Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Feast of the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Today, My beloved ones, I have an important message to give you because you are celebrating the Feast of the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ.

This sacrifice of the Cross is renewed daily at all sacrificial altars where priests celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

I, your Heavenly Father, desire that you, My beloved ones, celebrate this feast in a reverent manner. This month of July is the month of the Precious Blood, in which the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ is especially revered.

My Son has shed His precious blood on the wood of the cross for each one of you.

But even today My sons of priests reject My Son, because in modernism they celebrate the meal fellowship at the people's altar and turn their backs on My Son in the tabernacle. They do not know and do not recognize that this Holy Meal is disgraced and that it means sacrilege .

My beloved children, why do you still not realize that this Supreme Shepherd is spreading heresies and with these heresies is completely destroying the Catholic Church?

Why do you not perceive Assisi? Did not the predecessor of this present Pope, who calls himself Pope emeritus, invite an Antichrist to the meeting of all the representatives of different religious communities? Has he not thereby lapsed into heresy? .

Why did not at least My German cardinals and bishops warn him not to spread these heresies. It would have been their duty, because they still bear the responsibility today. They have not fulfilled this obligation. .

The Precious Blood of My Son still flows today through the veins of My children, My children who bear witness to the True Catholic Faith.

You are My witnesses of faith. "He who confesses Me before My Father, I also confess him.

Bear witness to Me, for I love you. My divine love will never cease.

You receive My Son daily in the form of the Precious Body and Blood. This is your soul food. "He who eats this bread will live for eternity. But whoever receives this body and this blood unworthily eats and drinks the judgment"

Believed and familiar. It is the very last time before my coming.

You already see my signs, which I give you Pay attention to these signs and do not be blind to my attentions .

You can know yourselves safe and loved in My love. I embrace you with My ineffable love.

You of my beloved, remain in my truth also then, when the persecution seizes you. You do not become fickle but remain steadfast in the eternal truth. .

How much, My beloved ones, do I want to spare you this last time before My intervention? I look at your sufferings They are and will become an important jewel. .

If your sufferings increase, My love will surround you in equal measure.

Today you have performed the World Consecration of the Precious Blood in a ceremony before the Exposed Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Do you now feel that My beloved priestly son in Göttingen should perform this consecration? Could I let this emergency situation pass unused? .

Can I appoint a Supreme Shepherd who is addicted to heresies to perform this important consecration for Germany and all of Europe? .

Am I not a god of foresight? Can I not act with full insight? Am I not the Almighty God in the Trinity who wants to refresh you?

Bring me souls, for I will save them from eternal damnation. Heaven is eternal. Take the first place at My wedding table that is due to you. There all persecutions will have an end. You will be rewarded with the most precious gifts of love. .

I, the Heavenly Father, would like to invite you to the Eternal Wedding Feast. Never will I forget you.

Accept this time of persecution and do not give up when the enemy presses you anew. He wants to overthrow you even at the last moment. He tries to test his cunning on you. Do you not recognize the lie? Do you not recognize his intrigues, which he now seizes and plays out to a greater extent? .

Consecrate yourselves again to the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother, who embraces you with love as only a Heavenly Mother can.

With how much love does your Heavenly Mother surround you, for She wants to give you a new birth?  She carries you in Her heart, a heart full of love.

My beloved father children, do you want to save your precious Germany? One wants to destroy it with all violence. Is this mass immigration not preprogrammed? Is it not manipulated?

Show your steadfastness in the Catholic faith and confess it openly before the world. .

Nothing shall upset you. I am with you and recognize My sheep that listen to My voice. You cannot go wrong, for you are equipped with Divine Power.

"I know the ones who are mine and the ones who are mine know me". As the Father has sent Me, so I send you as sheep among wolves. Be ready for this struggle of faith. They want to lead you astray.

With His Precious Blood and Water that flowed from His Holy Side, My Son Jesus Christ bitterly bought the souls at the ransom price of His Precious Blood.

You have become witnesses of my truth, the truth of the whole world. Scream it into your destroyed surroundings through your witness. You do not want to hear it. .

My beloved ones, the God of love in the Trinity cannot be changed; He alone is constant in His great love. .

Unfortunately, the Sacred Liturgy has been changed and this brings with it great consequences. The second Vatican Council must be declared ineffective.

But men have falsified His truth. They give these lies as truth to the world and assert themselves. They sat down above the kingdom of God. They set themselves above the commandments of the all-encompassing God and changed them.

Therefore My beloved ones, My bowl of wrath is filled. .

Keep a My Beloved. Have I not given you all My love? Am I not the loving God in the Trinity? But I am met with hatred. Strong. Strong. Strong.

Islamization is the product of hatred. Satan rages and wants to kill you, My beloved ones even. He is a spirit and he recognizes your weaknesses and makes them his own.

Despise evil and stand up for the truth. Separate yourselves from the people who do not want to go the whole way of truth.

Often you do not recognize them, since you are in the world. The world has many enemies and these enemies press you with cunning words. You do not recognize them when you are in the hectic of the day. Pay attention to serenity. I am with you every day and know of your need.

Think of your beloved Germany and give your time to prayer and sacrifice, which is precious. .

The Rosary is the prayer cord to heaven. It is like a telephone line that can be called up at any time.With this Rosary you can save your country from the Islamic danger of dechristianization. Be aware of the persecution and be ready to fight. .

Use the sacrament of Penance. It will cleanse you from all the guilt that oppresses you and you will receive anew the Sanctifying Grace. You are and remain sinful, My beloved ones. But I will clothe you with the garment of purity. You can move mountains when you go into battle with the Divine Power.

Let love be your driving force, divine love .

How precious was your hour of celebration, for I have set aside for you your beloved Catherine, who is in My heaven. She is the fourth in your covenant and accompanies you. Still the sadness of farewell in the world embraces you. But in heaven this suffering has an end, for these are the eternal joys. You shall hold on to these. I have given you your Catherine as a gift of intercession. Make use of this gift. .

You are still experiencing the difficulties of inheritance. But once everything will have an end, because justice will prevail. I am the just and merciful God and I will reward your patience.

For today, the day of the Precious Blood, I, the Heavenly Father, wish to take my leave of you.

Be blessed, My beloved ones with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of the victory of all angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Be always ready to feel my love It surrounds you in every smallest minute. Your sacrifices become precious if you bear the sufferings in patience. Be ready to fight at all times, the last time, My time of upheaval, has already begun.

Consecration of our country and our neighboring countries to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

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Consecration of Germany and the neighboring countries to the most precious blood of Jesus Christ.

O, Infinite Goodness! GOD of heaven and earth! In Your goodness You created the world, and everything You created shares in Your goodness. Father, look down and see they are good. Father, You love those You created, and You bless them. In Your own image and likeness You created them, and at the same time You made man a temple on earth. Father, how faithless we have responded. We repaid Your benevolence and love with evil. Forgive us, for we have sinned against You. You are right in condemning us.

Will You now forget Your love and not love the world You created? Father, look at Your Son, who was condemned to a shameful death out of love for Your people, and have compassion on us. Consider His blood shed for mankind, and forgive Your people. May the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ heal Your world from the blindness of error and sin. May the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ heal the world from the wounds of corruption and decomposition. May the Blood of Jesus Christ open the eyes and minds of Your children to true values. May the world be healed by the merits of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ be freed [literally, "cleansed"] from its blindness.


End the evils of terrorism, war and bloodshed. Protect the innocent, the weak and the little ones, O merciful Blood of Jesus Christ. Be Thou the Ruler over all nations and let all people know the price of their salvation. Establish in all hearts the kingdom of Your glory, O victorious Blood of Jesus Christ. Enflame hearts with Divine love. Overshadow them with Your Love.


Today we immerse ourselves and with us all people in the ocean of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We bring ours and all the nations of the world before Your Throne of Mercy to consecrate them to You, O Precious Price of our Redemption. Jesus, You are our hope, our refuge, and our salvation. To You we consecrate our fidelity and love from now on. We promise, with Your help, to work for the intentions of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and to cultivate and promote devotion to the adorable Blood of our salvation. We promise to defend life and work for Your Kingdom. Accept us and unite us to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Bless us in love and renew all things in You, O Divine Reconciler. Make us and all people aware that we form one family in one abode, - the earth; that we have one Father, - God; that an eternal home awaits us, - heaven. Undo the confusion of languages in Babylon and help people to speak again the one language of love, O merciful love! May all be united in Christ for the sake of the Kingdom of Peace in the world! Cleanse and water the earth and renew all things in Christ, O powerful blood of our redemption!


Defeat the evil of our day! Conquer the powers of darkness and hurl Lucifer and his followers down into hell. Sprinkle the earth and all men with Your Most Precious Blood, O Divine Redeemer, and grant them salvation. Defeat and overthrow the servants of Lucifer, who rule as leaders over Your people, and bring their rule to an end. Set up a shepherd after Your heart as regent over Your people. Break the chain of evil rulers, O powerful weapon of our salvation, and rebuild our cities in righteousness and love. Free Thy people from the yoke of communism, atheism, false peace, evil in the human will, and the pride of Lucifer. Renew our nations in Your love and make the cities strong in the fear of Your name. Open to all people the gate of our salvation and let them know You, the price of our redemption. You are our hope, our rest and our salvation, O Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.


We immerse ourselves and all people today and all days in the ocean of the Precious Blood, as we consecrate ourselves to You. Keep all people in Your love and draw them completely to You. Only with Your grace can we remain faithful to You. So we ask Your saints, Your angels and especially Your Mother to intercede for us. To You, O Mother Mary, we entrust this act of consecration and devotion. Preserve and perfect it for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. We ask this through Christ our Lord Amen.


Mary, Rosa Mystica, Mother of Jesus Christ suffering agony, pray for us.

- Saint Joseph, Spouse of Mary, pray for us.

- Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

- Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

- Saint Cecilia, patroness of music, pray for us.


Litany of All Saints.

V. Kyrie, eléison. R. Christe, eléison.

V. Kyrie, eléison.

Lead our country Germany and our neighboring countries France, Belgium, Netherlands and Austria to the victory of the Lamb, the victory of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, which we manifest today through this act of consecration. We surrender our country Germany and our neighboring countries to Jesus Christ. We ask Jesus to take possession of our country and our neighboring countries. We ask Jesus to reign in our country and in our neighboring countries. May the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ reign in the world and rule our country and our neighboring countries. We pray for all the people of our country and neighboring countries and consecrate all to Your Precious Blood to herald Your victory.

Victory and power belong to You, O Christ, forever and ever. Amen.

7 x "Christ Reign.


