Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Ninth Sunday after Whitsun.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12.30pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
My beloved father children, today we are already writing the ninth Sunday after Pentecost. You who believe, you have received the Holy Spirit of knowledge.
You have accepted the mission to live and spread the true faith. Therefore you spread the love that works in you. Nothing becomes too much for you, My beloved ones, because your whole drive is love. You radiate the light that shines from within you.
Let men read from you where there is still true satisfaction. Everywhere discord has come in. Men are in search of true happiness and they do not find it. The psychiatrists and lawyers are booming. One wants to speak out and meets only with deaf ears.
Everywhere people are looking for the true religion. The Only True and Catholic Faith is pilloried. One mocks and ridicules the people who still believe.
The people of today are so far away from faith that they do not even know that there is still an Almighty and an omniscient Trinitarian God in the Trinity. They have been led astray for many years by the authorities. The Holy and True Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite has been forbidden so that the truth would not come to light. The Second Vatican Council has done full work in the Catholic Church.
Well prepared, the Freemasons led the priests astray bit by bit. At first the faithful did not even realize that one wanted to take away their dearest, their true faith.
The pope was manipulated and thus was intended to eliminate one truth of faith after another. The commandments have been changed and everything made easier for the people, for everything is modern after all. To the erring people faith was touted as modern. They realized that they did not need to change either, since the serious sins were abolished, for there is no more hell and purgatory. It was made that easy for the believers, because there are no more sacrifices .
Where is the deep faith now, my beloved ones? Where has the faith of childhood gone? The feeling of the human being has been completely disregarded. Today, if someone really publicly professes the true and catholic faith, he is smiled at and called naive. It fällt out of normality.
My beloved children, are you really asking Me where I, as Heavenly Father, am working today?
You cannot understand everything, why I hesitate so long until I intervene. Why do I watch so long and let these grave sins happen? Am I not the Almighty and All-encompassing God, who knows everything and who holds everything in his hand?
Yes, My beloved children, I know about everything and yet I alone determine the time of the real intervention. But I also know, my beloved father children, that many people who have let themselves be led astray are standing at the eternal abyss. Believe me, my beloved father children, it hurts me infinitely that these men will fall forever into the eternal abyss.
Still they do not grasp the straw that I throw to them again and again.
I see the great need in the souls of my beloved children. I want to save them all from eternal damnation. My and your dearest mother is concerned for your souls. She wants to save them in your Immaculate Heart. How great your longing has become. She comforts Me, the Heavenly Father in your loveliness.
She also wants to comfort all souls in their concerns and needs. How lovingly does she again and again solicit each individual priestly soul? Her heart burns with love, and this love she would like to transmit to others.
My beloved sons of priests, can you all resist this love? When a mother cries, it is touching. But what about our Heavenly Mother? She is the most beautiful of all beautiful and her beauty comes from within and without.
We can never imagine how it looks like in your hearts burning with love .
My beloved children, always direct your attention to the eternal. Everything on your earth is transitory. It stops once. But the eternal is not limited, for it lasts forever. Unfortunately you can't imagine that.
Therefore be prepared. Always be prepared. None of you knows when the last hour has struck. This hour is not made known to anyone. Remain in the sanctifying grace and take the sacrament of Penance often. My children, it is given to you as a gift. Take off all the ballast that weighs you down and start all over again. My Son has given this special sacrament to all who strive to live a life of striving for holiness.
It is not easy, My beloved father children. But if you exclude Me, the Triune God, from your lives, you will have a difficult and dissatisfied life.
I have given you the commandments to make your lives easier. You reach the limits in your daily life and your conscience tells you what is desirable in order not to fall into sin. Most of the time it is the hardest.
But has not My Son Jesus Christ also taken upon Himself the most difficult thing for all men? Has He asked how He can get around this? No, for him there was only one way, the way to redeem all men. He innocently went to the cross and suffered the most severe suffering.
If you have unsolvable problems, first go to the cross of My Son and look at Him and do not get too deeply involved in your own problems. Do not be concerned in the first place about your own advantage. Heaven's plan could be different. First go into prayer and involve heaven. Sacrifice and pray for your enemies .
You will only reach your inner balance when you include the supernature. Often you do not see this at all, because your own ego is in the foreground. That is the course of time. You are sinful people and will never be without sin. Without the relationship to the loving God and Father you will not find peace and happiness on earth.
Unfortunately today's worldly people do not see that. They live there as if there were no God who created them.
My beloved father children, how much did you have to experience with this so-called people's altar, which was simply placed there for you to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast? How many problems have arisen since priests were forced to celebrate a meal "et experimento"?
My beloved priests could not refuse to do anything but obey. They felt they had to obey these bishops. Unfortunately this got out of hand, because nobody felt that the Holy Sacrificial Feast should be destroyed. That was the goal of the Freemasons. They have made it to this day.
None of the priests still asks himself today, where is my loving Jesus Christ, to whom I have sworn allegiance? Does he still transform himself in my hands, when I have given the laity permission to hand out this holiest with unconsecrated hands? Or is Jesus Christ really still satisfied with me when I place the holiest thing in the hands of the faithful and they can do with it what they want? Where then really is the reverence for the Blessed Sacrament? As a priest, have I still contributed to the fact that a disrespect for this "Most High" could take place?
Even today every priest must account for what he has done and what he is still doing. He cannot make excuses for himself by saying that everyone does it and that the bishop has given him the order to do so. Every priest is still responsible today for what he does and to whom he must ultimately render obedience. .
If a superior, a bishop or even the pope commits a wicked act and demands that his subordinates do a wicked thing, the superiors and also the faithful have the right to refuse. .
Only to the Supreme God in the Trinity do I have to give unconditional obedience.
Whether today's bishops and also cardinals have ever given an account of whom they must obey? This is because they are demonstrably subject to heresy.
When the faith is in danger, the Cardinals and Bishops have the duty to inform the Holy Father of this offence and to ensure that these abuses are brought to an end.
Where are you, my messengers of faith? Are you doing justice to your office? If not, then you have to answer for it once before the eternal judge. .
My beloved ones, prepare yourselves all for these end times, for the signs of the times in sun, moon and stars are unmistakable. No meteorologist and no scientist will be able to explain these signs, because I the Heavenly Father alone can interpret these signs.
My children, remain under My protection and do not be distracted. The time of the coming of Jesus Christ in these end times has been reached.
I want to save many more souls from eternal damnation. It repents me for every soul that falls into perdition.
Your dearest mother also suffers immeasurable agony. She begs you, you souls of atonement, do not give up to pray and atone for your enemies, so that they may still be saved.
I bless you with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.