Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, October 6, 2018
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 5:30 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
You My children, have been waiting for a very long time for a message from My Mother and from Me.
My beloved little daughter Anne was bedridden for almost 5 weeks and has already had the most severe atonement sufferings for 14 weeks. I have given her the liberty that I can take these sufferings away from her at her request, but through this many souls will go to perdition. Therefore, she has given me the consent to continue to bear this atonement according to my will, as I wish and need for the souls who do not want to repent .
I am very grateful to her that she has endured all the hardships that have come her way without grumbling so far. Many will have admired her for not giving up.
It is not easy to endure the most severe anxiety every night and even almost throughout the day, and to see no hope of redemption for these sufferings.
My beloved little daughter, My flower of passion and suffering, I, your Heavenly Father, am very grateful to you for saving so many stubborn priest souls from eternal corruption. They were able to repent and converted with valid confession. Unfortunately you couldn't see them, because they are from abroad.
Now you have decided, My beloved little children, that you want to pray one rosary after another every moment you can make possible and you have put this into practice. Also these rosaries have already borne much fruit. I thank you for being so eager to save so many souls for My Son, the Son of God.
He died on the cross for all to redeem all. But only a few have been willing to fulfill my plan in its entirety. With each priestly son I have devised a special plan of love. Of course, this costs many sacrifices. Each victim is a gemstone. So precious is for My Son every single soul that converts.
My beloved little one, this morning you were allowed to experience a miracle in the Holy Eucharist. You saw how the Holy Host moved back and forth in the monstrance during the exposition within the Cenacle. Afterwards it came out in a double circumference. In this enlarged Host, a beam of rays in the center of the Heart of God was visible in the spectral colors. These changed and moved to the right side of my little daughter Anne. With this she received great pain. She endured it for heaven's sake, and this brought forth abundant fruit, which she cannot measure. These pains lasted also the whole last night.
I, the Heavenly Father, have given you, My little one, this pain and also this miracle so that you may realize that I am really here and will help you to continue to bear the strong atonement sufferings;
Often a hopelessness also occurs when the atonement sufferings take a very long time. It is important then, my little one, that you and she hold out until the end.
Moreover, the evil one attacked you, My little one, tonight. He has upset your mind and you have thought you have lost your mind.
You have given me everything, because you had transferred your whole will to me and have not ceased to revoke it even in this difficult time. It has cost you much nervous power. But I thank you that you have not given up. .
I have put you to the test whether you want to belong to Me completely, even if I demand the hardest of you. You have passed this test. I thank you for your willingness, because it has shown many people that I can ask the impossible. But never will I leave my atoning souls alone. You will be tested, but you will also be richly rewarded after the test.
Stay brave, My little one, Your Heavenly Father is always with you and does not leave you, especially not in the darkest hours.
I have given you the St. Michael Exorcism Pray it several times a day because it will help you to persevere .
You are the preferred ones, for the world mission will be fulfilled.How few people believe in my omnipotence and omniscience. They pursue their own desires and think little of a life of sacrifice. They avoid everything that requires sacrifice. They want to determine their own life and not be controlled by the sky.
I tell you, My beloved ones, only the union of heaven and earth can bring you salvation. The healing of mental suffering can only be determined by heaven. It is often a long and arduous road full of sacrifice and yet there is no other way of truth.
Everything, my beloved ones, will now be revealed, because my time has begun, the time of intervention.
Without Me, without fulfilling the plans of heaven, you are lost.
My beloved ones, today on the feast of the Cenacle I have given you some clarifications so that you can put this information into practice. Our Lady will remain your Heavenly Mother and will take you by the hand to guide you. Give yourselves to her Immaculate Heart and you will not be lost. She will be motherly concerned about you at all times so that you will not be lost.
How many people has she helped even in the most difficult times. They gratefully accepted their help.
She always puts her angels at your disposal so that you can follow the true path. She is the most caring mother.Crying, she must leave many children alone who thwart My plan. Then she cries bitter tears. In many places of pilgrimage these tears are venerated. But also many people despise their help and do not take it up.
How empty are you, My children, if you do not take the advice of your dearest Heavenly Mother. Your souls are burned empty and no light of knowledge shines in them. She wants to give you the light, the light of knowledge and radiance. You get a radiation, because your souls shine in the divine light. This light becomes visible to many people. It radiates outwards and it even allows some to turn back.
My beloved ones, if you keep taking the rosary in your hands it will give you Heavenly Power. You will know it very soon if you pray it often. Your life will change for the better and your problems will be solved. Often everything will be different than you can imagine, because the Heavenly Plans are not always according to your wishes. But follow these plans, for they lead you to the truth and ultimately to eternal glory. .
My beloved children, tomorrow you will celebrate the feast of the rosary. Look forward to this day, for it brings you many special graces. Trust in the help of heaven. Only in this way can you continue to shape your life. Many things will be changeable that you did not expect. Heaven is omniscient, and you are and remain sinful and erring men.
Remain in humility and do not become proud of your achievements. Connect everything with heaven. Then you will be guided safely and cannot go astray. .
I bless you with all the radiance of heaven with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be prepared to fulfill the wishes of heaven, even if they require the most difficult sacrifices from you. You will emerge victorious from all problems. Divine love transcends all earthly things.