Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Thursday. Atonement night in Heroldsbach.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 5 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today the pilgrims in Heroldsbach celebrate the night of atonement. It is necessary that so much must be atoned for, because the guilt that weighs on Germany is very great.
My beloved, the Heavenly Father looks upon Germany with great sadness. Unfortunately, Germany has not become aware of the global task. The virtues of the Germans have been lost. People live out their lives and no longer feel that they are increasingly falling prey to godlessness.
My beloved ones, why don't you feel that your days seem pointless? My Son gave you the Ten Commandments as a life help andyou have not observed them. You live into the day without performing a prayer.
Believe Me, My beloved ones, you will all be called to account once. How then will you appear before the Eternal Judge when you are asked how you have conducted your life in the True and Catholic faith? When your life comes to an end, it is often too late to repent.
My beloved children live true faith and convert. It is still time. You can still grasp the straw that the Heavenly Father gives you.
He remains the loving Father and always looks to you. He will not condemn you if you feel deep remorse and shed tears over your guilt. He will dry your tears and lovingly embrace you, if only you would understand His deep love. I, your dearest mother, too, am suffering for you and am concerned about your salvation. Wake up at last, for the time of the coming of the Redeemer will appear visible to all in the entire firmament. He will appear with great power and no one will ever be able to fathom this.
He will take the righteous on His side. He will destroy the tares of fornication and separate the wheat from the chaff. .
I say unto you, love one another, and forgive another's trespasses. Bear each other no grudge and forgive. Then your heart will become free. If you are hated, pray for your enemies and do not repay evil with evil. Only love can save you. .
The Heavenly Father in the Trinity is Eternal Love. Try to understand a little bit His love. Eagerly follow him. Then your life will be worth living and your heart will rejoice.
Pray for the priests in this night of atonement, that they will realize that there is only one Holy and Catholic Church and that they will confess to this only Church. I love My sons of priests and I want to bring them all to the throne of the Heavenly Father.
Do you still ask yourselves, what will we inherit if we swear allegiance to heaven? My beloved children, the Heavenly Father has promised you eternal life. You cannot win more. Your joys will be eternal.
Here on this earth you will have to experience much suffering. You will be prepared for eternal life. On your earth you will lose life, but eternity is eternal. You cannot yet understand this, since you are sinful people.
Therefore My Son has given you the sacrament of Penance. You will be washed clean in it, for My Son forgives you all your iniquities. He bears you no grudge. He waits with patience for your repentance. Ah, if you would only understand a little of His love. .
Adore Him, My Son, in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Let no day pass without praying the Rosary. He is your ladder to heaven. Pray it with devotion and a loving mind. .
I, your mother, want to teach you to pray. Come all to my loving mother's heart and let yourselves be refreshed. Surrender into this love and let yourself be infected by the stream of love.
The world is sinful. Turn away from this world and take part in the heavenly joys. You will soon see the big difference as you become deeper in prayer.
Now the Church of My Son is divided. You have longed for this division, because godlessness has spread in Germany. The Heavenly Father has begged His children not to leave the true Church.
Among the people of the world this church has now unfortunately become one church among many. My Son says to you, "The gates of hell will not prevail against them.
Only He alone will rebuild and shape His Church It will rise in new splendor and glory. Amazed, one will fall down before the holiness of My Son .
To you, My beloved children, He will then draw to His right side and give you the reward He has promised you. You will be allowed to receive the crown of heaven and you will be envied for your perseverance. Then your sufferings will finally come to an end. .
My beloved ones, hold on a little longer. I am with you and will not leave you alone. Of course, many things will not be designed according to your wishes.
Ye my children, have not the foresight of the heavenly Father. But He has not forgotten you . This shall be your confidence and hope.
I, your dearest Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, bless you now in this night of atonement with all angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be ready for the coming of the ruler of the whole world and receive His great love. His love is eternal. You will be rewarded for your endurance. Have a little more patience.