November 12, the day of atonement in Heroldsbach, you, My beloved Mary's children, bought beautiful white and red roses, which have not faded to this day. You had no time to renew this bouquet to this day. This bouquet of flowers has blossomed anew and you may rejoice in it, because miracles are always to be found with the Heavenly Father.

And now to today's joyful event. At the beginning of today's Holy Mass of Sacrifice you have the song "A house full of glory looks" and at the end: "Firm shall always stand My baptismal covenant." (It was found on the Internet.) Unfortunately, it has been taken out of the present prayer treasure. You have sung it with joyful song. Also for this I say to you, My beloved children, My heartfelt thanks.

What does the church look like today? Is it still there? No, My beloved ones, they have been trampled beyond recognition. But My Son, Jesus Christ will make them rise in new splendor.

Why, My beloved ones, have I, the Heavenly Father, always prophesied: "the new Church will rise again in splendor through My Mellatz? Do you understand this, My beloved ones? Definitely not. In Mellatz I, the Heavenly Father, have built My House of Glory. This house I have had protected and cared for. You, My beloved ones, could not inhabit it for three years because My daughter Catherine was so seriously ill and is no longer among you living now. She has entered into the Eternal Homes with Me and enjoys your zeal for the Catholic Church. This house has been neatly maintained. I, the Heavenly Father, have taken care of this myself.

Why am I so concerned about my house in Mellatz? Have you not recognized, My beloved believers, that a special blessing emanates from this house? This blessing flows into the whole world.

Therefore these, My messages, which My daughter Anne receives and writes down, are also of special importance for the whole world. I, the Heavenly Father, speak and not My daughter Anne. She is and remains My instrument and will not become proud either. I have prepared her for this earth-shattering task for many years .

It is important, My beloved children, that you interpret the inferno of fire in California correctly. It is the preliminary stage of My intervention. First of all, fire will come to the earth and a great storm will be created. The earth will begin to quake. People will run in all directions in fear. They will not get an answer anywhere, because nobody will be able to help them.

This day is the consecration day of My Catholic Church. Whoever believes in my messages experiences the truth and believes in me in the Trinity. I am the truth and the life.

There has been a tremendous uproar in My Catholic Church. No one can grasp it. And yet the erroneous and unbelief is so far advanced. It goes further and further downhill and nobody can stop it.

The authorities get lost in the swamp of homosexuality. I, the heavenly Father, exhort My priests. But they are still stubborn and do not believe in spite of my many information. .

What does today's consecration day mean to all of you, My beloved ones? I, the Heavenly Father love My Church and want to save the unbelievers from eternal damnation. How hard it is for me to watch that so many souls are lost.

I am the father of all children and love all people, even when they turn away from Me. I make her attention again and again. I pour the light of grace into the souls of priests, which will illuminate them. You get insights and can follow them up.

Everything is predetermined. Everything will come to light. Nothing remains hidden, My beloved ones. Can I continue to let the Catholic Church be trampled underfoot and watch it be shamefully disregarded and betrayed? One does not pay attention to my constant admonitions. Yes, one even crucifies My Son Jesus Christ again. What shameful misdeeds are My priest's sons committing?

It is not far now, and I will appear in the firmament in great power and glory. Will you, My children then, be among the erring? Or do you want to convert? .

Great conversions, even great miracles, will happen in you and around you that cannot be explained. One will not be able to believe it. The customer will spread very fast.

It will soon be so, My beloved ones, that My messages will be torn from your hands. The printshop will not even be able to meet the orders for the previous10 books (Heavenly Father speaks 2012, 2013/1 and 2013/2, 2014/1 and 2014/2, 2015/1 and 2015/2, 2016, 2017, 2018/1).

Everything is provided for, because I, the Heavenly Father, am giving you once again precise information about what will happen.

First of all you will see a brightly lit cross across the entire firmament. It will not be interpretable by human means. Then very soon the soul-examination will come. Each person will see his own life unrolling like in a film. The film will stop when the guilt is not yet known and atoned for. Every person still has the possibility to repent of the sin  .

Some will not be ready to confess their guilt, because it is so great that it exceeds the human. And yet heaven can wash away every guilt if a true repentance precedes it. .

My children, it is the very highest time. Convert and repent, lest you sink into eternal damnation.

With what love I advertise for every person. Can you not understand that I am courting each of My children? How cruel it is for me when only one individual sinks into the abyss. But many renegades stand before the abyss and only a small push and they sink down.

The eternal life means eternal. Can you imagine that? You are allowed to participate in my kingdom always and eternally. The mourning will be no more and the tears I will wipe from your eyes. Therefore hold out and do not fail at the last moment. I give you information again and again so that you do not fall for the other religions. There is only one Holy Church and that is the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. You shall listen to them.

Why don't you look into the Bible? It will help you to accept the true faith. It is generally said: "We have the Bible and do not need messages. But look, the messages correspond exactly to the Bible. They are complements and are intended to help the believers to make life easier, so as not to go astray.

How quickly people today become fickle because they accept the teachings of other believers. They still claim that all religions are equal and all believe in one God. What a great confusion.

My beloved ones, rejoice especially on this day of consecration, because I want to give you the "New Church. Whoever is ready to believe in my truths and wants to live them, I shower him with gifts of special grace. .

Why do you not believe in My House of Glory in Mellatz? Is it not My House that I am allowed to protect? I have chosen My tools to furnish this house according to My plans and wishes. And it has happened.

Soon, My beloved father children, you will be able to live in this house again. Have a little more patience. First of all, everything that still lies in the confusion must be cleared up.

In the church of My Son a new Jerusalem will arise; Up to now My house has been laid waste. But it is a house of prayer and they have made it a den of robbers. Everything that does not serve this church, I will destroy. Look at the Psalms that you read every day in the hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. They correspond to the truth and they shall serve you as a source of strength. I have given them to you to believe in My truths without reserve. Do not reject My truths. I myself am the one who wants to shout these truths out into the world. .

Every day I have a different message for you so that you do not cease to bear witness to My truths and to spread them. They should find the echo all over the world.

My children, wake up at last and become patriots. Think of your German people, whom one wants to betray. They are to be exterminated. Fight the fight for your German people. It is worth it. I am with you every day and hold your hand. .

The migration pact is nothing but a pact with the devil. There must not be a signature for Germany. You, My children, can prevent this. Fight the fight and I will be with you. The freemasons want to complete their work in this politician. She is a tool of Satan and will not be dissuaded from taking the final step towards the destruction of Germany. .

Be vigilant My children and sign the petitions that will help you to thwart the devil's plan. I am the Creator of the whole world and will no longer stand by and watch My righteous ones being handed over to the courts and condemned. .

I love My children and will protect those who do not reject My love. Remain vigilant and do not fall into delusion.

I am with you every day and your dearest mother will protectively spread her cloak around you.

I love you all and bless you now in the Trinity with all the angels and saints in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pass this struggle, I am with you all days and will accompany you on this path of upheaval of the Church today.

"My baptismal covenant shall always be firm": .

My baptismal covenant shall always stand firm.

I want to hear the church.

She shall see me always believing.

And obedient to her teachings.

Thanks be to the Lord, who by grace has made me.

Called to the true church.

Never will I leave her.

The evil enemy and his splendor.

I vow to renounce.

Despise all his power,

Would rather endure suffering.

I flee all works to be.

You end with hellish pain.

Prepare eternal torments.

I walk the right paths.

As long as I live on earth.

Faithful God, protect me.

And let me be blessed.

O make me like your son.

That I receive my reward.

In heaven once forever.

Text: Christoph Bernhard Verspoell, Münster 1810, first verse.

Music: after Joseph Bierbaum, Bonn 1826.


